
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

May 11, 2024





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Today, there are wars in the world, and there are spiritual wars in the spiritual realm. This episode seeks to root out the flawed reasoning and causes for both.

Here, “UNLEASHED!” host Bruce Robertson covers the hot news topics of the day and delves into the key issues that concern us all.

Among them:

  • Election Integrity
  • Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s Proposed Wealth Tax On Unsold Assets
  • Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s proposed amendments to the Ukraine Aid Bill
  • Elon Musk and his campaign to support the First Amendment
  • Evidence of US and UK Governments aiding censorship in Brazil under Lula
  • The Abject Failure of Homeland Security under Secretary Mayorcas
  • Trump vs. Biden on the Campaign Trail
  • The Kangaroo Court Proceedings Against Trump

And the main topic of the day:


If you listen to the words of Donald Trump on the campaign trail, he is running on Christianity and our American founding values. He’s encouraging folks to get a Bible and read it. He’s asking people to pray more. He has exalted the Almighty God as the source of our strength and authority. He calls Jesus Christ the “most famous person in the world” and subjugates himself to Him.

Suppose you listen to and watch Joe Biden on the campaign trail. In that case, he acts selfish, angry, and confused, and he smears Christians as “Christian Nationalists,” as if being a Christian and loving your country is an indictable offense to be ridiculed and rejected. He speaks of a woman’s right to kill a living baby.

Biden is running on death and hate, and it’s pure evil personified.

The two campaigns could not be more different.

When President Trump visits a restaurant or a bodega in Harlem, the people throng around him, eager to speak with him and support him. He’s relaxed, generous, friendly, and warm, totally unscripted and natural, and it’s clear he loves Americans of all backgrounds and creeds. Wherever Donald Trump appears, there’s a crowd of cheering fans, even in New York City. The people love Trump.

When Joe Biden shows up in Scranton or Maryland on the campaign trail, few people care even to greet him. His movements are wooden and stiff, and he has a bewildered look on his face as his handlers shuffle him around to stage scripted photo opportunities. When he gives a brief speech, he often ridicules “Christian Nationalists,” painting Christians as some deplorable and evil subspecies of humans.

The Democrat lapdog media echoes and reinforces this false narrative. They push the idea that Christians believe our government should be either a Christian theocracy or it will be chaos. Nothing could be farther from the truth!

The founders were clear and outspoken that our nation is founded on Judeo-Christian values and that it was specifically designed only to work when governing a moral and religious people.

But Biden and the left use the term “Christian Nationalists” in an effort to completely dismiss Christian morality and values—the very same values our founders held sacred.

This is a common Marxist ploy: to isolate and eliminate all religion. In this case, the goal seems clear: to specifically isolate and eliminate Christianity altogether.

By labeling Christians as “Christian Nationalists,” Biden, the left, and the mainstream media seek to cast shade on Christians with the tainted labels of Nazism, racism, and white supremacy. Never mind that 68% of all Americans identify as Christians.

They are hoping Americans are either too stupid or too distracted to notice as they march our nation and its people further down the Road to Serfdom.

Let’s pray they will never succeed.

Unleashed: The Political News Hour can be heard on weekdays at 7 pm ET on America Out Loud Talk Radio. Listen on iHeart Radio, our world-class media player, or our free apps on AppleAndroid, or Alexa. All episodes of Unleashed! The Political News Hour can be found on podcast networks worldwide the day after airing on talk radio.

Image: AP


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