
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

June 26, 2024





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The so-called Democratic party of the USA, since Obama, has turned into a replica of Stalin’s Communist Party, where everyone must toe the line of the party or perish.

The same despicable anti-American members of the Democrat party who have become masters at deviating and or perverting the original meaning of words to suit their treasonous leftist agenda are all of a sudden horrified to learn from Trump and his supporters that the USA is a Constitutional Republic and NOT a Democracy.

It is, therefore, extremely important to explain to our readers what the differences are and how patriotic Americans should utterly demolish the Democrat perversion of reality with simple, irrefutable answers.

First and foremost, to set the record straight, the word ‘democracy’ is not mentioned anywhere in the American Constitution because the Founding Fathers considered Democracy to be like mob rule.

The critical difference between a democracy and a republic lies in the limits placed on government by the law, which has enormous implications for minority rights.

The Founding Fathers preferred the “rule of law” more than the “rule of majority,” and for this purpose, they framed a constitution (or charter of rights) to protect the people. The most relevant distinction between the two is ⏤ Democracy (rule of majority) while a Republic is (rule of law).

In both types of governance, the citizens elect their representatives in free and fair elections. Both systems aspire to bestow upon their citizens freedom and justice for all. But, ONLY in a Constitutional Republic (charter of rights) can certain inalienable rights that cannot be taken away by the government, such as – the rights of freedom of religion, of free speech, having armed citizenry, etc – become ironclad guaranteed, since in a Democracy, the majority can easily infringe all these rights, as the Democrats have been relentlessly attempting.

A Constitutional Republic is a state that is designed to protect the rights of all the people all the time, whereas a Democracy can’t make such guarantees because a law under a Democracy can be modified by majority voting. In a “pure democracy,” the majority is not restrained in this way and can impose its will on the minority. This is why Democracies can have tendencies to degenerate over time into anarchy or tyranny (as happened in Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany).

Of course, a constitutional republic is a form of Democracy, but it has strings attached that limit any American administration, no matter what majority it may have, from ever infringing the rights enshrined in the Constitution. It eliminates any chance for a tyrant to take over in the USA.

Their nefarious purpose is to portray both Trump and his MAGA people as anti-democratic creatures, more than happy and willing to destroy the freedom of Americans and to frighten ignorant Americans from voting for Trump.

The Democrats have become masters at Projective Identification, blaming their victims for their own nefarious thoughts and deeds. They succeed by dividing Americans, never by uniting them. They invariably succeed because they are more than willing to break every rule and law if they can get away with it.

Hopefully, more and more Americans are waking up to the nightmarish and treasonous Biden administration with its Open Borders, giving undocumented illegals the same rights as American citizens at the expense of these citizens against their will and without their approval.

At last, more Americans are realizing that their income and savings are being squandered without accountability by this administration, mostly on illegal migrants and not low-income Americans or veterans who are in need.

Hopefully, a significant number of Americans wake up to the truth before the November elections and save the Republic from self-destruction.


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Brian Fraser
Brian Fraser
7 days ago

This is from the FBI’s 1960s list of the 45 Communist tactics and goals: 

15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States

29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, oldfashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a world-wide basis.

30. Discredit the American founding fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the “common man.”

31. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of “the big picture.” Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over

I think all of our current problems have their roots in “Stealth Communism”. The Communists have achieved 44 of the 45 goals stated on a list compiled by the FBI back in the 1960s.

Google “StealthCommunism.pdf” and find this quote:

“Communism, in Western societies, takes the form of a stealthy, deluding influence. It is like a fog bank that slowly and silently creeps in over the landscape. It impedes progress and visibility in every direction but offers nothing to come to grips with. It even seems “normal”. But it is like carbon monoxide poisoning. People know something is wrong but their minds are so impaired they cannot figure out what it is. The “enemy” is not visible.”

That is what is happening today. We are being taught to hate each other, and to doubt our form of government as a constitutional republic. We are thinking the way the Communists are training us to think, without even realizing it. And our government and the mass media, and the schools are cooperating!

Americans need to be emphatically and explicitly informed in detail about the subtle tricks and tactics that the Communists have been using on us. Otherwise, our ignorance, the “decadent stupidity of the Capitalists“, will be our downfall.

Strip the trees of leaves and the snipers will be exposed. Then the people will no longer be deceived. WE THE PEOPLE need to expose Stealth Communism!

Michael Day
Michael Day
7 days ago

Stole in the dead of night
Both the POO= litcal bandits
voted for the FEDERAL RESERVE
Both the POO-litcal bandits now as of to today
install a FAKE POTUS
Say democracy over and over
a simple form of hypnosis aka mind control aka enforcement of THE LIE
The system is corruption fool an fool
of EVIL to the CORE
MAGA and my fellow Americans i worked an paid for a very simple genius to explain this madness
and today he is set up an will have a very bad day .
45 , i real wish he was able to say simply why he choose to say
say democracy
and now everything is set for the sound of silence, the sum of all fears
it cannot be avoided ,soon FJB an 45 will be in the same city !

Adler Pfingsten
Adler Pfingsten
7 days ago

“Democracy is the road to socialism.”  Karl Marx

Unfortunately for the neo-Marxist “progressive” movement that began in the early 20th century the God of Abraham/Sinai, Yeshua and 1776, yes 1776, is fully engaged

Go to Xwitter @ Adler Pfingsten and read the article “2-26” and if your curiosity is piqued “A Viable Two State Solution”.

Doing so will be well worth your time.

7 days ago

why? Because had they gone with a Democracy rape would be legal. Simple, you win a cookie.

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