
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

June 27, 2024





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It seems Mr. Biden has played his given role perfectly over the past several years, but has he become more of a liability for the cabal than an asset?

Indeed, no one playing with a full deck of cards believes Biden has been running things at the White House these past three years. But up until the past few months, most of the blind faithful followers of the religion of Uniparty-governmentalism (generally known by its main denomination of the Democrat party rather than its less well-known minority cult – the RINO Republicans) were all willing to give Sleepy Joe a pass. That pass, however, may be coming to an end as more and more of the blind woke are waking up to the fact that American civil government, at all levels today, has been hijacked, and the elites are in a bit of a panic. And besides, with a little help from Hunter, he could be sufficiently caused to stay awake and alert long enough to manage his way through a debate.

As a pawn of the elitists who actually control and run the US government, Uncle Joe has always followed orders to constantly push for the transfer of power from we the people, to the halls of DC. As vice president, the real chieftains kept him out of the limelight, allowing him to ramble on about whatever topic or thoughts his mind would wander around. At the same time, his family shamelessly enriched itself at the expense of the American people. Biden was a useful diversion for the elite. Nobody in power seemed to care what he was up to. He made the perfect VP – a stooge who would stay out of the limelight that was to be focused solely on the cabal’s chosen one, the Democrat’s new messiah – Obama. That he was already headed into cognitive decline didn’t seem to matter to anyone. He was playing the part they needed him to play.

As president, though, the swamp priests and priestesses have been unable to hide Biden’s cognitive decline from the public. The limelight of the presidency is a light that shines 24/7, and its daily highlight reel is broadcast worldwide. Although most Americans with IQs above 90 realized in 2020 that Biden was already several cards short of a full deck, today, even the most blind followers of the Democrat religion have begun to open their eyes and see that Joe is no longer capable of deciding what to eat for lunch, let alone make decisions for an entire nation.

Add to this the millions of illegals who have taken over all the seats at the government spigot of welfare handouts in every sanctuary city this past year, and dementia-Joe’s escapades being so common now that it seems media outlets have a reserved minute each night just to show Sleepy-Joe’s mumblings of the day, it leaves one wondering about just how long the high priests of the swamp will let Joe keep playing the role of president. He is clearly more of a liability for them now. But given it seems his physical health, though poor, is going to outlast his cognitive health, with no sign that his body will give out before the election, the elites must be concerned Joe is going to blurt out a complete sentence one day in public. That sentence is going to be about where some of the bodies are buried in DC and who buried them.

The elite can’t risk that, so it begs the question, at what point will they pull the plug on him? And what form will it take? Will he be told to retire, or will he need to be made retired? And too, what event would provide the best form, forum and timing for the elite’s benefit?

A properly timed passing would not be beyond the desires or capabilities of the vile people who actually run this nation from behind – they have done it many times before. And with grassroots Democrats now running away from the party faster than the cabal can encourage new illegals to come in, it is not inconceivable to think that the swamp’s elites haven’t already set such a plan in motion.

A proper time passing would solve a lot of problems for the Democrats. The likely scenario here is that the elite of the Uniparty and the WEF already have a plan – they are probably just holding off on having him Clintonized, waiting for the right moment when it will lead to the most significant advantage for them. Given his age and health, it wouldn’t even have to be done via the standard Clintonization way. Instead of some horrible accident, or a suicide via three shots to the back of the head, or when the camera just happens to be off, he could have a conveniently timed heart attack or stroke that takes him out.  …who wouldn’t think such was coming soon for him anyway?

The question is: when would the timing be best for the elites? That is when his true friends and family should be most protective of him. There are a few logical options… such as a few days before the Republican National Convention starts. His retirement event, then, would take all national media attention away from the Republicans and Trump. It would allow the elites to pretend they didn’t already make a backroom deal for who would take the top place on the ticket because they could make it appear that the new big guy was elected at their own national convention the week after the Republicans had theirs.

New Big-guy could then give a speech at the convention that would turn the ticket around. (Yes, it will be a guy – let’s face it, the elite don’t really trust women – or minorities – or whites. To them, everyone who is not them is just another useless CO2 excreter – no matter what race or sex.) Yes, it will most certainly be a semi-well-known older politician who will do what he is told – just like why the present Speaker was chosen. And yes, he will only have to give a nice acceptance speech with a few lies in it to bring most of the grassroots right back into the pews of the Democrat church.

If the new big guy states how he believes Biden made a few mistakes, that he will not make the same mistakes. Too, that he will work to bring all Americans back together in peace again, there is no doubt millions of presently angry Democrats will fall for it and come running right back into the fold, being appeased long enough to get past the vote in November.

Then, once the Democrats steal the election again (let’s face it – no state has cleaned up its election system, so why expect this one to be any different than 2020?) and the new big guy is in office, the whole Biden crime family will be let off scot-free as they will be able to blame their dad for everything that they each actually did in selling-out America the past several years. The new president will not even have to pardon any of them – because the scapegoat is conveniently dead.

The majority WILL get fooled again…

See the new boss…same as the old boss….

…And just like the past four years, the swamp creatures of DC will be let loose once again to seek out the political enemies of the elites and to swallow up what little understanding of true liberty and respect for natural rights actually remains in the hearts and minds of Americans.

And no… the event doesn’t have to be right before the Republican convention.

Another time that Biden’s family needs to be especially protective of him would be a couple of weeks before the election itself. If he were to be Clintonized two or three weeks before the election, that would give the elites of the Uniparty perfect cover and timing to use the event to insert their new Big-guy onto the ticket and into the limelight. They would have time to bury Biden and still have a couple of weeks to allow that new Big-guy to make a few baseless speeches of healing and reforms aimed at bringing love and peace to America. The standard Democrat will no doubt come back to support the Uniparty Church again and vote Democrat.

It is all about what would work best for the elites in DC. Here, too, unlike the above scenario of Joe’s retirement taking place right before the national convention, the elites wouldn’t even have to make it appear as if they went to the grassroots of the party to select a new candidate to represent the Dems on the ticket. They could simply march out their already chosen replacement, and he could get right to work on lying to the American people…. and the majority would again swallow it all – hook, line, and sinker.


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Candace Stuart
Candace Stuart
6 days ago

I’ve been thinking for a while that with Biden in a condition in which he could plausibly drop dead at any instant the machine will cause him to do so ‘tragically just before the convention’ and then do a Paul Wellstone (remember that fiasco?) exploitation.

Steven T.
Steven T.
6 days ago

Well yes, of course: if Biden doesn’t leave, he’ll “pass away peacefully in his sleep.” But seriously, the term is arkancide, not Clintonize.

Billy Bob ( aka William Robert )
Billy Bob ( aka William Robert )
5 days ago

He will pass away after the conventions. His replacement, kkkilary, will win.

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