
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

June 30, 2024





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A few weeks ago, a video unexpectedly crossed my path. It featured a young boy in a car seat bravely recounting his encounter with a bully on a playground. Watching him, I was transported back to my own childhood, to countless moments when I faced bullies and struggled to find my voice. His courage struck a chord deep within me and illuminated aspects of my journey that shaped the woman I am today.

I shared the clip with a caption that resonated with many: “This kid nails the essence of me.” Little did I know it would go viral, amassing over 1.1 million views, 80,000 likes, and thousands of heartfelt comments. People from all walks of life shared their own stories and sentiments:

One comment stood out, expressing frustration with teachers’ constraints in intervening with bullies. Another whimsical suggestion is that the boy should be a playground security guard. Amid the reactions, a mother identified herself, proudly introducing her son Krew, the seven-year-old hero of the video. Intrigued, I reached out, and today, I share with you our poignant conversation.

Krew was just six years old when the video was filmed, navigating first grade after a tumultuous kindergarten experience marred by bullying. Krews mother, Kiersten, recounted tearful mornings and futile meetings with school administrators before ultimately deciding to homeschool him. Her decision echoed my own experiences of fear and uncertainty in the face of childhood adversity.

Krew’s story struck a universal chord, stirring memories buried deep within each of us. It unearthed memories of confronting bullies, feeling primal fear, and discovering the strength that lay dormant within me. Now approaching fifty, I reflect not on the dreams of my youth but on the resilience those early challenges instilled. They fortified me to challenge even the mightiest adversaries, including blowing the whistle on the federal government—an act of courage I never imagined possible in my youth.

Stories like Krew’s remind us of the power of courage and resilience. They remind us that one person’s bravery can resonate across millions, shaping perceptions of masculinity and nurturing aspirations for a better world. They remind us of our unique gifts and the profound impact we can have when we embrace them for a greater purpose.

To all the single mothers and survivors of domestic violence, I want you to know: You are enough. Your love and strength are unparalleled, shaping the hearts and minds of future generations. And to absent fathers, I urge you to find your path back to your children. They need your guidance, wisdom, and love in ways only a father can provide.

As we navigate our journeys, may we find the courage to live authentically and boldly. May we draw strength from the knowledge that we are never alone—that our Father in Heaven guides us through life’s trials. Together, let us inspire and uplift, turning our stories of hardship into beacons of hope and resilience.

Remember: You are unique and special. Your journey, however challenging, has equipped you with the strength to overcome. Embrace your path with courage and conviction, for the world awaits the gifts only you can offer.

Krew’s mom Kierstens Instagram:

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