
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

July 1, 2024





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On June 17, 2024, Federal District Judge Danny C. Reeves temporarily blocked the Biden Admin’s Title IX rule change in the case brought by six states against Biden’s attempt to replace sex designation with gender identity using rule changes under Title IX. This injunction comes on the heels of a similar ruling by Judge Terry A. Doughty granting relief to four other states. At least seven other cases have been filed against the rule change, backed by 20 other state AGs, and are presently making their way through the system.

The coverage of Biden’s rule changes uniformly claims that the administration’s rule changes seek to “expand Title IX protections” to include those claiming sex-opposite gender identity. This is categorically false. The designated users of segregated facilities and programs can either be defined by sex or by gender identity. However, since a “trans” identification opposes physiological sex, the designation cannot simultaneously respect both sex and sex-opposed gender identity. Such “expansion” necessarily REPLACES sex with gender identity

This administration’s active and illegitimate promotion of gender ideology represents the highest-level action yet taken in a decades-long effort to eradicate male/female distinction as a cornerstone of social order. Recognition, accommodation, and celebration of human sexual dimorphism is a ubiquitous part of society. This fundamental aspect of human nature is expressed in every part of social and economic order; language, music, theater and literature included.

Suppose recognition of objectively defined sex can be effectively banned, replaced by subjectively defined “identity” by force-of-law. In that case, social order can be re-designed by the all-wise Utopian ruling class.    

Although it would seem sanity may finally be fighting back against destructive ideology, it’s frightening to consider how “successful” this nefarious agenda has been in undermining our common-ground observation of human nature, fabricating an anti-science “medical” industry, and further splintering society.


A courageous reporter in Tennessee is right now being prosecuted for having disobeyed a court order in reporting on the maniacal writings of a deranged spree-killer whose motive had been purposely misreported as “white supremacy.” What possible justification could there be for COURT-ORDERED SUPPRESSION of relevant information about a DEAD perpetrator who INARGUABLY acted alone?

Audry Hale, a girl attempting to “transition” to male, murdered 3 children and 3 adults in a rage-driven shooting spree at Covenant School in March of 2023. Both the “trans” status of the killer and her written rantings were actively concealed by the legacy press, law enforcement, and even a state court, while the narrative about the murders being committed by a “white supremacist” was being aggressively propagated.

Concealing the truth about this was a huge priority to those promoting transgender ideology (and the lucrative field of FrankenSex ‘gender care’ this ideology has spawned.) These people need you to believe that “treating” a depressed girl with testosterone and chronic body-opposition measures turns her into a male rather than a monster.

The phantom construct of “white supremacist terror” cannot be found in reality. But violence is often committed by deranged subscribers to their ideologies, people who craft “identities” around rejection of themselves. In light of that, it makes sense that the ideologues would need to shift blame for such explosive violence.

Remember the “anti-gay bigot” who shot up a Colorado Springs Gay Bar, killing five and injuring 19? He’s actually a self-declared member of the “LGBTQIA+ Community” who identifies as “non-binary.”

But the leftist media needed to present the Alphabet-Sex People as the victims of bigotry rather than victims of the self-loathing they themselves are inculcating with their ideology. So they presented Aldrich, the gender-conflicted killer who turned his hatred on his own, as a “hate-inspired bigot” a manifestation of the “oppression suffered by the LGBTQIA+ community.”

Apparently, the characterization worked so well that it stuck despite the killer’s subsequently revealed “membership” in the community he attacked. He’s just been sentenced to multiple, consecutive life sentences on Federal “hate crime” charges.

I have little sympathy for the unhinged murderers who commit spree crimes. But it’s long past time we expose the purposeful inducement of psychosis that results when people are indoctrinated to oppose their own physiology.


A person’s sex is immutably established (not assigned) at conception (not at birth) by the chromosomal contribution of the sperm (not by oppressive social constructs.)

No human being has ever ‘transitioned’ from one sex to the other. The very best on offer from the newly-minted FrankenSex industry is an elaborate, biochemically, and surgically affixed costume requiring constant upkeep, including active suppression of the patient’s natural sex.


Human beings are sexually dimorphic. Every human is either male or female from conception forward. Tragic malformations of physiology or biochemistry DO NOT compel re-defining normal, healthy, and functioning human biology.

Teaching anyone, especially a teenager or a child, that it’s normal or acceptable to form an “identity” that is at direct odds with his or her physiology sets up the most profound conflict possible: a hatred of self. In some cases, that profound conflict will externalize in criminally insane violence. This destructive ideology has already planted human time bombs among us; people beset by conflict so profound and all-encompassing that they explode in rage that kills. I wish that were the worst of it. It’s not.

Codified subscription to an ideology that opposes human nature also threatens to undermine and collapse every bit of social order that accommodates the existence of male/female difference; nearly everything. And that is the point. These power-seekers demand nothing less than to re-design both society and the human beings who comprise it. Thank God their reign of destruction may finally be coming to an end.

Image: Licensed via AP


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9 days ago

Lord, I pray you bring your judgement against the entire group of liars called democrats, who laugh and spit on truth found in honest science and Your scriptures. I saw what you did in Genesis 18 and understand You will not destroy the righteous with the unrighteous but please find a way to judge them in this present time. It is almost as if they are no longer humans, and one would be hard pressed to think these are made in the image of God, the way they operate.

10 days ago

Great information.

9 days ago

Senator Kennedy laid out the facts…….ANY normal thinking person KNOWS a woman is a woman and CANNOT become a man, a man is a man and CANNOT become a woman!…………..plain and simple, pull your pants down and look in the mirror!
God Created Male and Female….NO OTHER OPTION!
Also of note…the government wants to change the ‘RULES” ….they cannot change ‘REALITY!

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