
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

June 29, 2024





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I’m so happy to share a great achievement with my audience: a big win against the CCP!

According to revealed records, CCP’s No. 1 agent in the US, Liang Guan-jun, has registered a huge and influential organization “United Chinese Associations of the Eastern United States Inc (UCAE),” with DOJ as a foreign agent acting for the Chinese Overseas Friendship Association (COFA, an external name of CCP’s United Front Work Department) on Sep 19, 2023. It is a significant and direct consequence after Liang failed to hunt and silence me using the lawsuit in federal court early last Sept.

Liang is known as a billionaire and pro-CCP campaign leader with American citizenship, based in New York. Meanwhile, Liang also serves as a high-ranking official in CCP’s United Front Work Department, in charge of CCP’s infiltration and espionage and a lot of secret operations (e.g., overseas police stations) in the US since the early 1980s. His various titles include Vice Director of COFA, Executive Director of China Council for the Promotion of Peaceful National Reunification (CCPPR), and Representative of The Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), Guangdong Provincial CPPCC, and Jiangxi Provincial CPPCC.

United front work is a unique blend of influence and interference activities, as well as intelligence operations that the CCP uses to shape its political environment, including to influence other countries’ policy toward the PRC and to gain access to advanced foreign technology. It is coordinated by the CCP’s United Front Work Department and carried out by an extensive network of organizations and individuals operating in and outside of the United States, alongside the PRC’s diplomatic and intelligence activities. These organizations and individuals look to influence universities, think tanks, civic groups, other prominent individuals and institutions, and public opinion broadly.” – The House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party, Nov 2023.

The “UCAE” was established and directed by Liang and CCP in 1990. It was initially composed of 18 overseas Chinese groups and expanded to 221 “member units” at present, most of which are In the name of hometown associations and chambers of commerce. Besides intelligence activities, the functions of UCAE include promoting propaganda, suppressing dissidents, and manipulating public opinions in the US for the CCP’s interests. For example, when former Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen visited the US in 2019, UCAE organized over 1000 people to oppose “Taiwan independence” and beat the pro-Taiwan people. While Liang gave a speech on behalf of “overseas Chinese,” insisting CCPs propaganda that “there is only one China in the world, and Taiwan is an integral part of China.”

We have obtained a classified document about the “73rd anniversary of the People’s Republic of China (on Sep 30, 2022),” in which Liang is stated as the first VIP guest on the ranking list invited by Xi Jinping. It shows that Liang has made a great contribution to the Xi-CCP regime over the past four decades.

To note, the complaint against me in May 2022 claims: “The plaintiff Guanjun Liang is a prominent member of the Asian American Community and is the Director of a non-profitable organization entitled ‘UCAE,’ an organization promoting cultural integration and harmony of Chinese community in the US.”

Liang intends to promote CCP’s “anti-Asian/Chinese” narratives using the influence of UCAE, and suppress the truth of COVID-19 origin via a combination of a lawsuit and CCP’s Fox Hunt operation targeting me (Refer to “How Xi-CCP Regime Failed To Hunt Me Using Lawsuits in the US”). However, after being caught falsifying documents in that lawsuit, Liang‘s crimes triggered the US federal agencies to further investigate him and UCAE’s role in CCP’s unrestricted warfare. Therefore, CCP has to ask Liang to register UCAE as a foreign agent in the US to protect CCP’s assets and secrets with a white flag.

In the registration form, it stated that “As a consequence of the pandemic, UCAE has been non-operational since mid-2020 (with limited exceptions, such as COVID-related charitable endeavors). UCAEUS is defunct and is no longer providing services on behalf of COFA.”

Moreover, in the updated report this April, UCAE repeated the above statement and claimed that “Mr. (Guanjun) Liang, the chairman of the organization, has now returned to China. He is old and sick and has no plans to return to the United States in the near future. Therefore, UCAE ceased operations on November 18, 2021, and ceased to exist. The existing long-term lease in Room 401, No. 9 M Street, will expire on or about November 30, 2024, and will not be renewed. UCAE has not received any funds, including from COFA. UCAE has never received funds from COFA.”

However, it’s CCP’s misrepresentation with the DOJ. If UCAE ceased operations in Nov 2021, how could Liang sue me in May 2022 with the title of UCAE’s Director? While in a CCP’s official report titled “Overseas Chinese are hotly discussing China’s Two Sessions: Contributing overseas Chinese strength to China’s high-quality development” this Mar, “Vice Director of COFA and Chairman of UCAE Guanjun Liang” serves as a trumpet, saying that “China’s economy has shown strong resilience, reform and opening up have been advanced in-depth, and various policies that benefit people and business have been implemented one after another. Overseas, Chinese are more confident in investing and starting businesses in their ancestral country.”

Interestingly, after I described the CCPs failure and tactics via “How Xi-CCP Regime Failed To Hunt Me Using Lawsuits in the US,” the CCP tried to save face via influential news media in Hong Kong. In their article “Exiled researcher Yan Limeng claims to have ‘won the case’” last Oct, in addition to distorting the facts and defamation against me, it also claimed that I “didn’t provide any substantive evidence“ to confirm that Guanjun Liang is a CCP’s agent and the prosecution was an excuse to pursue me. Now, the foreign agent registration form submitted by Liang himself is a big slap in the face for the shameless Xi-CCP regime and its lackeys.

The Voice of Dr. Yan can be heard on Saturday and Sunday at 4 pm. Listen on iHeart Radio, our world-class media player, or our free apps on AppleAndroid, or Alexa. All episodes can be found on podcast networks worldwide the day after airing on talk radio.

Image: Licensed via AP


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  • Dr. Li-Meng Yan

    Dr. Li-Meng Yan is a medical doctor, Ph.D. virologist and independent coronavirus expert. She was educated at two top medical schools in China, Southern Medical University and Central South University. She was also a Post-doctoral Fellow in the School of Public Health at the University of Hong Kong (HKU). Because of her extensive professional network and scientific evidence, Dr. Yan has the distinction of being the only Chinese insider in the west with firsthand knowledge about the true nature of the virus as well as the CCP’s deceptive methods used to disguise their international bioweapons research. Since escaping from Hong Kong on April 28, 2020, she has been interviewed four times by the FBI, including an FBI virologist, and each time she has been deemed credible. Dr. Yan had spent five years researching influenza vaccines when, in January 2020, she was asked to investigate the ‘Wuhan Pneumonia’ that was sweeping that city. With that, she became one of the first scientists outside the Wuhan Institute of Virology to analyze SARS-CoV-2. From her WHO H5 Reference Lab at HKU, she determined conclusively that the virus was engineered in the lab to be an unrestricted bioweapon. She also determined through her investigation that the spread of the virus in Wuhan was not the result of a “lab leak.” Recognizing the great danger posed by the virus and the CCP plot to cover up its nefarious activities, Dr. Yan fled to the United States to reveal the truth to the world. Since coming to America, Dr. Yan has been the primary author of three research reports detailing the lab origins of SARS-CoV-2. Her other accomplishments include a patent-pending universal influenza vaccine as well as highly recommended articles on SARS-CoV-2 in Nature ( and The Lancet Infectious Diseases ( Dr. Yan has attracted worldwide media attention, being interviewed by major news outlets in India, Spain, Japan, Italy, and across Asia. Examples include The Washington Post, FOX NEWS, NEWSMAX, The John Bachelor Show, The Daily Mail, Tucker Carlson Tonight, and ITV in the UK. Listen to Dr. Li-Meng Yan's show at 4 pm on Sat and Sun, and also available on podcast. You'll hear Dr. Yan's views on the latest news and interesting topics, as well as exclusive intelligence about CCP, and the World Geo-Political situation.


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