
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

June 30, 2024





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Wow! I thought I was going to watch a debate on Thursday evening. Instead, I watched a funeral! But isn’t this the Joe Biden we’ve been watching get progressively catatonic over the prior four years?

If you have followed the well-informed speakers and columnists here at America Out Loud, nothing that happened last evening should have surprised you. But for those Democrats and Independents devoting attention to the so-called progressive media these many months, these Democratic Party voters last evening were clutching their asthma inhalers and nitroglycerin capsules to quell their escalating shortness of breath and cardiac panics.

Thomas Jefferson said, “Whenever the people are well-informed, they can be trusted with their own government.” If you still thrust the liberal media and this pathetically deteriorating President who refuses to back away from his lies, then the words “blind” and “deaf” come to mind.

What a shock last night must have been for millions of misinformed, disinformed, and quite frankly lied-to Democrats who’ve swallowed the Soviet-style propaganda they’ve been following over the previous four years.

Given the lies CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and other radical Left-wing outlets have happily peddled about Joe Biden’s health, you have to wonder what else they’ve suckered you into believing about Joe Biden’s Neo-Marxist administration and their policies.

Hysteria among Democrats last night began after the first 10 minutes of debate questioning by CNN’s Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, who I thought did a very professional job of moderating what I’m sure will go down in the annals of Presidential debates as bizarrely historic. And yes, when the dual between Trump and Biden was over, I felt, like millions of conservatives, vindicated for repeatedly calling out the lying media and lying Joe Biden.

Yes, I found satisfaction from watching Joe Biden be Joe Biden in front of perhaps 100 million Americans. There can be no doubt that the Emperor has no clothes nor a functioning brain.

Nevertheless, I’m concerned that a man who took a week to prepare for this debate looked incredulously weak, frail, confused, and well overdue for admission to a nursing home.

For all intents and purposes, Joe Biden is currently in “assisted living care.” Whether he’s at the Whitehouse or away in Delaware on holiday or vacation, this is a fact. Joe Biden spends 40% of his time away from the job—a record for modern-day Presidents.

The job of Jill Biden and Joe’s attending staff is to keep Joe out of the public’s eyes. And last night, this was glaringly obvious. I’m afraid the attending “assisted living” staff are the people running the country, not Joe Biden.

How do you think the Chinese, Russians, Iranians, North Koreans, Hamas, Hezbollah, and every other enemy of America evaluated Joe Biden’s performance?

I’m concerned the Chinese military and leadership are meeting today, planning to invade Taiwan as soon as possible, knowing Joe Biden will be President until January 20, 2025. Should Trump win in November, that window of opportunity will vanish for at least the next four years.

I’m also troubled that Hamas will not release any Israeli and American hostages for the remainder of Joe Biden’s Presidency. And what if Hezbollah unleashes missiles galore on every highly populated city in Israel and Iran jumps into the battle as well? Will it take Biden another week of prepping for a possible Middle East war?

Russian President Vladimir Putin isn’t going to talk peace with a cadaverous President Biden. But you can bet Putin is cheering for Biden to win a second term.

And, yes, we have many, many horrible domestic issues that are crying for course corrections. But as I’ve written extensively here at “America Out Loud,” our foreign policies trouble me most.

Virginia will not declare war on North Carolina or Kansas march on Arizona. But Russia, China, and Iran are existential threats, and these dangerous enemies know they may never see America as weak as she is today under a corrupt Neo-Marxist administration. Our ridiculous foreign policies most assuredly leave us open to fatal harm.

I’ve never subscribed to Joe Biden’s take-no-prisoners style of politics. The 2020 Presidential election was a dangerous fraud perpetrated by Democrats. They found in Joe Biden someone so desperate to be President that they were ecstatic that Mr. Biden agreed to sign whatever executive orders the American Politburo put before him.

Yes, unfortunately, we are in this dangerous and painfully embarrassing position. But we have no one to blame for this predicament but ourselves.

Nevertheless, we have to remain focused on turning out the vote for Donald J. Trump. Don’t believe for a second that this war between two significantly different philosophies of government is over. This debate was one battle and a significant victory, but the war for a return to a sane America isn’t over until trustworthy Americans count the votes.

Ronald Reagan said, “The government’s first duty is to protect the people, not to run their lives.”

I want my life back with far less inflation, a pro-growth, lower tax economy, no more war on energy, a secure border, peace through a strong military, truthful media, a reasonably affordable housing market, and a stop to the sexual and racial indoctrination of our children.

Image: Licensed via AP


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Adler Pfingsten
Adler Pfingsten
2 days ago

Gain the higher vantage where God exists…where things are not what they seem from ground level.

The miraculous 2016 election of Trump has but one analog in history…the Battle of Midway which witnessed all the right assets and all the right people in exactly the right place at exactly the right time for the same reason; to purchase Americans time to rise and confront fascism. You might ask why God would allow Biden to steal the 2020 election but there is an answer; “Sometimes God allows what he hates to accomplish what he loves.”         Joni Eareckson Tada, The God I Love

According to the Convergence Matrix there are but 736 days as of June 28nd 2024 until the end of human history as it is understood with Yeshua as Moshiach in 2026 Jerusalem but between now and then Americans will come to accept the final confrontation between good and evil has begun…pitting those who adhere to the “Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God” against those who do not; the false religion of human intellectual arrogance, Marxianity, posing as a political ideology in an utterly incongruous alliance with a political ideology, Islam posing as a religion…with both seeking to destroy the United States so as to destroy Israel.

It really is that simple…and with the 2020 election theft Trump is now in position to fight the final fight.

Trump, like Netanyahu, have been chosen to lead during the final confrontation hence the reason why God allowed for the 2020 steal…positioning Trump for the final conflict. American Judeo-Christians are Jews of Yeshua’s lesser House of Judah and the reckoning will be as God prophesized in Zechariah 12:1-9:

 “The prophecy of the word of the Lord concerning Israel: Says the Lord, Who stretches out the heavens and founds the earth and forms the spirit of man within him: Behold! I am making Jerusalem a cup of weakness for all the peoples around, and also on Judah, [that he] shall be in the siege against Jerusalem. And it shall come to pass on that day that I will make Jerusalem a stone of burden for all peoples; all who bear it shall be gashed, and all the nations of the earth shall gather about it….And the princes of Judah shall say to themselves, “The inhabitants of Jerusalem were my strength through the Lord of Hosts, their God.” On that day I will make the princes of Judah as a fiery stove among wood, and as a brand of fire among sheaves. And they shall consume on the right and on the left all the nations round about, and Jerusalem shall still stay in its place in Jerusalem…And it shall come to pass on that day that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come upon Jerusalem.”

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