
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

July 4, 2024





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In a desperate quest to garner a few legal votes, the flopped Democrat Party conveniently raised the issue of abortion after the Supreme Court overturned the unconstitutional Roe v. Wade decision. The lawless left found an opportunity to elevate their political standing and ran with it. They deem it a fine way to divide conservatives. Is it working?

Some say we are walking into their trap by transparently defending the right to human life in the womb. Looking to shake off the political albatross from our necks, as illicit Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs calls the abortion issue, many conservatives envision a wise escape by deferring the decision of killing babies in utero to the states. Is this the winning democratic compromise that so many conservatives claim? Or is it a betrayal of our constitutional and God-given right to life?

In a recent Fox News interview, Senate candidate Kari Lake declared herself “completely pro-life” but says she supports killing babies conceived by rape, incest, or if the mother’s health is at risk (whatever that means). She also fully endorses Donald Trump’s proposal to “push it to the states and let the people decide.” She acknowledges that we would then have “50 different abortion laws,” but according to Fox News host Duffy, “That’s democracy in action.”

Before his boast, he cited that 80 percent of women having abortions “would choose life” if they were supported. Lake agreed that at the end of the day, it’s all about “saving more babies.” It seems most people acknowledge an intuitive awareness that the object growing in the womb is a baby, a child – a human life. But ask doctors when life begins (I recently did), and you’ll get every imaginable answer that you’d expect from the general population, ranging from the fertilized egg (zygote) to the child who can survive on his own.

Many good Americans believe that Democrats staged the abortion issue front and center because 1) it distracts from the more pressing issues, 2) it divides conservatives, and 3) It’s the only way Dems can leverage voters on a hot political topic. But if we step into this trap, are we not the greatest of all hypocrites? We shout all day about defending our constitutional and God-given individual rights to life and liberty. Still, we make human life in the womb so cheap as to offer a disclaimer for this population of humans.

Such a devised plan is sure to be thwarted. This proposal will not stand. It will only lead to our own personal destruction. A free and prosperous nation must be a sanctuary for all human life. We are mistaken to arbitrarily assign human residents in the womb to the whim of states, where some would eagerly grant partial-birth abortion and infanticide, and only a few would honor the constitutional umbrella that protects all other human beings. A life-and-death decision becomes a political issue only in a failed state. By our words and actions, we shall all be either justified or condemned—woe to the nation who chooses death.

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