
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

July 1, 2024





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The same perps who sponsored the global plandemic continue to push an ideology of social mayhem that would be cause for celebration in any insane asylum. Secretary of State Antony Blinken calls sexual deviance normal and healthy for society. In his own words, “LGBTQI+ persons deserve recognition of their universal human rights and human dignity.” But he doesn’t stop there. He affirms:

“We will continue to advocate for the rights of LGBTQI+ persons not just because we have a moral imperative to do so, but because it helps to strengthen democracy, bolster national security, and promote global health and economic development.”

Reading between the lines. Blinken thinks you and I are stupid! Since when was the government imposed with advocating for sexual perversion?

What moral imperative demands that we honor their sexual filth and child predation? Please cite one example of how sexual decadence strengthens a democracy — or a free Constitutional republic. A feminized military does nothing to bolster national security. And sexual deviancy destroys both physical and mental health. Sexually transmitted diseases, child abuse, and every imaginable form of evil stem from the LGBTQI+ agenda.

That’s why the feds are pushing it so hard. It is a huge part of the “takedown America” agenda. That is why Blinken lies to our faces and calls evil good. And that’s why normal, healthy Americans all across the country are finally pushing back. We should push until this dark empire is toppled and pulverized!

If Joe Biden’s Equal Employment Opportunity Committee (EEOC) has its way, gender identity will become a dangerous fallacy that will be illegal to challenge in the workplace. Redefining “sex” under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 will lead to “irreparable harm” to state finances and sovereignty, says Texas AG Ken Paxton. His lawsuit is 75th in the stacking litigation against puppet Biden.

Senator Roger Marshall (R-Kansas) recently introduced an opposing measure to this disturbing convolution of justice. His arguments against such a Title VII change are noteworthy. First, it threatens to override state laws banning gender transition surgeries. Second, it could force faith-based (i.e., Christian) healthcare providers to perform these mutilations. Third, it is apt to mandate that transgender-affirming care be covered by all healthcare insurance providers. This would include Medicaid and Medicare since the rule amends the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare).

I agree fully with Blinken that sexual propaganda, predation, and promotion deserve recognition, but the recognition it deserves is antithetical to Blinken’s motive. It should highlight the crimes against humanity this diabolical agenda has caused. We’ve all seen how many recent mass murderers belong to the sexual misfits’ club.

Many have seen or lived firsthand the abuse that comes from all-ages school pornography and student predation by LGBT-minded teachers. Suicide is a daily reality for the trans community. They are mentally unstable people. They are caricatures disfigured by Mengellean butchers of organized medicine. Everyone hurts when afflicted by the sexual sin that our ruthless government promotes.

Should we not stand against this evil now, America is sure to collapse. We are closely and rapidly following the blueprint of failure of the Roman Empire We are continuing down the slippery slope to Sodom and Gomorrah. The Boy Scouts of America is a shamed institution that had tremendous potential for good. But look what it has done to our youth. And the Girl Scouts of America are likely, not better. Both organizations are a gateway to depravity.

Thankfully, the U.S. Supreme Court has allowed to proceed with the lawsuit against the Boy Scouts that seeks a $2.46 billion settlement for the sexual molestation of over 82,000 men, more than 12,400 over the age of 70. The emotional pain from sexual abuse is devastating beyond description. It destroys lives and scars its victims for life. Many can never achieve normal sexual relations because of the emotional pain the abuse brings. This is shameful.

But our State Department sees fit to protect this demonic business, having just released a gender identity threat alert for LGBTQI+ Americans traveling abroad. But make no mistake; this was a planned message preceding June’s Pride Month festivities right here on homeland soil. Blinken wants no glitches in selling the lies of transgenderism to further destroy our legacy of a once-godly nation.

Blinken belongs in an asylum for the criminally insane! His crimes need no announcement. And he is crazy for thinking his license for abuse advertisements will sway the rational people that still constitute the majority of American citizens. A free republic is a godly, morally upright people, by prerequisite. The month of June is an opportunity to shove this pile of dung back down their throats. The moral standard of God must stand if we ever hope to save America.


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Adler Pfingsten
Adler Pfingsten
1 month ago

When one comes to accept the false religion of human intellectual arrogance Marxianity has implemented the dark strategy Ludwig von Mises termed “Planned Chaos” then the seeming madness that surrounds gains focus i.e. disrupt, disturb, dislocate, distract, destroy, disorder, dislodge, demean, displace, damage, devalue, diminish and degrade every aspect of the Judeo-Christian American culture while disparaging and disappearing its history…discord until disgusted and dissatisfied Americans come to believe the Constitution is dead and in need of replacement with a social justice blank check like that of South Africa so admired by Obama.

The alphabet of sexual preference/perversion along with gender identity is in violation of the “Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God” and designed to destroy the fabric of JudeoChristian America…God’s country. The moral law of Sinai is still in force and regardless of what anybody may say including Leviticus and Deuteronomy. 

“And a man who lies with a male as one would with a woman both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon themselves.”                                                 Leviticus 20:13

“A man’s attire shall not be on a woman, nor may a man wear a woman’s garment because whoever does these [things] is an abomination to the Lord, your God.”                                                                               Deuteronomy 22:5

Steve LaTulippe, MD
Steve LaTulippe, MD
Reply to  Adler Pfingsten
1 month ago

Yes, God clearly opposes any perversion of His awesome creation plan that truly makes man whole.

Col.& Dr. Mike
Reply to  Adler Pfingsten
1 month ago

When did we get the Judeo-Christian come into being,?

Col.& Dr. Mike
1 month ago

Finally Putin gets a pass from the conservative media.

Col.& Dr. Mike
1 month ago

Just in case your still playing Lee Greenwood try watching a few minutes history.

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