After Dark
Weeknights 9 pm ET
After Dark will get you caught up on current events, culture, politics, entertainment, and everything in between just before you retire at night. The show will have an array of engaging panels and guests to analyze and break down current events so that you are prepared for the next day. Tune in Monday through Friday as we wrap up the day just… After Dark.
Rob is the founder of The Multicultural Conservative Foundation, whose mission is to promote conservatism’s political diversity through social media. He has been interviewed by many independent news organizations regarding his views on black conservatism. In addition to writing and blogging, he is the author of a self-help book, “That Job Just Isn’t Into You: Starting Over When It’s Over.” Andrew is a social media pundit, writer, and podcast host. He believes in traditional Conservative values, including the right to free speech, America First, limited government, and the Bible.

America Out Loud Network © – After Dark will get you caught up on current events, culture, politics, entertainment, and everything in between just before you retire at night.
After Dark with Hosts Rob & Andrew – Politicians in Washington, DC, are past their prime. From 89-year-old Dianne Feinstein to President Joe Biden, old-timers continue to show just how out of touch they are with the real world. This is not exclusive to one political party. Republican senator Mitch McConnell is one example from the Republican party who has been exhibiting obvious age-related issues. For the second time in as many…
After Dark with Hosts Rob & Andrew – With Labor Day behind us, the race for the White House officially begins. Currently, the two front contenders are Joe Biden, the current occupant of the White House, and Donald Trump, the former occupant and 45th president. The stragglers who are hoping to give them a run for their money are falling in place behind the two front runners. The stragglers behind Trump could possibly gain…
After Dark with Hosts Rob & Andrew – Censorship has been rampant for years on all of the major social media platforms. From shadowbanning to deboosting to outright bans, social media companies have become more and more emboldened. A few years ago, one would have never thought banning the President of the United States would be a thing, yet, here we are. When Elon Musk purchased Twitter, everyone was hopeful new…
After Dark with Hosts Rob & Andrew – A racially motivated shooting took place in Jacksonville, Florida, over the weekend, and a federal hate crime investigation is underway after a white gunman, using a swastika-labeled AR15, killed three Black people at a Dollar General store. The shooting tragically took the lives of Angela Michelle Carr, 52, Anolt Joseph Laguerre Jr., 19, and Jerrald Gallion, 29. The gunman was quickly identified as…
After Dark with Hosts Rob & Andrew – The Republican debate was last week, and people have had a lot to say about what took place. Without Trump in attendance, it was an opportunity for a new star to emerge. Instead, no one really stood out, and many may have even suffered setbacks. Many hopefuls were completely out of touch with the majority of Republican voters and supported things like sending even more money…
After Dark with Hosts Rob & Andrew – Did the government secretly inject a serum in the COVID-19 vaccine that’s controlling our minds and thoughts? Is it possible that the thought pattern of those who took the vaccine is susceptible to believe whatever the government says? This sounds may sound far-fetched or science fiction, but there is a portion of America’s population who believe it is true. While some would say this is merely a…
After Dark with Hosts Rob & Andrew – All we need to know about the first RNC GOP debate in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, is that any of the candidates on the stage Wednesday night would do a much better job as president than crooked Joe Biden. And that is a fact. Of course, each of the candidates was trying to outshine the other and hoping for that one standout moment that would dominate the news cycle. After all, it has…
After Dark with Hosts Rob & Andrew – So it begs the question, why is Hunter Biden recuperating “I meant staying” there? Quiet as it’s kept by the White House and Joe Biden, the first son, Hunter, has been staying there off and on. He should be with one of his baby mamas or at least with one of his many professional sex workers, aka prostitutes. How are they getting inside without the public seeing? Could it be, they too, enter the…
After Dark with Hosts Rob & Andrew – “How did a very ordinary black woman from the streets of Harlem, New York, come to the point in her life of being an outspoken advocate for all Americans who have been trapped in the mindset of the Democrat Party?” That is the question posed to readers in the introduction of the popular book “Escaping The Racism Of Low Expectations” by the author Barbara from Harlem, aka Rev…
After Dark with Hosts Rob & Andrew – How many indictments with 91 charges is enough 4? When does it ever stop? Hopefully, the American people hear and understand the message loud and clear. The recent indictment of former President Donald Trump and 18 members of his inner legal circle by a grand jury in Fulton County, Georgia, sends a clear message to the American people “The justice system isn’t your friend…
After Dark with Hosts Rob & Andrew – Television talking heads and social media pundits have already started questioning whether or not the 45th president will and should participate in the first 2024 Republican Primary debate on August 24th in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The hosts of “After Dark” see no reason for him to grace the debate stage with his presence. There is nothing to be gained from his appearance other than to give…
After Dark with Hosts Rob & Andrew – David Weiss being appointed a special counsel to further investigate the alleged corruption of the first son is a complete sham. It’s just another attempt by the Biden Administration to insulate his white privileged son with a “D” (Democrat) behind his name Biden. Don’t be fooled by Meritless (as Trump has named him) Garland’s announcement of a special counsel. Nothing about…
After Dark with Hosts Rob & Andrew – It is a known fact in the business community that most, if not all, business deals are made over dinner. So it is very important who you choose to have dinner with and bring to dinner when closing a business deal. And who would know this better than the first son, Hunter Biden, and his somewhat silent partner dad, Joe Biden? Contrary to what the liberal media and the Biden White House…
After Dark with Hosts Rob & Andrew – If he is or if he isn’t isn’t anyone’s business but his. But if he makes it our business, then it is our business. What is “it” all about? Well, “it’ is the latest revelation coming from the camp of a former president, and this time “it” isn’t about Trump. It is about former President Barack Obama. According to a recently published article, Obama apparently shared with a former girlfriend that he…