After Dark
Weeknights 9 pm ET
After Dark will get you caught up on current events, culture, politics, entertainment, and everything in between just before you retire at night. The show will have an array of engaging panels and guests to analyze and break down current events so that you are prepared for the next day. Tune in Monday through Friday as we wrap up the day just… After Dark.
Rob is the founder of The Multicultural Conservative Foundation, whose mission is to promote conservatism’s political diversity through social media. He has been interviewed by many independent news organizations regarding his views on black conservatism. In addition to writing and blogging, he is the author of a self-help book, “That Job Just Isn’t Into You: Starting Over When It’s Over.” Andrew is a social media pundit, writer, and podcast host. He believes in traditional Conservative values, including the right to free speech, America First, limited government, and the Bible.

America Out Loud Network © – After Dark will get you caught up on current events, culture, politics, entertainment, and everything in between just before you retire at night.
After Dark with Hosts Rob & Andrew – Since Bagheri started organizing her rallies, she said, local law enforcement in California has been harassing her for exercising her rights guaranteed under the Constitution. She said she hopes other people will join in and support her efforts to expose the left and its woke agenda, which is bad for America…
After Dark with Hosts Rob & Andrew – Punishment for criminal activity ceases to exist, emboldening the criminals even more. Criminals no longer fear law and order. In some cases, it seems some laws like “no cash bail” aid criminals. The only way to turn this around is by voting, and that vote must be for a Republican candidate. New York Post journalist Heather Robinson joins…
After Dark with Hosts Rob & Andrew – It’s hard to believe that in this day and age, in 2022, we are having a conversation about what is a man and a woman or male and female. The answer to both was provided in the creation story of Genesis in the Bible. Science and biology have also given us the blueprint with XY and XX chromosomes. We are all told to follow the science…
After Dark with Hosts Rob & Andrew – If Democrats aren’t voted out of office this November, the loss of American blood will only increase and impact more families. It is evident that Democrats who have supported defunding the police and no-cash bail will not save us. They would have us believe that the violence we witness daily is non-existence, but we know…
After Dark with Hosts Rob & Andrew – Just when we thought Biden had a moment of clarity, albeit late, by declaring the COVID pandemic was over, Dr. Fauci came in and immediately put the kibosh on it. Not so fast was the message from Fauci. The numbers are still too high. We can not end the COVID “red scare” and allow Americans to resume their normal…
After Dark with Hosts Rob & Andrew – Rep. Ted Lieu of California is known for talking a lot of noise on Twitter and not doing much for his California constituents. Well, he better look out because there is a new guy in town named Joe Collins, and he is eyeing Lieu’s seat in Congress. Collins plans to capitalize on the failures of the Democrats…
After Dark with Hosts Rob & Andrew – It’s now evident Democrats support illegal aliens coming across the border just as long as they don’t end up in their backyard. This fact became evident when 50 illegals were recently dropped off at the tony vacation spot of Martha’s Vineyard. Instead of being greeted with open arms, within 24 hours, the illegals were immediately carted off the…
After Dark with Hosts Rob & Andrew – What exactly isn’t happening ⏤ the unity that Biden had promised when he took the oath of office in 2021? Also not happening is a stable economy. What we have is an economy plagued with high inflation and a looming recession and an ever-broken border crisis. Indeed these things are nothing to celebrate…
After Dark with Hosts Rob & Andrew – Crime is at an all-time high in our most populous cities. Murder and rape are through the roof. All of this started happening during the last 18 months that Joe Biden took office. The liberal media will say it isn’t so and don’t believe your eyes or the numbers. Yet, you can’t escape it…
After Dark with Hosts Rob & Andrew – Right now, your money belongs to you, but after December 13, 2022, a new world financial order will be in place if Biden is successful in implementing Executive Order 14067, your bank account and how and when you access the money could change…
After Dark with Hosts Rob & Andrew – Never in a million years would anyone think that parental rights would be under attack, but it is. What’s frightening is that these rights are being challenged by our government, where the Democrats are basically in control. It is a dangerous time to be a child in America in 2022…
After Dark with Hosts Rob & Andrew – You either want law and order, which brings stability, or you choose chaos. Over the past 18 months, the country has witnessed massive chaos in just about every major city. From coast to coast, LA to Chicago and New York, we are witnessing a wave of crime that we have never seen before…
After Dark with Hosts Rob & Andrew – Let’s face it if we are going to hold Trump responsible for (as they say) being careless with these allegedly classified documents, shouldn’t the FBI or DOJ also be held responsible for allowing the information to leak from its possession and to the media? Nothing about this makes sense because if it did…
After Dark with Hosts Rob & Andrew – Democrats have taken the African Americans and Hispanic’s votes for granted. Guerrero, who is Mexican-American, is one of the many Hispanic Americans running for political office as a Republican in the key battleground states of California and Texas. The one-time mayor of Cudahy, Ca, said voters are tired of the divisive…