After Dark
Weeknights 9 pm ET
After Dark will get you caught up on current events, culture, politics, entertainment, and everything in between just before you retire at night. The show will have an array of engaging panels and guests to analyze and break down current events so that you are prepared for the next day. Tune in Monday through Friday as we wrap up the day just… After Dark.
Rob is the founder of The Multicultural Conservative Foundation, whose mission is to promote conservatism’s political diversity through social media. He has been interviewed by many independent news organizations regarding his views on black conservatism. In addition to writing and blogging, he is the author of a self-help book, “That Job Just Isn’t Into You: Starting Over When It’s Over.” Andrew is a social media pundit, writer, and podcast host. He believes in traditional Conservative values, including the right to free speech, America First, limited government, and the Bible.

America Out Loud Network © – After Dark will get you caught up on current events, culture, politics, entertainment, and everything in between just before you retire at night.
Joe seems to be declining at a very fast rate. He barely gives press conferences, and when he does, he is confused and can barely articulate his thoughts. The media would have us believe that it is a speech impediment problem Joe is experiencing. This is disinformation on their part, for it simply isn’t true. Social media expert Bebe Diamond joins the…
The Great Reset and how the left uses the Covid-19 to push through their agenda to change the world. Clark shares ten points of information that all should be aware of that encapsulates the left’s great reset. If we are to prevail, we must be armed with the truth and our vote to defeat those who are eager to change the world and turn it into…
Suddenly now faced with the possibility that they will have to share the once exclusive Twitter playground, where they were allowed to bully others and even kick them off, they are having meltdowns. Some are threatening to leave the playground altogether and never return. Hopefully, Musk will be able to return the once electric thrill that Twitter once had and…
When will these companies learn to stay in their own lanes and do what they do best? Either entertain us with their products and services or face the wrath of the consumers when they close their wallets. As former President Donald Trump once said, during one of his rallies, “woke equals broke.”
Following the release of a tape with the Minority Leader conferring with Liz Cheney about Trump being responsible for Jan. 6, there is no doubt he is not the person for the Speaker position. The Congressman has denied blaming former President Trump for the events of Jan. 6, but clearly, it is his voice on the tape speaking with Cheney…
CNN+ had promised to deliver high-end content that subscribers would not want to miss. According to news insiders, Zucker plunked down nearly $300 million to get the service up and running. Before the streaming service’s debut, he got canned by the network earlier this year for having an alleged affair with a consenting colleague…
At the moment, many Americans on both sides of the aisle are excited that they can rid themselves of the repressive mask. The masks have been part of their lives for nearly two years. While many have taken to throwing the mask in the garbage, left-wing commentators are not happy and vow to continue wearing the mask and hope the…
Feinstein, who is the longest-serving senator, becomes “president pro tempore,” which technically makes her the presiding officer of the Senate when the vice president is absent. This would place her in the direct line of succession for the presidency…
For the past 18 months, crimes committed by blacks get less coverage than those committed by whites for the same offenses. It would seem this is done to tip the scale of justice for blacks making their crimes appear less of an offense in the media. A democracy requires all to be treated equally under the law…
Who is Elon Musk? He is not a conservative or a liberal. Neither is he a Democrat nor a Republican. Who is Musk? Musk is an American billionaire and the richest man in the world at the moment, who believes in the First Amendment and what it says about freedom of speech…
The video, which has garnered million-plus hits, depicts Biden as a failed, frail, fragile, and feeble leader of the free world. Harris is seen trying to guide him through a press conference. Although the liberal media, who managed to shield the Biden/Harris Administration from such mockery in the past, hasn’t been successful in…
Fauci returns just in time to scare everyone back inside and make the case for possible mail-in bailouts come November. While the mid-term election is some time away, better he sounds the alarms now than later to help Democrats in an election that promises to be a blood bath. Join us for our One Year Anniversary celebration…
One promise Biden made and hasn’t kept was canceling millions of dollars in student debt. From the look of things that promise will never happen. Biden’s failed promise to pay off student debt is the topic of conversation for the hosts of “After Dark” and their guest Shawn G…
Obama’s return was like old times when he was president and Joe his vice. His once-loyal subjects, now members of Joe’s Administration and Democrat politicians, all surrounded and welcomed him with open arms. Looking in at his return, one would have thought he had never left and things had never changed, but things had changed…