After Dark
Weeknights 9 pm ET
After Dark will get you caught up on current events, culture, politics, entertainment, and everything in between just before you retire at night. The show will have an array of engaging panels and guests to analyze and break down current events so that you are prepared for the next day. Tune in Monday through Friday as we wrap up the day just… After Dark.
Rob is the founder of The Multicultural Conservative Foundation, whose mission is to promote conservatism’s political diversity through social media. He has been interviewed by many independent news organizations regarding his views on black conservatism. In addition to writing and blogging, he is the author of a self-help book, “That Job Just Isn’t Into You: Starting Over When It’s Over.” Andrew is a social media pundit, writer, and podcast host. He believes in traditional Conservative values, including the right to free speech, America First, limited government, and the Bible.

America Out Loud Network © – After Dark will get you caught up on current events, culture, politics, entertainment, and everything in between just before you retire at night.
It is possible Musk, who has been critical of Twitter censoring free speech, might bring former President Trump to the platform, or he may disband the platform. While the latter seems a bit drastic, the eccentric billionaire has floated the idea of creating his own social media platform that would compete with Twitter…
Schools are forcing “adult sex education” on kids as early as pre-school. They are also challenging children and having them question their birth gender. If that isn’t enough, some schools recruit children to form gay and transgender clubs and listen to suggestive music promoting a gay lifestyle. And yet, they say there is no gay agenda…
“The Big Guy” has a lot of explaining to do. From a legal standpoint, the situation is getting dicey. The “Big Guy” could be looking at a federal indictment depending on his involvement with things alluded to in the laptop. If it is proven to be Joe Biden, the question becomes, will Joe pardon himself?
Hunter is the son of P(resident) Biden, and with that connection comes privileges. Call it what you may ⏤ white privilege, liberal privilege, or the privileged that comes with being the son of the most powerful man in the world. The fact that Hunter was able to escape the media’s scrutiny up until now is astonishing…
With so many competing secular forces and agendas in society, one must be rooted in the salvation of the Bible and know where one stands with your Christian beliefs. Unabashedly afraid or ashamed to declare one’s faith in God is important. Unlike Ketanji Brown-Jackson, who was asked about her faith and demurred, Cynthia Garrett isn’t…
The man is a walking talking time bomb. But what waits for us on the other side is nothing desirable. Heather Robinson of the New York Post weighs in on invoking the 25 Amendment. While she agrees that Biden isn’t the man for these times, she’s glad his actions toward Russia haven’t been hawkish on war. Having Harris or Pelosi at the top of the helm…
Brown-Jackson like many of her woke contemporaries, is attempting to redefine a reality of science that can’t be theoretically, physically, logically, or scientifically redefined or challenged. It’s just fundamental science or even biology 101. If you have two XX chromosomes you are a woman and a man if XY chromosomes. There is simply no way around it…
The purpose of his trip was to present Biden on the world stage as a wartime president and to clean up the mess by his “Vice “Resident” Kamala Harris earlier this month. Unfortunately, it didn’t go as planned. Biden made more of a mess with his messaging than she made…
Race ruled the day; instead of the content of character. Common sense made no sense because reality ceased to exist. Biology became subjective, with women becoming men and men becoming women. Science was no longer looked upon favorably, and society just made things up as they saw fit. Now, of course, if you were explaining this to someone or having them…
Two decades ago we weren’t saying men were “real” women or men could have babies, but today we are. Who would have ever thought men would be competing in women’s sports and dominating it? Then there’s sex education in schools where discussions used to be about puberty. Nowadays sex education focuses on gender, masturbation, oral and gay sex…
Biden had already promised his base, during the election of 2020, that if elected president he would nominate a black woman to the high court. While Biden has every right to select the person he thinks would best serve the high court, the way he went about it not only taints the process, but also makes light of Jackson’s achievements and qualifications as a jurist…
Not sure if Jen Psaki and the left-wing media will be able to spin this for ole’ Joe; as much as they would like for the laptop story to go away, we won’t let it. We will stay on top of Joe’s continued missteps with Ukraine, rising gas prices, inflation, and border crisis. We will also keep an eye on China and every move they make toward Taiwan…
When Saudi Arabia, one of your largest trading partners in the Middle East, refuses to accept your call ⏤ it has become embarrassingly bad. This is the predicament the Biden Administration finds itself in. Despite all of the embarrassing moments this past week and before, the left will never concede that the country is in a bad place with Biden…
The City recorded a 41% increase in overall major crime during the first months of 2022 compared to the same period last year, including a nearly 54% increase in robberies, a 56% increase in grand larceny incidents, and a 22% increase in rape reports. Dr. Devi Nampiaparampil recently had her own encounter with the City’s criminal element when riding the subway…