After Dark
Weeknights 9 pm ET
After Dark will get you caught up on current events, culture, politics, entertainment, and everything in between just before you retire at night. The show will have an array of engaging panels and guests to analyze and break down current events so that you are prepared for the next day. Tune in Monday through Friday as we wrap up the day just… After Dark.
Rob is the founder of The Multicultural Conservative Foundation, whose mission is to promote conservatism’s political diversity through social media. He has been interviewed by many independent news organizations regarding his views on black conservatism. In addition to writing and blogging, he is the author of a self-help book, “That Job Just Isn’t Into You: Starting Over When It’s Over.” Andrew is a social media pundit, writer, and podcast host. He believes in traditional Conservative values, including the right to free speech, America First, limited government, and the Bible.

America Out Loud Network © – After Dark will get you caught up on current events, culture, politics, entertainment, and everything in between just before you retire at night.
Last week’s press conference with Joe seemingly giving Russia the ok to invade Ukraine and the failed attempts by his team to clean up the mess is evidence. Is Biden gaslighting the American people with Ukraine to keep them from seeing his failures as a leader? They charge Republicans and the media to hold Biden and his administration accountable for…
While the left sings the virtues of fairness and equity, our society is disintegrating all around us, and for what? To protect criminals who aren’t concerned with obeying the law? Sure some of them have mental issues, but the hosts of “After Dark” aren’t buying this as a…
Yes, things look mighty bleak for the Biden Administration, and his failed Build Back Better bill. Not one accomplishment for Biden, and this week marks his first year being in office. With the mid-elections 10 months away, Democrats are frightened of a red wave building. The country is almost crying out for a red wave, but the hosts are optimistically cautious…
The story is about 22-year-old Lia Thomas, a swimmer at the University of Pennsylvania. Thomas has been dominating and shattering swimming records on the women’s team. What makes the story so important is the fact that Thomas isn’t a woman. Thomas is a biological male who has become a female. Chris Tremoglie recently wrote a two-part story for the Washington Examiner about Thomas…
Recently Biden gave a speech in Atlanta where he called anyone disagreeing with his voting rights bill a racist. Biden has consistently labeled anyone disagreeing with him as being a racist or white nationalist. However, a closer look at his record reveals Biden has cozied up to known segregationists like Bull Connor and George Wallace. With all of this being known, it is now time to grade Resident Biden’s first year in office…
“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by their character.” In honor of Martin Luther King’s birthday, the hosts of “After Dark” welcome author and public speaker, Barbara From Harlem and Bebe Diamond, to discuss his dream and teachings…
They are pushing for election reform under the guise of making elections fair. In actuality, a fair election is the last thing on their agenda. They want to move the elections from state control and make them federal. They want to allow non-citizens the right to vote, increase the number of days to vote, allow for mail-in ballots. In short, they are looking at a power grab…
Yet here we are at a time of misinformation over vaccines, voting rights, perceived racism, among other things. What’s so damning is our elected officials, the people chosen to represent us, are causing more harm than good with disinformation created for political gain…
It happened during oral arguments when Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor and the other justices were hearing the legality of the Biden Administration vaccine mandates. When questioning the mandate’s validity, she incorrectly said there were over a hundred thousand children in hospitals and on ventilators. Many legalese were left scratching their heads…
When it came time to discuss the Omicron variant of the virus, they said it had hospitalized hundreds of thousands of kids and killed some. They even lied on Joe Manchin and said he was in talks with the White House on Build Back Better. Not true at all. Why so many lies from the left?
The truth is elusive because Democrats, who are now in charge of Congress, know that Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House, was responsible for protecting the Capitol but didn’t. As a result, they have created a tapestry of lies designed to damage Republicans. Why? They are afraid of the GOP gaining power and exposing the truth about…
Jeff Dornik was recently banned from Twitter and not given an option to appeal. The reason for his ban isn’t exactly clear. Although Dornik is now on other social media platforms geared toward conservatives, he doesn’t necessarily think this is the way to go. He feels that social media platforms should consist of an array of…
One of the hosts of “After Dark,” who is twice vaccinated and in good health, got Covid-19. His eight-year-old son is now looking at a required vaccine mandate in order to eat at restaurants and possibly attend school. If you are confused by all this, you aren’t alone!
While reports indicate the new variant isn’t as deadly as the first, it is highly contagious. The variant isn’t expected to reach its peak until the middle of January or February and then level off. Meanwhile, the country is in a kerfuffle trying to get tested so that life can resume, but that has proven impossible, for there aren’t enough testing kits available