After Dark
Weeknights 9 pm ET
After Dark will get you caught up on current events, culture, politics, entertainment, and everything in between just before you retire at night. The show will have an array of engaging panels and guests to analyze and break down current events so that you are prepared for the next day. Tune in Monday through Friday as we wrap up the day just… After Dark.
Rob is the founder of The Multicultural Conservative Foundation, whose mission is to promote conservatism’s political diversity through social media. He has been interviewed by many independent news organizations regarding his views on black conservatism. In addition to writing and blogging, he is the author of a self-help book, “That Job Just Isn’t Into You: Starting Over When It’s Over.” Andrew is a social media pundit, writer, and podcast host. He believes in traditional Conservative values, including the right to free speech, America First, limited government, and the Bible.

America Out Loud Network © – After Dark will get you caught up on current events, culture, politics, entertainment, and everything in between just before you retire at night.
The younger Cuomo’s actions to cover up and spin lies are not only indicative of the behavior of the liberal media and Democrats, but it is systemic. The two groups work in tandem to obfuscate reality and then justify their actions. They cite the incendiary behavior of Rep. Ilan Omar, who has openly attacked Jews and defends it…
The footsteps of inevitability began to fast approach the younger Cuomo when it was revealed that he oversaw opposition research on the alleged accusers of his brother after saying he hadn’t, and also sought to change the narrative of the allegations in the media. While many hope to see a better run on Twitter with Dorsey gone, that might not happen…
Talk of Michelle Obama, the former first lady, and a possible presidential run for 2024? Attorney Lin Wood, a rogue China, Pete Buttigieg, Jussie Smollett trial, the Cuomo brothers, Inflation, and a few others round off the freshly brewed political discussion. With so much happening during the holiday season, as they say, the cup runneth over…
The media is reporting that inflation is a good thing and we should learn to live with it. Not only that, but they are suggesting high gas and exploding food prices are the waves of the future. But don’t you dare believe them. We aren’t buying the inflation spin or any other spin from the leftist media and neither should you…
The ineffectiveness of ‘Vice Resident’ Kamala Harris, who was given the assignment to fix the border problem months ago, has yet to visit the border or offer any solutions. Instead, she has been embroiled in her own staffing communication problems and falling ratings. Meanwhile, the word is ‘Resident’ Biden could be looking to replace Harris with Pete Buttigieg…
Why are Americans being forced to take a vaccine they are uncomfortable getting. Meanwhile, Big Pharma is making billions selling the vaccine to the government and stands to make much more with the new booster shot and COVID19 pill. How legal are these mandates? Attorney Matt Wilson joins Rob and Andrew to break it all down…
A country where you have unlimited opportunities and can have liberty and pursuit of happiness. Dreams can come true in America if you work hard and are determined. America is the number one destination spot for many wanting to come and live the American dream. The hosts acknowledge the country has been experiencing a great deal of…
Let’s go back to where it all began, that dreadful night in Kenosha, to discuss what the left does not want you to know that Rittenhouse, a white teenager, was defending himself from being murdered by three white thugs. Thankfully, the teenager saved his own life but only to be placed on trial to defend himself against murder charges…
If anyone’s life is a testament to the power of faith, it is General Michael Flynn. Over the past few years many have witnessed the evil of the left that has tried to destroy him, but like the mythical bird the phoenix he rises from the ashes to tell his story of survival and wake up America of what’s about to befall the country…
Once thought to be the future of the Democrat Party, many are viewing Harris as a liability to Joe Biden, whose approval rating is also tanking. And this is just year one of Biden’s Administration from hell. Beto O’Rourke recently announced his run for governor of Texas. Some will recall he had run for president in 2020, and like Harris, his campaign fizzled out…
Never mind the fact the bill will bring on more hardship to the average American citizen in the way of new taxes or that it will seek to gain access to our children under the guise of Pre-k schooling for all. In reality, schooling is just a way to indoctrinate children in Marxism at a young age and create activists. And about the trials of Ahmaud Arbery and Kyle Rittenhouse…
The media focus has been on Rachel Levine, a transgender white man, who became the first woman four-star admiral deputy health secretary. This is rather strange because Levine isn’t female biologically or scientifically. Yet, the media is willing to celebrate him instead of the accomplishment of a “real” woman, like Winsome Sears who made history in Virginia…
The event was set up to offer support to police, firefighters, and nurses who have lost their jobs for not taking the COVID19 vaccine. Colonel Julie Hall said as soon as the organizers started setting up, ANTIFA members descended upon the area with taunts and jeers. While she has served in the military for 30 years, even Hall was taken aback by the radical…
A rap concert gone bad in Houston. Big Bird pushing Covid-19 vaccines for children? Illegal aliens receiving taxpayer money for breaking the law? Wait a minute…Republicans giving Resident Biden a mild victory on infrastructure? Let’s call this, headlines gone wild! You can’t make this stuff up, nor should you, just turn off the noise!