After Dark
Weeknights 9 pm ET
After Dark will get you caught up on current events, culture, politics, entertainment, and everything in between just before you retire at night. The show will have an array of engaging panels and guests to analyze and break down current events so that you are prepared for the next day. Tune in Monday through Friday as we wrap up the day just… After Dark.
Rob is the founder of The Multicultural Conservative Foundation, whose mission is to promote conservatism’s political diversity through social media. He has been interviewed by many independent news organizations regarding his views on black conservatism. In addition to writing and blogging, he is the author of a self-help book, “That Job Just Isn’t Into You: Starting Over When It’s Over.” Andrew is a social media pundit, writer, and podcast host. He believes in traditional Conservative values, including the right to free speech, America First, limited government, and the Bible.

America Out Loud Network © – After Dark will get you caught up on current events, culture, politics, entertainment, and everything in between just before you retire at night.
The next thing Jamee Anatello knew Antifa was converging on the gathering chanting “hail satan.” Once the group showed up, things went horribly wrong. She said the group was seen throwing water bottles, eggs, paint, and other items. Had it not been for a friend blocking what was being thrown, her eight-month-old daughter would…
Julie Hall says Auchincloss has little to no experience, yet because of his family name, he is given media time and presented as a subject matter expert on matters he is not well versed. The Colonel who has three decades of experience in the military compared to her opponent’s five years, says if elected she will work to end…
David McGrath does not mince words when describing Lloyd Austin, Mark Milly, and what is called the “Military-Industrial Complex.” Austin and Milley, he said, are not bright generals and have no real connection to wars other than making money. The more boots on the ground for these generals, the more money they make. The military veteran, who was stationed in Kabul, said…
Irene Armendariz-Jackson describes abortion as the “ugly part of man that we could possibly think of dismembering a baby in the mother’s womb.” The issue of abortion is the reason she is involved in politics. William Rodriguez Morrison is running for mayor of Los Angeles to get the homeless off the streets, and fix the city’s ailing infrastructure…
A recall would not only trigger a new power balance in the state but in DC as well. For example, if a Republican is selected to replace Newsom in the recall, Democrat Senator Diane Feinstein, who has been rumored to be retiring soon, could see a Republican choose her replacement. This would flip the senate in DC and give Republicans the majority…
The Afghan native said he couldn’t see how Biden’s team could leave the country in the hands of terrorists along with American weapons that will be used against the people there and possibly Americans. He is very candid with his thoughts about the failed withdrawal of the Biden Administration…
The military wasn’t prepared to leave the country because the generals thought they could convince Biden to stay longer and nation-build which is “big money” for the military elite and defense contractors. Kent explained that Afghanistan’s withdrawal is similar to Iraq’s, where he served, with a few exceptions. There were no deaths or American’s deliberately left…
How long will it be before everyone is forced to get vaccinated to participate in society and live a normal life? Arizona Senate candidate John Goya joins “After Dark” to discuss the recent vaccine mandates sweeping America. Goya, who has vast experience in the health care industry, believes it should be a choice. He is skeptical of children getting the vaccination at any age. Women who are pregnant or intend on getting pregnant, he said, should consult with their doctors. Although Goya said he had one shot of the vaccine, he is not sure if or when he will get the second shot. In his opinion, right now, it seems people are scared into getting the vaccine, and the government is using fear to get the results it wants. He feels the same way about mask mandate, “the science isn’t there…“the virus is so small it can get right through the masks.” Goya also talked about the dishonesty from Dr. Fauci and mainstream media cover-up from the start of the pandemic. He tells “After Dark” that no one is holding Fauci accountable for any of his past miss statements about the virus, and he should be. John C. Goya […]
America and the world are looking for leadership during these tumultuous times, but none is found. Our enemies the Taliban, ISIS, and Al Qaeda are now emboldened. They are celebrating the withdrawal and seemingly defeat of the world superpower. Biden has let us all down. Bebe Diamond joins “After Dark” to discuss the fall of Afghanistan…
Darren Aquino describes what Cuomo did to the elderly and veterans as criminal. He said he recommended the governor use “ the armory’s around the city” to house COVID patients but it didn’t happen. As a result, he said, thousands died. The “nursing homes was a death trap. How can you put COVID infected in with healthy people?”
Unfortunately, we left the country pretty much the way we found it, in complete chaos and carnage. This is in part due to what the Biden Administration referred to as a “deliberate withdrawal” from the country. However, the “deliberate withdrawal” resulted in the death of 13 United States military personal, hundreds of Americans left behind, and military equipment left for terrorists…
The country, almost the size of Texas and with 38 million people, is now in complete chaos. This is in part due to a failed Biden Administration’s smooth withdrawal from the country after negotiating a departure with the Taliban terrorist group. This begs the question, “How many Afghan refugees can the US save, and are we being realistic in our efforts?”
Jackie Toboroff describes New York City under Democrat rule as being horrible. “Traditionally safe areas have been decimated,” as a result of, “left progressive policies that are deadly, deadly.” The people who voted for the left and their policies can easily leave the city, she lamented, but others who don’t have the money are left behind…
For many, the idea of educating children at home seems like a daunting task, “there are so many ways you can do it and there are plenty of moms out there who have been doing this (homeschooling) for years.” Despite an ever-changing public school system that is becoming politically woke, Kimberly Fletcher advises moms to stay strong…