After Dark
Weeknights 9 pm ET
After Dark will get you caught up on current events, culture, politics, entertainment, and everything in between just before you retire at night. The show will have an array of engaging panels and guests to analyze and break down current events so that you are prepared for the next day. Tune in Monday through Friday as we wrap up the day just… After Dark.
Rob is the founder of The Multicultural Conservative Foundation, whose mission is to promote conservatism’s political diversity through social media. He has been interviewed by many independent news organizations regarding his views on black conservatism. In addition to writing and blogging, he is the author of a self-help book, “That Job Just Isn’t Into You: Starting Over When It’s Over.” Andrew is a social media pundit, writer, and podcast host. He believes in traditional Conservative values, including the right to free speech, America First, limited government, and the Bible.

America Out Loud Network © – After Dark will get you caught up on current events, culture, politics, entertainment, and everything in between just before you retire at night.
The singer explained that “sexuality has nothing to do with laws, taxes, more jobs, energy independence or stronger borders.” Rebel said these are all basic concerns that all Americans should have, including members of the LGBTQ community. Besides liking the 45th president’s personality and his approach to governing, he said he was drawn to…
He pokes fun at Chrissy Teigen, Joe Biden, the Cuomo brothers, Dr. Fauci, Bill Gates, and his fellow comedians who are afraid to tell jokes out of fear of being canceled. Loftus says there is no such thing as going over the line in comedy, and comedians should “apologize for nothing.” He is one of the few comedians who refuses to be silent or politically correct in the wake of cancel culture…
At the end of Biden’s 100th day in office, things had drastically changed in the region. Missiles were volleying from Palestine to Israel and vice versa. It would have gotten much worse had Egypt not stepped in to quell what was becoming an all-out war between the warring nations. As of now, things are quiet again, but at any moment, it could change. So it begs the question, what happened?
She suggests people read the creator’s manual (Bible). It is there, she said, they will find the instructions on life. Garrett credits her faith in Christ as having gotten her through all she has encountered in life. Raped as a teenager and having survived a horrific and abusive marriage and then a divorce, yet she does not claim to be a victim. Cynthia Garrett is anything but that…
Hamas was not attacking Israel; Americans did not support the terrorist group Hamas; America was winning; The Military wasn’t weaponized; Iran knew not to mess with the United States; The United States wasn’t kowtowing to other foreign leaders…
Moms have the ability to shape and control our culture with the values they pass on to their children. Children should always be a priority in our lives, for they are our future. Kimberly Fletcher is a woman of faith who believes moms should get involved and stay involved in their children’s lives. The founder of Mom’s for America tells “After Dark With Rob and Andrew” that she wants to “educate and inspire mothers to realize their worth and powerful influence on society” through their children. She cautioned moms to be watchful of socialist and communist agendas seemingly creeping into school curriculums. In addition to speaking with “After Dark” about Moms for America, she also shared her first-hand account of the events of January 6, 2021. Fletcher, who was there, spoke with the FBI and volunteered to be interviewed. As of now, she said, they have yet to interview her. Kimberly Fletcher is the mother of eight and wife of a retired Air Force officer. She founded “Moms For America” in 2004. She is the author of “WOMEN: America’s Last Best Hope.” Aside from being a mom, she is a frequent guest on Fox News, Sinclair Broadcasting, Townhall, and columnist for The […]
Bianca Gracia is the President and Co-founder of Latinos for Trump and state director of BLEXIT in Texas. She has worked tirelessly educating the Hispanic community in Texas, California, and Florida about conservatism. She said when she talks to the community, she doesn’t tell them to be Republican, but more so talk to them about their belief system, conservatism…
Joe has managed to turn things upside down within his first one hundred days in office. So while the liberal media is praising him, the guys on “After Dark” have a different take on things. Rob and Andrew continue their analysis of the failures of the Biden Administrations’ one hundred days in office…
This year will mark the 20th anniversary of 9/11, and still, some questions linger. One of the questions often asked is whether or not there was sufficient intel to prevent the worst terrorist attack on US soil. Many conspiracy theorists actually believe that 9/11 was an inside job pulled off by the U.S. government. Michael Johns returns to After Dark With Rob and Andrew to explore the real tragedy of 9/11 and discuss Afghanistan, the longest war in our country’s history. Johns is a conservative public policy leader and business executive. In 2009, he co-founded the U.S. Tea Party movement and has since served as one of its leading strategists and spokespersons. He has served as a White House speechwriter to President George H. W. Bush and frequently appears on cable news networks as a guest analyst.
His life took a turn on January 16, 2019, when his wife was killed in Syria just a month after President Trump had tried to get troops out of Syria. Following her death, Kent said he was forced to step back from this military life to take care of their two toddlers. He is now fighting for his district in Washington and to make the country a better place for his sons. The country his wife gave her life for…
Most credit cards have an expiration date. Unfortunately, the race card used by Democrats does not have an expiration date. Not only is it without an expiration date it doesn’t seem to have a cancellation policy either! Canceling the card, that comes loaded with perks and privileges, is one of the hot topics discussed on “After Dark with Rob and Andrew.” Bebe Diamond returns to the show with her analysis on the race card, which has caused a great deal of harm and taken many innocent victims as its debtors. Also, is the left using the COVID-19 vaccination as a weapon to take away civil liberties, and what exactly is behind the surge in violence against Asian Americans? While the liberal media won’t expose the truths to these issues, we will expose them here on After Dark.
Rhonda Furin, a former school teacher, is throwing her hat into the ring to run for governor of California. She is a Democrat turned conservative who feels passionate about the issues going on in her home state of California. She said she has worked tirelessly on the recall of Gavin Newsom and feels she has what it takes to be governor. Issues that are important to her: education, election integrity, illegal immigration (which she said is riddled with human trafficking and organ harvesting from children), stopping socialism, and bringing back the American and California dream. Rhonda Furin was born and raised in Minnesota. She moved to California in 1996 to reach out and share her passion for education with the growing population of children. Her educational background is extensive. She is a 1985 graduate of Lowthian College, has a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education, a Minnesota Teaching License from Bemidji State University, and received a Master of Science in Education/Special Education/CLAD from National University, La Jolla, CA. She graduated with Alpha Sigma Lambda honors and is a 2007-08 Cambridge Lifetime Member on Who’s Who in Executives and Professionalism. A 2008 National Association of Professional Women on Excellence and Dedication […]
“If America is so awful, why are people trying to come in?” …is the question our guest Pennsylvania Congressional candidate Kathy Barnette asked on “After Dark With Rob and Andrew.” Barnette, who ran for Congress in 2020, said she is in it again for 2022 and plans to win. She said she is empowered by her grandparents, whose hard work set an example for her. Remembering her grandparents, she said no one ever told her that she was a victim (as Democrats tell blacks) and that all the odds were against her and she shouldn’t try. She explained, “I am not standing outside waiting for someone to admit me into the American Dream. I am the American.” She said Democrats make the lowest denominator the standard, and as a result, America is unraveling. As for Republicans, she said, they must stop sitting in the corner cowering to the Democrats and start standing up without getting in the mud with them. Barnette said her plans for Pennsylvania are the hope for the country, which is to strengthen it with jobs and make certain we are competitive on the world stage. Kathy Barnette is an Alabama native who grew up impoverished on […]
When it’s all over, John Cox explains, minorities left in the communities suffer, for they are left behind to rebuild their destroyed communities. While the Captain said racism does exist, it isn’t at the level it had been before the Civil Rights. The push to defund the police, he said, is being pushed by the same agitators who don’t care anything about police reform…