After Dark
Weeknights 9 pm ET
After Dark will get you caught up on current events, culture, politics, entertainment, and everything in between just before you retire at night. The show will have an array of engaging panels and guests to analyze and break down current events so that you are prepared for the next day. Tune in Monday through Friday as we wrap up the day just… After Dark.
Rob is the founder of The Multicultural Conservative Foundation, whose mission is to promote conservatism’s political diversity through social media. He has been interviewed by many independent news organizations regarding his views on black conservatism. In addition to writing and blogging, he is the author of a self-help book, “That Job Just Isn’t Into You: Starting Over When It’s Over.” Andrew is a social media pundit, writer, and podcast host. He believes in traditional Conservative values, including the right to free speech, America First, limited government, and the Bible.

America Out Loud Network © – After Dark will get you caught up on current events, culture, politics, entertainment, and everything in between just before you retire at night.
Spicer said it seems the only bill her opponent, Wilson has tried to pass in the House is one to allow her to wear her array of hats while Congress is in session. Spicer, who runs a food bank, said if elected, she will be there for the people, create jobs, help the homeless, single mothers, and senior citizens. She said she wants to give people hope and…
Although getting canceled seems to be the norm in today’s woke culture, what isn’t the norm is being canceled by the right. A social media mob attacked the author for speaking the truth and defending herself and her family. Not only has she been canceled, but she and her family have endured death threats and were forced to move…
Pastor Hawkins chastised the left for using race to divide the country. He said the narrative of systematic racism does not exist, sighting the successes of many blacks in America. If anything, he explained, the race card, which is constantly used by the left, is the only card without an expiration date, and it’s time to cancel it…
Don’t let the dimples and smile fool you. Joe Collins has a powerful left hook and is ready to lay out his plans to defeat Maxine Waters. California Congressional Candidate Joe Collins is our guest on “After Dark With Rob and Andrew,” and he doesn’t mince words about taking on Representative Waters. Collins, who is a US Navy veteran, said Waters has been on the Hill too long and is out of step and out of touch with the needs of his district. Unlike Waters, the veteran said, he lives in the district she claims to represent in South Central LA. Also unlike Waters, he said he can work across party lines with Democrats and Republicans. Jobs, education, and tackling gang violence are all priorities for the Collins campaign. Joe Collins is a native of South Central Los Angeles. He is a Candidate for Congress California’s 43rd District. He is a navy veteran. He began his military career specializing as a naval jet aviation mechanic, working on and then training thousands of sailors on aircraft including the F-18 Super Hornet fighter, E-6 Mercury Airborne Command Post, and MH-60 Sea Hawk Assault Helicopter. As a leader in uniform, he obtained several military […]
The 100-day accomplishments of any president are a milestone that sets the pace for the new administration. The momentum of the first 100-days is key to accomplishing their agenda. The Biden Administration has one of the most aggressive and controversial 100-day agendas in history. “After Dark With Rob And Andrew” welcomes Tea Party co-founder Michael Johns to this episode to discuss President Joe Biden’s first 100-days in office. Having worked in previous White House administrations, Johns is very frank with his critique of Biden and does not hold back. No topic is off-limits like questions about Biden’s health, his refusal to go to the border, who is actually running the White House, and will Biden last to the end. The answers to those questions may surprise you. Michael Johns is a conservative public policy leader and business executive. In 2009, he co-founded the U.S. Tea Party movement and has since served as one of its leading strategists and spokespersons. Michael has served in executive and management capacities with McKesson, Eli Lilly and Company, and Gentiva Health Service. He has served as a White House speechwriter to President George H. W. Bush. Image: AP pool
In this episode of “After Dark With Rob And Andrew” the hosts reflect back on President Trump’s accomplishments while in office. They detail many of Trump’s successes that helped to make America Great Again. They also compare his time in office to that of Joe Biden, who has basically undone many of Trump’s policies to keep America Great. And as usual, the hosts tackle the hot topics of the day that can only be discussed “After Dark with Rob and Andrew.” Grab a snack and a glass of your favorite adult beverage and get ready to be informed.
Heather Robinson discusses her recently published article, “How Biden’s Border Policy Will Increase Sex Trafficking Of Children.” Robinson said she learned a great deal from doing research for the article. She said many on the left see themselves as helping those coming across the border but are completely unaware of the hardships those coming encounter…
When COVID-19 hit in 2020, Novotny’s company was on an uphill trajectory, but they had to scale back but not stop like others. The author-speaker, who spends a majority of her time traveling and giving speeches and workshops, said she never once thought to stop. She said she got the vaccine and kept living her life with no balance and loving it…
Too many black families are fatherless, resulting in broken homes. Bebe Diamond hopes to change this cycle. She shares her thoughts on re-building the black family and what needs to happen to change outcomes. Bebe Diamond also weighs in on other hot topics such as Black Lives Matters, George Floyd, Daunte Wright, and the lack of leadership with black and white liberals in the Democrat Party…
While the liberal media gave Gov. Andrew Cuomo praise on handling COVID-19, aka the China Virus, one former New Yorker saw through the charade. Darren Aquino is our guest on this episode of “After Dark With Rob and Andrew.” He speaks matter factly about his dislike for Gov. Cuomo, who he said broke the law and is a murderer over his handling of the virus. In this episode, Aquino talks about voter fraud and his advocacy for disabled Americans and veterans. Aquino is running for Congress in Florida’s 19th District. Darren Aquino is the founder and CEO of Advocates for Disabled Americans, Veterans, Police, Firemen & Families (ADA VETs). He became an advocate for the disabled in 1983. In 1999, he created his national non-profit, with a unique concept where all members and volunteers are disabled. This comprehensive network of members and volunteers assists the disabled community with any issues related to the lack of societal integration, lack of due process–which is a fundamental right–and lack of fair and equal treatment. Website: Follow on Twitter:
This show is packed with hot topics. As they say, the action in life doesn’t get started until after the sun goes down. That couldn’t be any more true with this episode of “After Dark With Rob and Andrew.” This is an episode you don’t want to miss…
While the state of the world seems dark and, bleak Pastor Jones says there is hope for the world. A return to our core values and repentance he believes will lead us back to God. Sam Jones is the Senior Pastor at Faith Baptist Church in Hudson, Iowa…
The seasoned writer says she thinks journalists have become opinionated in order to represent a position they want to sway readers with. She said if the person consuming the news isn’t savvy, they won’t be able to discern the difference between opinion and facts. Robinson shared her thoughts on cancel culture, racism, border crisis, and Biden’s presidency…
Last month was the anniversary of her son’s death. In addition to discussing her son, Gibboney, who migrated to the states legally with her family in the ’70s, also discusses border control, communism, and socialism. Governor Gavin Newsom and Speaker Nancy Pelosi have both refused to speak to Angel Mom Agnes about her concerns…