Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment
March 3, 2025
After Dark will get you caught up on current events, culture, politics, entertainment, and everything in between just before you retire at night. The show will have an array of engaging panels and guests to analyze and break down current events so that you are prepared for the next day. Tune in Monday through Friday as we wrap up the day just… After Dark.
Rob is the founder of The Multicultural Conservative Foundation, whose mission is to promote conservatism’s political diversity through social media. He has been interviewed by many independent news organizations regarding his views on black conservatism. In addition to writing and blogging, he is the author of a self-help book, “That Job Just Isn’t Into You: Starting Over When It’s Over.” Andrew is a social media pundit, writer, and podcast host. He believes in traditional Conservative values, including the right to free speech, America First, limited government, and the Bible.
America Out Loud Network © – After Dark will get you caught up on current events, culture, politics, entertainment, and everything in between just before you retire at night.
Recently he was canceled (fired) by the charity organization for speaking out against the baseless attacks on white men accused of violence against Asian Americans. Tremoglie, an independent journalist, said he was surprised he was let go having volunteered there since 2015…
Citing David Dinkins term as mayor, which was mired in race riots and crime, only after the city was at its lowest was a Republican able to win an election in the mostly Democrat city and state. Even then it was on a thin margin and the victor was Rudy Giuliani in 1994. The MIT graduate also weighed in on Gov. Cuomo and the sexual harassment allegations and cancel culture, court-packing…
With crime reaching an all-time high in New York City, the former taxi cab owner, and businessman, Mateo, 63, is looking to take no prisoners in his efforts to restore the once shiny Big Apple to its former glory. However, he must first behest his many Democrat and Republican rivals…
On the 2nd Episode of “After Dark with Rob and Andrew,” the two hosts discuss their move to America Out Loud and the type of show they plan to bring to listeners. One of the highlights of this show is their no-holds-barred in-your-face analysis of politics and pop culture. Hold on tight because the ride is bumpy and filled with their After Dark spin. Future guests include authors: Juanita Broaddrick, Cynthia Garrett, Pastor Greg Locke, and Pastor Same Jones; New York City mayoral candidates Fernando Mateo, Curtis Silwa, and Bob Pepitone, and comedian Michael Loftus… are some of the folks we’ll be talking with just after dark…!
King Randall talks about his organization for black male youths that has been the topic of many on social media. The organization located in Albany, Georgia, has one goal: to reinvent the wheel for our young men. Their motto is “Let Us Make Man.” We are interested in trying to reform the minds of our young men…
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