Chasing Justice
Sat | Sun 3 pm ET
Lt. Joe’s unique perspective on crime and punishment, criminal investigation and the causes of violence in society along with his ability to relate to all of us will make “Chasing Justice” your favorite go-to program on all things safety and security. On “Chasing Justice” we uncover the truth about these events, look at the investigations and the people that investigate them, and we will dig deep to see what can be done to make our lives and our families safer in this dangerous era.
Lt. Joe is a highly decorated retired Police Lieutenant, Criminal Investigator, Hostage/Crisis Negotiator and Master Trainer. He served his community for 27 years, retiring in 2013 to take on the role of Director of School Safety and Security. Crime, Corruption, Terrorism, Workplace Violence, School Shootings… together we’ll be Chasing Justice.

America Out Loud Network © – Crime, Corruption, Terrorism, Workplace Violence, School Shootings; together we’ll be Chasing Justice on the America Out Loud Network.
In Michigan, the School Shooting is a tragedy for the victims and their families and a horrendous crime committed by an evil person. It is also a symptom of our times. The Supreme court is deciding on a critical case that can affect the lives of many Americans. Should they be more concerned about how it looks than…
When your opinion is only valid if it is approved by others, we must be willing to ask more questions and hear things we disagree with so we can understand each other. This is also the season of Thankfulness. Do we understand the concept here? Are we caught up in the world of possessions to the point we cannot see the beauty of the…
Was Rittenhouse a killer on a mission or a young man defending his life from others who would kill him? Was Rittenhouse showing leadership by stepping up when the political powers of his city stepped down? Being a good leader takes skills and selflessness. Lt. Joe takes a closer look at leadership and examples of great leaders to make the point…
Is President Joe Biden a leader? By virtue of his position, he is, but is he a good leader? That can depend on your point of view. If you believe in changing America, you might say he is good; if you want to preserve our nation as a place of liberty and freedom, you might say he is not a good leader…
We are a nation split apart from each other, distracted by ideals and concepts that are used as weapons to create distractions, turmoil, and animosity to make the population more controllable. To deny the hypocrisy and deceit of politics and politicians of all stripes and in both parties, it’s to be purposefully blind to the danger that awaits us as…
We get caught up in personality party politics and name-calling if we allow big-headed personalities to manipulate the discussion. Let’s just look at facts; gas prices, food prices and availability, our strength in the world, and our culture at home. Are we in a better place? Lt Joe takes a closer look on Chasing Justice on the America Out Loud Talk Radio…
We see the Republicans taking a back seat in every instance, from vaccine mandates to a crumbling economy to saving the democrats with a continuing resolution. All of these are by-products of the soft side of the Grand Old Party. We don’t see leadership; we see weakness…
The lure of free stuff and the concept of total equality is a potent mix for many people who want to see an all-powerful government force fairness on everyone no matter the cost to our freedom and liberty. The elections of 2022 are the forerunner of how America will go forward. Let’s talk about it on Chasing Justice…
It looks more and more like we are slipping into a nightmare of socialism a little each day. The forces of that philosophy are aligned against us and they have power, maybe more than we can stop. Who are we? Who are the good guys and gals? Lt. Joe looks at some of each and the changes we can anticipate?
With all of the angst, anxiety, and confusion in our daily lives because of the stress or the political upheaval in our country, Lt Joe takes some time to reminisce about a gentler time, a time as he was raising his kids. He asks the question, “What was that time like for you and your family?” We’ll look at some of the factors leading to our angst and anxiety brought on by a crumbling American way of life. Don’t miss it!
The drone strike on an innocent man and children in Afghanistan, the amnesty grab in the budget bill, the open borders allowing thousands of undocumented people into the country is a wound that will cause more significant problems in years to come. All of this is because of weakness. Weakness of character, spirit, and mind…
General Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has been accused of a treasonous act. Half our country applauds his actions; half denounces them. We don’t even know if they are authentic, and we have little chance of getting to the truth. The truth is not a real thing anymore; the truth is whatever spin can be concocted and…
By skewing the messaging or exaggerating the messaging, we can change perceptions and, in effect, change reality. Hypocrisy and messaging often go hand in hand, President Biden’s declaration that he is a devout practicing Catholic is perverted by his words. Yet, because it serves a political aim, no one in the media, the church, or the…
Strength in the wrong hands can be tyrannical; it can be empowering as a tool of freedom in the rights hands. Weakness can be exploited and manipulated. It leads to lies and deception to cover itself, and it can lead to violence. The corruption of our media, our political class, and our churches are evidence of this battle, and our lives are more dangerous…