Chasing Justice
Sat | Sun 3 pm ET
Lt. Joe’s unique perspective on crime and punishment, criminal investigation and the causes of violence in society along with his ability to relate to all of us will make “Chasing Justice” your favorite go-to program on all things safety and security. On “Chasing Justice” we uncover the truth about these events, look at the investigations and the people that investigate them, and we will dig deep to see what can be done to make our lives and our families safer in this dangerous era.
Lt. Joe is a highly decorated retired Police Lieutenant, Criminal Investigator, Hostage/Crisis Negotiator and Master Trainer. He served his community for 27 years, retiring in 2013 to take on the role of Director of School Safety and Security. Crime, Corruption, Terrorism, Workplace Violence, School Shootings… together we’ll be Chasing Justice.

America Out Loud Network © – Crime, Corruption, Terrorism, Workplace Violence, School Shootings; together we’ll be Chasing Justice on the America Out Loud Network.
Rush Limbaugh opened the door for talk radio and America Out Loud to thrive. A pioneer in the field and a voice of conservatism has been silenced. Lt Joe Offers his own tribute to the man and his legacy. The COVID pandemic goes on. What choices will we all be forced to make? Will you take the vaccine? Is the vaccine safe? When will the lockdown end, and we go back to real life? Is the pandemic lifestyle more dangerous than the virus? We have to look closely at all of this and decide what we will do going forward before we have no choices left to make. Who are the p[layers that are influencing the decisions? These questions and more must be considered… Lt Joe walks us down that road. Don’t miss it.
DNA often dictates human natures and our behavior. We are all creatures of habit and exhibit signature actions based on our unique personalities. Our government and other human processes are also like this. We have precedent to help us; we change the paradigm when we learn something new. But should we change things for political reasons? Does this help us? If we are to be true to the changes we agree to, then we must go all the way down the road of logic. To impeach a man not in office might be the new thing to do, but that opens a huge door. How far back do we go with retroactive action? And finally, Lt. Joe offers some ideas on how to find a way forward as a people, but it requires a lot of real thinking and honesty, are we ready for that? Don’t miss it!
How does trauma in a person’s life affect their ability to get ahead in life? Where will the next medical, business, and technology geniuses come from? Who are the next generation of leaders that will help us as a species? They are currently in college and grade school, but many will never be heard from due to their circumstances in life. We all lose if we don’t find a way to locate these, the next great thinkers. Lt. Joe Interviews Capt. Donna Roman Hernandez, a pioneer of women in law enforcement and currently a master trainer on domestic violence, trauma, and victimology, as well as human trafficking. Donna’s personal story of surviving domestic violence is inspiring and provides insight it the dangers of PTSD and how that relates to COVID19 lockdowns. This is an important episode, don’t miss it!
Joe Biden’s 40 executive orders in two weeks are astounding and maybe even unconstitutional. Every president needs the ability to use executive orders to run the government from time to time. However, if executive orders are to replace or get around legislation, then it is totally inappropriate and maybe a bit dictatorial. Biden may be on the edge of that paradigm. The concept of free speech as the lynchpin of freedom is something we talk about a lot here on Chasing Justice. Lt Joe gives us some insight into a couple of conversations he had with a couple of young people who lean to the liberal side of things. The conversations reveal that if people listen to each other, they can grow and change. And finally, we talk about the need to recognize the dangers we are all facing as our government cracks down on our rights. Don’t miss it!
Our world is changing whether we like it or not. Will a Biden Administration be as bad as some fear or will it be a benign middle of the road experience? Time will tell and these changes are coming every day now. President Biden has canceled out many of Trump’s accomplishments and more are planned, he is reversing many of the American first policies and heading back to the Obama era. How will that work out for US citizens? Lt. Joe also covers some non-political topics like the changes in education and training as well as taking us on a tour of one of the great sheriff’s depts in the USA. Don’t miss it!
The changes some have dreamed of, and others have dreaded are coming our way very quickly. Our nation is divided like no time before, and there is a danger of violence at every turn. Can we survive these changes? What can we do to ensure the America we know remains strong and free? What is our responsibility as a citizen? Lt. Joe takes us through the realities of what’s coming to a neighborhood near you and asks how we can adapt or reject these changes. What role do we have in re-electing the politicians we all complain about. Do we really need to listen to people we disagree with, is there any value in that, or is it better to ignore them? These are some of the choices we all have to make; let’s not fear asking the questions if we are brave enough to hear the answers.
The current state of chaos in our nation and the uncertainty about the future are compounded by drastic differences in how we see the country and our future. The violence at the capital is a tragedy and a call to see what our people are feeling. All of the protests from all sides are screams to be heard by people who feel they are not being heard. What is the point of free speech? Is it to prop up some beliefs and not others? Is it to protect people from hurtful words or give voice to every opinion so we can all decide for ourselves on someone’s ideas. Can we silence that which we find ugly and expect that our thoughts and words will not be used against us someday? These are difficult questions, join us, and let us try to find some answers! Don’t miss it!
As we move forward into the brave new world of tomorrow, we must ask ourselves some important questions. If the 2020 election was stolen, what do we do about it? If it wasn’t stolen, what does that mean for our country? Lt Joe takes us through the possibilities and what we should consider as we decide our future. If that’s what really happened, our vote for Biden means we made choices about our lives and future. Do we want speech codes, climate change laws, new taxes? Join us on this journey, don’t miss this one!
The dawn of a new age on the calendar as well as in America is now on our doorstep. Many changes are coming; are we ready for them? What if we don’t like the change? Can we change it back? Socialism has been creeping around the world, and its cousins are really here in the USA. Openly socialist politicians no longer hide their beliefs⏤they take them out and tell the world. Our journey today looks at these possible changes and the reasons we have arrived here. Don’t miss it!
Christmas is a special time, filled with traditions old and new. Memories that warm us and fill our hearts with joy. Join Lt Joe, Kathleen, Jim, and Marisa Giordano as we spend time together reminiscing, looking to the future, and enjoying the joy of Christmas and Jesus. Join us for this special episode, draw your family close; Merry Christmas!
This episode is a personal journey wight Lt Joe. He takes us through life experiences with his health and then turns the topic to the potential of alien life and asks the questions do we have a better chance of learning the truth of aliens or of what happened in the last election? Next, we get the inside scoop to a novel on the presence of alien life in the modern world, a kind of backstage pass to a writer’s world. This light-hearted romp is intended to get us away from the heavy news of the day. And finally, we look at the political world as the year ends and we prepare for an unknown future. Don’t miss it!
What will the next chapter of America look like? Who will be the president, Donald Trump or Joe Biden? Will America calm down or get fired up? What will our lives be like? Lt. Joe then gives us some follow up on his concern about “John” and prison reform in America, are we ready to set the tone for a better system or do we just let it be? And finally, we talk about the state of justice in this new American story. Do we ever get to see justice done to the conspirators? Will the election results ever really be examined? Is our hope of a fair and just country a memory or can it be saved? These questions and more are on tap for this episode…. Don’t miss it.
What is the role and place of compassion in our lives? In a year filled with government overreach and personal suffering, we can all look for signs of what we should do. In this episode Lt Joe takes us on a very personal journey in search of introspection and understanding about the role and place of compassion in our lives and asks the question, can compassion lead me astray of what’s right.” Following the story of an investigation, arrest, and conviction of a young man over 20 years ago, Lt Joe searches for understanding about the meaning of compassion and how we respond to it⏤has in our lives. A man sentenced to life without parole for his actions will sit in a jail cell from age 26 until he dies, is that a burden too great?
What is the value of gratitude? Are we individually grateful for the things we have? Does our faith help us develop gratitude, not just be happy with what we have but actually having gratitude and showing it in real ways. Lt Joe Takes on this concept. Has the COVID lockdowns changed how we live temporarily, or will the changes be with us for a long time? Innovation and a look to the future can guide us to a better place in the face of challenges. We explore how change has come to the workplace and where it will lead us to. And finally, whatever happened to the Attorney General’s investigation of a coup against President Trump? Is there a deep state connection to the coup attempt and the mail-in balloting? Let’s talk about it, don’t miss this episode.