Chasing Justice
Sat | Sun 3 pm ET
Lt. Joe’s unique perspective on crime and punishment, criminal investigation and the causes of violence in society along with his ability to relate to all of us will make “Chasing Justice” your favorite go-to program on all things safety and security. On “Chasing Justice” we uncover the truth about these events, look at the investigations and the people that investigate them, and we will dig deep to see what can be done to make our lives and our families safer in this dangerous era.
Lt. Joe is a highly decorated retired Police Lieutenant, Criminal Investigator, Hostage/Crisis Negotiator and Master Trainer. He served his community for 27 years, retiring in 2013 to take on the role of Director of School Safety and Security. Crime, Corruption, Terrorism, Workplace Violence, School Shootings… together we’ll be Chasing Justice.

America Out Loud Network © – Crime, Corruption, Terrorism, Workplace Violence, School Shootings; together we’ll be Chasing Justice on the America Out Loud Network.
Lt. Joe Takes us on a trip through the never-ending changes taking place in our lives and in our country. From the COVID fears to the chaos of our elections, what do we want from our lives and futures? How do we move forward to a better place? Personal triumphs of the family often help us see the world in a better focus, to put into perspective the events of our lives. Lt Joes give us a glimpse into a sense of pride he feels as his son becomes an Eagle Scout and what that means in the bigger picture of life. And finally, we look at the back and forth of the presidential election and where I might end up on January 23, 2021. Was our Republic mortally wounded by fraud and stolen votes or did Americans just decide to go back to another time? Don’t miss it!
Politics invades our lives in so many ways. In this episode, we want to give the harsh climate of the political grind a breather. We can’t get away from it completely, but we can try to explore other ideas as well. To that end, I have Kathleen on to discuss how we can reclaim our lives and holidays from Covid and the restrictions of the pandemic. This is something we all need to do if we are to survive. We also have Miss Marisa Joy on as well. She is a brilliant young college student and future leader of the world. How has this pandemic affected her and the younger people of our world? Join us and find out!
Lt. Joe takes us on a journey asking questions about this presidential election and all of its potential to change our lives. Was it legitimate? Will it be overturned? Can you trust the courts? Can we trust the politicians and media? All of these questions call into focus our understanding of who we are as people. Do we have any integrity as a nation? Do we value honesty or expediency more? Is it ok to lie and cheat if you benefit? What will we tell future generations of Americans when they ask us: What Happened? Cone on the journey!
The American election is roiled in controversy. Has there been fraud committed? Is the vote illegitimate? Is one side stealing the election? We don’t seem to know at the moment. We have a corrupt media that will not really investigate anything that hurts their chosen side and we have politicians on both sides that can’t be trusted. This begs the question: who are we as a people? If there was fraud, we should all be outraged. If there was no fraud then we need to know that for sure to restore faith in the process. Lt. Joe and Kathleen tear into these possibilities and try to decipher the truth behind the events of our nation. Don’t miss this one. Image: AP
Lt. Joe and the guys in the neighborhood take on Election 2020. The History of Freedom and destiny in America, the present state of America and all of its turmoil and anxiety, and the future and how the country will change on November 4. Nothing is more important, it will affect all of our lives. Be ready and don’t miss this episode.
This episode includes the thoughts and opinions of the men and women of the “Neighborhood” Lt. Joe, Jim, Bill, Kathleen, and Marisa. The group discusses the women’s point of view on Trump and Biden and all things related to the outrageous antics of the left. Amy Coney Barrett and her position on the high court, what it means, the still to be felt fallout from the Barr/ Durham investigations, the brand new Hunter Biden scandals, and the effect of Qanon in public life.
Lt, Joe and the neighborhood guys, Jim and Bill are back to cover all of the election excitement. From the DoJ, to COVID-19 and everything in between. Catch up with the guys and their view of the world as the great change approaches America. Miss Kathleen joins me in the last segment to add her unique point of view on Biden, Trump and the future of our nation.
Corruption has always been with us, but the level of corruption we see in our politics today is almost hard to believe. The Revelations that the Biden family may be as corrupt as people have long believed is starting to come to light via the emails on an abandon laptop. The swamp creatures still in place in the halls of justice are doing nothing to move this corruption aside and clear the air of the stench of rot that corruption leaves. Where is the FBI, the DOJ and the other foundational organizations that should ensure truth and justice? We are feeling alone in the wilderness, we are frustrated and there seems to be no one who will do the right thing. Lt Joe takes us on this journey along the road of corruption pointing out the truck stops of lies and deceptions along the way. And finally, Lt. Joe gives us some insight into how we can spot deception and what makes people lie. Don’t miss it!
With only a few weeks left in the 2020 Presidential campaign we have seen horrific media bias on display, congressional leaders threatening to use new laws to remove a president they don’t like in a blatant and naked display of power, we see the undecided “Feelers” charting our destiny and we have seen the COVID-19 pandemic run through the White House. Lt. Joe and his special guest, Ms. Kathy Pangaro take us on a tour of the absurd and disgusting activities of our political class as they do all they can to disenfranchise us from our vote, overturn our will at the polls and use the system to steal the power they cannot win legitimately. And finally, we look at the supreme court pick and how the pandemic is causing fear to be the leading indicator of how people feel about the candidates. Don’t miss it!
Lt. Joe takes us on a trip to a Presidential Trump rally in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Get a first hand description at the sights and sounds of what a pro-American and patriotic event it was. Next up we talk about the potential for fraud and violence before, during and after the upcoming November 3 election date. The Presidents COVID-19 experience and how it may affect the voting public. And Finally, Lt. Joe discusses how we can find the source of fraud and corruption in the elections and why it should concern every American Democrat and Republican. Don’t miss it!
Lt Joe and Kathleen went to a Trump Rally with 18,000 other Americans and Lt. Joe gives us the sights and sounds of the pro-American event! As we approach this next election, the most important one in our lifetimes and maybe ever, we see the potential for fraud in our voting. This can disrupt the election or render it illegitimate, is that possible? We will all see how it comes out shortly- good or bad. And finally, Lt. Joe wraps it all up in a nice neat package as we look down the road and what could happen after the election is finally called, on November 3rd or January 20th!
As our nation continues to drift to the political left, we are seeing signs of the stress and breakdown of society. The violence against our police officers is a symptom of the leftward drift of our country. Lt. Joe covers the crumbing of our sense of safety across the nation due to the political decisions of many leaders to allow the rise of the left and the violent tactics they use to effect change. And finally, Lt. Joe Pulls together the political aspects of this changing dynamic of leftism and the nomination of a new supreme court justice.
Lt Joe looks at the Smart Virus Covid-19 and how its amazing intelligence is keeping us under control via some strong handed governors. The theme of this episode is freedom and the role voting plays in our personal freedom. Then Lt Joe Looks at the state of our nation as the elections approach and how the two political parties are the same and are different at the same time, and what the differences mean to your life and the life of your family. And finally, Lt. Joe takes us on a fanciful journey into tomorrow as he imagines America after a non-violent civil war, a national divorce so to speak. What would it be like if we just separated without a fight, each group could have their own paradise, where would you live?
Has President Trump fooled us all into thinking he likes and respects the military? Some people are saying he has disparaged our dead service people, Lt Joe looks at the evidence and the source for the claims. What is the real difference between candidate Trump and candidate Biden? Why do we see VP candidate Kamala Harris answering press questions and making statements, but not Joe Biden? Who actually invented the light bulb? Joe Biden thinks he knows, is he right? And finally, Lt. Joe looks at the state of our nation in terms of support for our police officers and highlights some decent things people are doing. Don’t miss it! Image: NYT