Chasing Justice
Sat | Sun 3 pm ET
Lt. Joe’s unique perspective on crime and punishment, criminal investigation and the causes of violence in society along with his ability to relate to all of us will make “Chasing Justice” your favorite go-to program on all things safety and security. On “Chasing Justice” we uncover the truth about these events, look at the investigations and the people that investigate them, and we will dig deep to see what can be done to make our lives and our families safer in this dangerous era.
Lt. Joe is a highly decorated retired Police Lieutenant, Criminal Investigator, Hostage/Crisis Negotiator and Master Trainer. He served his community for 27 years, retiring in 2013 to take on the role of Director of School Safety and Security. Crime, Corruption, Terrorism, Workplace Violence, School Shootings… together we’ll be Chasing Justice.
America Out Loud Network © – Crime, Corruption, Terrorism, Workplace Violence, School Shootings; together we’ll be Chasing Justice on the America Out Loud Network.
The continuing turmoil and strife in America is a symptom of a greater set of forces we don’t see out front. The creep of socialism and communism is driving much of the events of the day. The message of equality and enlightenment needed in some areas of our national life have been hi-jacked by these forces behind the scene and the American people are confused, scared and unsure what is real and what is hype. Our media has betrayed us by taking sides and throwing us to the wolves of destruction. We live in an upside down, bizarro world where reality is pushed to the back to allow for a fake and fabricated reality to take its place. With the new baseball season, we have new questions about kneeling and patriotism. Will we ever find a way back to a united states or are we on a journey to a new place, a place we will not like at all. Don’t miss it!
Do we want our cops to enforce laws or just be present for major crimes? Do we want the media to be truthful, no matter what the truth is? What about our politicians, what can we do about them? All of this noise is deafening and making people crazy. This Week Lt Joe looks at the basic question, what do we want as Americans from our law enforcement officers, the politicians, the media and each other. And finally, what about the future as we approach the elections, will the result create greater chaos and violence or less, will we have fighting in the streets? Only time will tell, don’t miss this episode.
The concept of “Cooler heads prevailing” is a theme of this episode. Our country is in great turmoil and violence is erupting across the nation. One of the only ways we can survive is if the people with calm voices of reason can cut through the heated rhetoric. Lt. Joe looks at some people who have tried to do just that, if it works, it could save us. Can Prayer Help? It is an option and provides some hope, let’s see who’s praying for the USA. To lighten things up a bit we have a visit from our attorney of record Joe Pangaro Jr. Joe provides us with some light-hearted look at some crazy laws and court rulings as well as some insight into the General Flynn case situation. Lt. Joe walks us through some thoughts we need to consider about police community relations and how we can bridge the gap to serve all of our communities and support our police.
The idea of being a united people here in America seems to be getting further and further away every day. Riots in the streets, strife in our communities, destruction of our historical record and calls to transform our country into something other than a democratic republic is a call we can hear very loudly. Will we be able to change this pattern or are we on a slippery slope to a new reality? The change in how we view people’s choices and lifestyles has evolved over the years as we have become enlightened and more tolerant of differences, that is good. What can we do to make our nation stronger together? Do our politicians actually help us to come together or do they create the wedges to divide us for personal and ideological gain? Are our personal choices responsible for our place in the mosaic of the USA or is the system really against us?
“A Case for War” and how it applies to the things we are seeing take place in our streets today. Riots, anger, blood shed attacks on police officers and the fear of the mob all combine to raise our anxiety and the potential for a real hot conflict. Lt Joe runs through some details of his recent article on America Out Loud. The polls are saying President Trump is done, America has had enough and is longing for the calm reserved leadership of Joe Biden and a return to the normal of the Obama years? Could this be true? Are the polls right? Will President Trump walk away from election 2020 if he is not winning? The Anti- trump crowd thinks so. “A Moment in Time” is a new program Lt Joe and a friend are creating to address the concerns of the law enforcement community and the communities they serve. Is healing possible or is the chaos we see a portend of the future? Join the discussion!
As the chaos in our streets heats up and the conflict goes from rhetoric to threats of violence to actual violence, we know there is something wrong, we can all feel it. Is there a revolution pending as some have said or will this latest round of upheaval pass like a storm cloud? The seeds of dissension and anarchy have been sown and the crop is growing like a tumor on our national soul. Are we being pushed to the inevitable hot conflict on the streets of America? What side will each of us come down on? Are we ready to relent and accept socialism for the sake of peace or a least some version of a dystopian peace? There comes a time in the life cycle of all living things when moments of truth have to be faced. Has America reached that point? Lt. Joe walks us through the possibilities and choices we all must make in the coming days.
The defunding of the police seems like a popular idea to many Americans, but what would it look like if we changed the police mission and how they do their business. Lt. Joe offers us some possibilities that may seem absurd but are what some might consider proper. We look at the recent political upheavals including the “CHAZ” free zone in Seattle and the succeeding of that group from the nation. Is there really a silent majority of conservatives anymore or are we really now a good solid left country? How can we have conversations if that means one side has conceded that the other side is right before any talking can even occur? Is this thought process going to lead to the death of free speech, or has it already? Don’t miss it!
The chaos in our streets is a symptom of the pains we are suffering as a people. The need for changes in how we deal with each other, respect each other and listen to each other is changing before our eyes. Our police officers and our citizens are at odds for reasons that don’t make sense. We have to put things in perspective so we can come together as one America, a red, white, and blue American family. Lt. Joe looks at how the police can change; how they police our streets, but it requires respect and responsibility on everyone’s part, not just the men and women of law enforcement. And finally we take a look at how we communicate and what is the purpose of kneeling, bowing and virtue signaling if it doesn’t bring us together.
America is burning from the inside. The chaos we are seeing on the streets is a clear indicator of where we are as a nation. The frustration and confusion of the COVID-19 shut down is compounded by the horrific death of George Floyd in Minnesota. America’s anger is erupting in the streets, revealing the pain we are all suffering as we try to figure out who we are as a people and what kind of country we should have. Justice is more than a word, we must all be heard but we must be honest in our conversations. Protesting is a valid activity to address concerns, rioting and looting are not. Outside forces have joined the battle for another agenda altogether. Antifa has chosen this moment to throw gasoline on the fire.
The American day of remembrance of our fallen military personnel is a somber one but should be revered by every citizen. The sacrifice of our men and women in uniform is a reminder of the value of freedom and liberty and why we must never forget that it can be lost. The ongoing Pandemic lockdown and economic shutdown in the Red State / Blue State stalemate is clear evidence of how people can be hypnotized by leadership. Many Americans are paralyzed with fear over the idea of opening up the country while others are ready to go and get back to as much normal as possible. Is all of this a pre-cursor to something else? And finally, the politics of the lockdown and the attempted coup d’état against President Trump are easy to see, but why do so many of our fellow citizens either not see the facts or disregard them. This is a recipe for serious trouble.
The crossroads of America are looming every day, currently we see the debate on whether to open the world up from COVID-19 or stay closed. It has become a pitched political battle. One NJ gym owner takes a stand and leads the way to renewal. The politics of Tyranny are clear for all to see in the red state /blue state divide and how our individual civil rights are being respected or trampled. Lt. Joe looks at the possibilities and how we can move forward as a free people. And finally, the on-going investigation into the biggest scandal and criminal conspiracy in our nations history is playing out before our eyes, there are reasons to be hopeful that justice will be served, but the deep state is powerful and their influence can be felt at every turn.
Lt. Joe is joined in the pandemic neighborhood by Jim ”the Contrarian“ Giordano one of the neighborhood guys. The newly revealed truths in the Trump witch hunt and Coup d’état that led to the dismissal of charges against General Flynn are broken down to see where it could be going from here. In an effort to break up the politics Lt. Joe and Jim talk a little bit about the sure secretive and mysterious “Q”, a man who seems to be very hooked up with the behind the scenes world. Then they look at the problems of local, state, and the federal government when it comes to public financing are all coming to the forefront during the pandemic. How will we pay for all of this costly societal caregiving and when will it breakdown? And finally, they round out the episode with some thoughts on where this all leads and what it will mean to every American as we try to open up and rejoin the world. Don’t miss this one! Image: Reuters
Trying to find the truth in a sea of misinformation, fear, and lies from the media about the Coronavirus makes it impossible to choose the right path forward, when we add the ulterior motives of the political class⏤the COVID-19 lockdown can seem never-ending. The stress caused by this crisis can make people act irrational or purposefully dangerous. Lt. Joe looks at the potential for violence in school and in the workplace when the world starts up again. And finally Kathy Pangaro joins Lt. Joe for a look back at the older generation for inspiration to get past these difficult times. There is wisdom in experience and the greatest generation may have to save the world yet again.
Lt Joe rips the cover off the back burner subject of the attacks on the president, from the phony impeachment and Russia hoaxes to the war against truth run by the media in the Mueller investigation, some updates are happening and being hidden by concerns of the Coronavirus. Is there media bias or is it a figment of a conservative imagination? The Joe Biden Sex assault scandal and lack of coverage by the mainstream media is ample evidence of the bias and the conspiracy to protect certain people and certain ideologies. And Finally, Lt Joe and his co-pilot this week, Kathleen, look at the impending problems of this continued lockdown and the effects it is having on the economy, jobs, our future and the mental health of a nation. Lots to think about here, don’t miss it!