Chasing Justice
Sat | Sun 3 pm ET
Lt. Joe’s unique perspective on crime and punishment, criminal investigation and the causes of violence in society along with his ability to relate to all of us will make “Chasing Justice” your favorite go-to program on all things safety and security. On “Chasing Justice” we uncover the truth about these events, look at the investigations and the people that investigate them, and we will dig deep to see what can be done to make our lives and our families safer in this dangerous era.
Lt. Joe is a highly decorated retired Police Lieutenant, Criminal Investigator, Hostage/Crisis Negotiator and Master Trainer. He served his community for 27 years, retiring in 2013 to take on the role of Director of School Safety and Security. Crime, Corruption, Terrorism, Workplace Violence, School Shootings… together we’ll be Chasing Justice.

America Out Loud Network © – Crime, Corruption, Terrorism, Workplace Violence, School Shootings; together we’ll be Chasing Justice on the America Out Loud Network.
The American day of remembrance of our fallen military personnel is a somber one but should be revered by every citizen. The sacrifice of our men and women in uniform is a reminder of the value of freedom and liberty and why we must never forget that it can be lost. The ongoing Pandemic lockdown and economic shutdown in the Red State / Blue State stalemate is clear evidence of how people can be hypnotized by leadership. Many Americans are paralyzed with fear over the idea of opening up the country while others are ready to go and get back to as much normal as possible. Is all of this a pre-cursor to something else? And finally, the politics of the lockdown and the attempted coup d’état against President Trump are easy to see, but why do so many of our fellow citizens either not see the facts or disregard them. This is a recipe for serious trouble.
The crossroads of America are looming every day, currently we see the debate on whether to open the world up from COVID-19 or stay closed. It has become a pitched political battle. One NJ gym owner takes a stand and leads the way to renewal. The politics of Tyranny are clear for all to see in the red state /blue state divide and how our individual civil rights are being respected or trampled. Lt. Joe looks at the possibilities and how we can move forward as a free people. And finally, the on-going investigation into the biggest scandal and criminal conspiracy in our nations history is playing out before our eyes, there are reasons to be hopeful that justice will be served, but the deep state is powerful and their influence can be felt at every turn.
Lt. Joe is joined in the pandemic neighborhood by Jim ”the Contrarian“ Giordano one of the neighborhood guys. The newly revealed truths in the Trump witch hunt and Coup d’état that led to the dismissal of charges against General Flynn are broken down to see where it could be going from here. In an effort to break up the politics Lt. Joe and Jim talk a little bit about the sure secretive and mysterious “Q”, a man who seems to be very hooked up with the behind the scenes world. Then they look at the problems of local, state, and the federal government when it comes to public financing are all coming to the forefront during the pandemic. How will we pay for all of this costly societal caregiving and when will it breakdown? And finally, they round out the episode with some thoughts on where this all leads and what it will mean to every American as we try to open up and rejoin the world. Don’t miss this one! Image: Reuters
Trying to find the truth in a sea of misinformation, fear, and lies from the media about the Coronavirus makes it impossible to choose the right path forward, when we add the ulterior motives of the political class⏤the COVID-19 lockdown can seem never-ending. The stress caused by this crisis can make people act irrational or purposefully dangerous. Lt. Joe looks at the potential for violence in school and in the workplace when the world starts up again. And finally Kathy Pangaro joins Lt. Joe for a look back at the older generation for inspiration to get past these difficult times. There is wisdom in experience and the greatest generation may have to save the world yet again.
Lt Joe rips the cover off the back burner subject of the attacks on the president, from the phony impeachment and Russia hoaxes to the war against truth run by the media in the Mueller investigation, some updates are happening and being hidden by concerns of the Coronavirus. Is there media bias or is it a figment of a conservative imagination? The Joe Biden Sex assault scandal and lack of coverage by the mainstream media is ample evidence of the bias and the conspiracy to protect certain people and certain ideologies. And Finally, Lt Joe and his co-pilot this week, Kathleen, look at the impending problems of this continued lockdown and the effects it is having on the economy, jobs, our future and the mental health of a nation. Lots to think about here, don’t miss it!
The drastic responses to the COVID-19 outbreak in America have come very quickly and are unprecedented in their scope⏤shutting down the economy, government spending trillions of dollars without a second thought. Is this situation real or has it morphed into a way for the state to take control of our lives? Our first Responders are doing an amazing job, but the stresses to being a first responder, under normal circumstances is difficult, under this crisis it’s even worse. Lt. Joe talks to Fire Chief John Sahatjian on to discuss these stresses and how our responders can learn to cope. And finally Kathleen joins Lt. Joe as they discuss the potential ramifications of restarting the country; how many lives might be lost if we do and if we don’t! Don’t miss it!
The continuing quarantine is taking our eyes off the ball, specifically the coup d’état that was run against President Trump. This Covid-19 shut down and the lack of coverage of the ongoing investigations is allowing block buster information to be missed. Lt Joe covers it. The overreach of state and local governments during the crisis is reasons for concern as it attacks our rights every day. Why can’t we go to church? Will I go to jail if I do? Lt. Joe looks at this danger. And finally, Is the left wing and the deep state using the crisis to grab power and usurp our lives? Should we let prisoners out of jail to protect them? Should we help Iran, but not demand that do things to make the world safer from their actions first? All this and more on this episode!
The quarantine can be a difficult time and for some people they are suffering, not just boredom but real hardship. In this episode Lt Joe Looks at the ways to be positive for today and for the future. Hope is the central theme to the show, joining Lt Joe is Kathleen and Marisa Joy, two very positive strong women in the neighborhood who have a very clear view of the ways we learn from this experience and grow from it personally and as a nation. Don’t miss this one. Image: AP
Lt. Joe gives a historical perspective to free speech and how it has changed mankind throughout history⏤from the interactions between Kings and subjects, to the revolutionary war and the birth of America’s Free Speech. Free speech is the beginning of any movement for liberty, and a very powerful tool in the fight to maintain freedom. Lt. Joe mixes old and new in a walk through the changes and battles that free speech has allowed and created. Don’t miss this one. This episode is a tribute to Free Speech and a recognition of the value of the America Out Loud Radio Network. Image: Washington Crossing the Delaware (1851), by Emanuel Leutze. (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
There are times in American History that unite us. 9/11 is one, this Coronavirus is another. Lt. Joe gives us the connection to American History and tragedy by comparing 9/11 and the sacrifice of today. Lt. Joe and Ms. Kathleen talk about being home during the quarantine; this is the personal look we all face as we stand up for country. How does politics invade our lives? The future of America is going be decided by how we deal with this reset. God bless America.
America is on lockdown, stalked by a potential killer virus. Our life patterns and routines are disrupted, our economy can be badly damaged. Where will this new paradigm lead us? Lt Joe covers the changes and why we should pay attention. The Guys in the neighborhood talk about being in lockdown and the how it’s affecting their lives. And finally Lt Joe will cover the political angle to all of this. Don’t miss it!
The Coronavirus is causing havoc all across the world. As America comes to grip with this unprecedented event how we respond to the changes, the restrictions and the potential dangers a sickness offers. Lt Joe looks at the realities of a long-term event as well as the political realities this type of thing has built in. Your freedom is at stake. Don’t miss this episode…. Your life might depend on it!
Coronavirus and the potential dangers and realities of a pandemic. Is it real or is it media fake out? The fellas in the neighborhood join Lt Joe for a rousing romp through the problems of the day. Q is a unique personality in the world, many people have heard of him, many have not. He operates under secrecy to warn us of the global cabal behind the scenes that control humanity. Jim Giordano gives us some insight into who is the “Q”. Joe Biden and his potential running mate is coming into focus, is it Hillary? Is she back? Listen and find out!
The crazy world of American politics is heating up as the primary season gets going full steam. The intrigue of the political system and the way the parties position themselves makes for a kind of sport. Lt Joe takes us through these evolving processes as America prepares to vote. The Coronavirus is a danger to everyone as it starts to get a grip on every nation. The US has had its first few cases and people have died, where will it grow next is the question. More dangerous perhaps than the Coronavirus is another very bad disease affecting millions of Americans – Trump Derangement Syndrome! Lt. Joe compares the two and guides us to a safer place! And Finally, slipping away from politics for a few minutes, we look at the world of technology and how it has changed our lives and what it will do for us in the future….as long as the electric stays on! Don’t miss this episode!