Chasing Justice
Sat | Sun 3 pm ET
Lt. Joe’s unique perspective on crime and punishment, criminal investigation and the causes of violence in society along with his ability to relate to all of us will make “Chasing Justice” your favorite go-to program on all things safety and security. On “Chasing Justice” we uncover the truth about these events, look at the investigations and the people that investigate them, and we will dig deep to see what can be done to make our lives and our families safer in this dangerous era.
Lt. Joe is a highly decorated retired Police Lieutenant, Criminal Investigator, Hostage/Crisis Negotiator and Master Trainer. He served his community for 27 years, retiring in 2013 to take on the role of Director of School Safety and Security. Crime, Corruption, Terrorism, Workplace Violence, School Shootings… together we’ll be Chasing Justice.

America Out Loud Network © – Crime, Corruption, Terrorism, Workplace Violence, School Shootings; together we’ll be Chasing Justice on the America Out Loud Network.
The rise of socialism in America is apparent, the potential of a Bernie Sanders candidacy for President is looking like a reality. For the first time in American History the American People are voting for a candidate that could wipe away American democracy and usher in a dark future. Lt. Joe Conducts a MOCK interview with Bernie Sanders, President Washington, President Lincoln, President Regan and President HW Bush to point out in a tongue and cheek fashion the dangers ahead if we choose socialism. And Finally, Lt. Joe walks us through the news cycle and the comments of some prominent people to reveal where we are as a thinking people in a time of change.
The connection between justice on a large scale like the government’s interaction with the citizens and justice on a smaller scale like between each of us and our world all requires the same thing for it to have value. It must be honest and pure. The on-going coup d’état that has been alive for three years continues as we see members of the swamp who started it slip away from justice. The candidates for president present a false world view to fool us, this is a lack of justice and endangers our future as a nation. And finally, the connection between justice and faith is pulled open by Lt. Joe as he tries to connect an understanding of faith as it compares to intellect and science. Justice and faith are intertwined in all of our lives.
The recent changes made to the criminal justice system and the process of posting bail for charges has been drastically changed by many states across the country. People committing crime are now routinely released back into the community not only to commit more crime, but create more victims. Is this the right path for America? The system does need to be adjusted to be more equitable, but we cannot ignore reality and human nature when it comes to crime. Lt Joe looks at the state of Bail reform and rising crime in America. We take a look at the recent acquittal of President Trump in the illegitimate impeachment process where our system of justice was used as a weapon for political purposes and has endangered the foundation of justice in America. Don’t miss it.
This episode features the “Guys in the Neighborhood” as we cover the Impeachment, the changes in the way Americans deal with each other, justice in America and the concepts of fairness. The guys look at why we can’t talk to each other without arguing, and the power of the media to distort the truth. And finally the way justice is administered in America and the new Bail reform movements taking place across the country.
Lt Joe shows the power of human connection and how it can bring us together for great change, with examples out of our history right up to the present time it becomes clear that when united⏤America is a powerful place. Kathleen Pangaro joins Lt Joe to talk about her experience at the Rally for Life Walk in Washington DC. Another example of American people united, striving for change. Her insight is awesome, and finally, Lt. Joe covers the Big Lie of the Impeachment and how a case has been made in spite of the facts and the medias’ complicity in the big lie.
The Guys in the Neighborhood- “Rock and Roll Race Car” Jack Patterson, “The Man of faith“ Bill Dallas, and Jim “The Contrarian” Giordano, are back with Lt. Joe covering the events of our lives. The neighborhood guys look at the impeachment, the attacks on American police officers, Corruption and deceit among our political class, and much more. Our recurring theme here is justice denied is not justice, meaning if you infringe on the right of the president because you don’t like him or if you try to take away or restrict the 2nd amendment rights of regular Americans while at the same time letting criminals run free⏤we are on a collision course with chaos. Don’t miss this one!
Police work and the men and women who dedicate themselves to keeping our society safe have some amazing real-life stories. In this episode of Chasing Justice Lt. Joe sits down with three of his former partners. We called ourselves “The Unit” and we worked very hard to serve our community. These stories are just the tip of then iceberg, every cop has stories, these are some of ours. The photograph above: The Unit. Seated, left to right- Capt. Kevin McDermott, Lt. Jeffrey Layton, Lt. Joseph Pangaro, Sgt. Charles Weinkofsky
The history of America’s relationship with Iran and the rise of the Islamic Revolution have led us to the point we are at today. Lt Joe paints that picture to give us some perspective and why the two countries sit at the brink of a hot war. The conflict with Iran and the killing of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani is the catalyst for the current tension between the two countries, but the story being told by the media doesn’t match the real events on the ground. We look at the effects of this action and how it can grow into a much more dangerous conflict. And Finally, Lt Joe connects the actions of the media and the left in condemning President Trump with the false narrative of the Impeachment process. The days ahead may change the paradigm, be ready and don’t miss this episode.
The new year presents opportunity and a chance for reflection on the past as we move forward. As our country changes so does what we consider normal. The level of violence we see and law breaking has become a symptom of the place we find ourselves as a nation, we are torn between traditional America and America of tomorrow a brave new world of socialism, lower standards and other disruptions to our way of life. We have our attorney of record Joe Pangaro Jr. on for “Disorder in the court” as we look at the new year and the court cases that are still on the books. And finally Bill Dallas from the neighborhood joins Lt Joe for a look at 2020 and the recent violent events in religious places.
As the Christmas Holiday approaches, on the eve of this wonderful event Lt. Joe takes us through the Impeachment mess and where it may lead. In honor of the holiday Jim, Kathy and Marisa from the neighborhood join the program for some holiday memories and a look at Christmas past.
The lowering of standards has caused a rise in crime and danger in our society. The attack on the rule of law has led to changes in the way people go about their lives, ANTIFA and political turmoil has caused our streets to explode in chaos. The weak politicians who are afraid to stand for the rule of law has put all of us in danger by allowing the worst of human nature to flourish. We see the examples of the illegitimate impeachment process further tearing down the rule of law. Lt Joe looks at these changes and their effects. And finally we talk about the coming holidays and the promise of a better tomorrow with the coming new year. Join us on the journey!
At times of great danger people are called to do more than they think possible. The destruction of our system of laws is being damaged right in front of our eyes with the bogus impeachment inquiry in Congress. Seeing this happen calls to each American of every stripe to ask “Is this right”. This question leads Lt. Joe to question how far he is willing to go to protect America and defend the Constitution, to determine if he is a patriot, or a revolutionary as our founding fathers were. This is a question that the events of the day are asking all of us, what is your answer? We visit with Joe Jr. Attorney of record about what is considered evidence in a courtroom in relations to testimony and finally we look at the things that make the impeachment inquiry illegitimate. Don’t miss it!
A theme of Us vs Them is broken down into its definitions. Do we take sides based on politics? Or are we on a side because of our beliefs? Lt Joe looks at the split in the country between left and right and gives it some perspective. We also hear a holiday poem based on the Classic Christmas Story the Night before Christmas by Clement Moore. Lt Joe gives it a modern twist as he looks at events in the country and the looming impeachment inquiries, this creates “Twas the night before Impeachment” a tongue in cheek look at the events of the day, and we take a 360 degree look around at the other news events of the day to see if we can tell what’s coming.
The shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida was another failure of the system to protect our children⏤when a gunman opened fire with a semi-automatic rifle killing 17 people and injuring 17 others. Lt. Joe talks with Andrew Pollack, father of Meadow Pollack a high school student murdered in the Parkland school shooting. Andrew talks about the liberal policies and weak enforcement of laws against violent people that he blames for the death of his beloved daughter Meadow. The dangers of political correctness and the violence it leads to and the corruption is causes⏤from the Sham of a congressional investigation motivated by lies and political vengeance to the death of an innocent child by stray bullet Lt Joe follows the road to danger. And finally we look at stop and frisk activities and how they prevent innocent people form dying in dangerous neighborhoods and how a politically correct point of view has crippled that police tool to keep you alive.