Chasing Justice
Sat | Sun 3 pm ET
Lt. Joe’s unique perspective on crime and punishment, criminal investigation and the causes of violence in society along with his ability to relate to all of us will make “Chasing Justice” your favorite go-to program on all things safety and security. On “Chasing Justice” we uncover the truth about these events, look at the investigations and the people that investigate them, and we will dig deep to see what can be done to make our lives and our families safer in this dangerous era.
Lt. Joe is a highly decorated retired Police Lieutenant, Criminal Investigator, Hostage/Crisis Negotiator and Master Trainer. He served his community for 27 years, retiring in 2013 to take on the role of Director of School Safety and Security. Crime, Corruption, Terrorism, Workplace Violence, School Shootings… together we’ll be Chasing Justice.

America Out Loud Network © – Crime, Corruption, Terrorism, Workplace Violence, School Shootings; together we’ll be Chasing Justice on the America Out Loud Network.
Lt Joe and his family offer some tips on surviving this difficult turmoil. As the Holidays approach, we need to look inward for guidance. As we move through history our perspectives can change. This episode looks at the state of kneeling in the NFL and what it means for our country juxtaposed on the personage of Colin Kaepernick. The ongoing attacks on American democracy and our republic through the vehicle of impeachment. The words and maybe the precursor to Bob Barr’s realignment of American Justice are all highlighted in this episode. Don’t miss it.
What spectacular days we have in the fall, the seasonal holidays and events can brighten our lives. Lt Joe gives an upbeat tour of the time of year as a change of pace and escape from the never ending crush of politics. Finding God in our life and seeing Him in real time is a fantasy for many, but for those with a faith, we can often see Him all around us. A friends Journey brings this reality to life. We end this episode with a quick review of the nations political nonsense and a peek at the characters who would unseat President Trump. Don’t miss this one, you’ll feel better!
The daily assault on the American people by the forces of corruption are destroying our nation. Lt Joe weaves a tale of frustration and anger at those forces and identifies the culprits perpetrating this attack on us. From the Swamp’s concocted witch hunt against the president to the never-ending conga line of lies from the left-wing media, to the NeverTrump crowd, we can see a pattern of their intended destruction and how these forces work together. Don’t miss this episode…. Your country depends on it!
What value does life really have? Is it something we can define by what we say or what we do? Does God actually bless us or is He running trouble our way on purpose? Is there any justice in a world filled with politicians that lie and cheat? These questions and many more are part of the journey we take with Lt. Joe this episode. We look at the freak show that is our national politics and look for the hopeful signs of a criminal investigation into those who have betrayed our nation. We see a glimpse into the personal side of life as Lt Joe gushes over his new baby granddaughter and connects the value of life and doing good in real time.
Lt Joe and the guys in the neighborhood cover a host of topics to include The Barr investigation, Hillary Clinton’s Russia fears, and the impeachment lie. The role of God and religion in modern American life. Are we at a crossroad and does God care? Join us on this whirlwind episode…
America is beyond the crossroads of history: liberty, justice, freedom and tyranny are locked in a battle that is consuming us. We can’t tell the difference between blatant lies and tricks and genuine truth even when it is right before our eyes. Lt Joe takes us along on his thought train as he runs through many examples of this battle of truth and lies, good and evil in our modern world and where it could be leading to. As Americans we are all one people, can we get to that point before we completely come apart?
The American people are at a point of frustration and anger over the politics in Washington D.C., the Fake news media lying to us, and that frustration is starting to boil. Lt. Joe walks us through the reality of the Trump phone call and what it means to our nation and the concocted Impeachment hearings that are going on. Giving voice to this frustration is an effort to put it into context as we move closer to the all important national reckoning of the 2020 election. Don’t miss this episode!
The growing frustration felt by many Americans waiting for those who attempted a Coup d’état against president Trump to be held to account is growing. As the forces of the democrat party in congress come up with a never ending list of tricks to pull to convince us all that Trump is unfit, we are growing weary waiting for someone to step up and speak for us. Congressman Adam Schiff and his allies on the left never stop in their attack against traditional America and many of the Republicans sit back and watch it happen without lifting a finger. Lt Pangaro covers these daily assaults on our sovereignty and the growth of socialism. Greta Thunberg and her anger at America for global climate change is misplaced and adds to the heat that boils the pot. And finally, we consider the background potential of school violence and the opioid crisis. Don’t miss this episode!
The idea of America was born out of a desire for freedom and liberty. The birth of the nation required sacrifice and action to achieve the nation we enjoy today, but that nation is in danger. America is under attack from within, from the forces of socialism that stir discord and pursue a radical change in our reality. How will Americans respond? Will we stand for freedom and liberty or will we fade away? Lt. Joe takes us through some tough scenarios about our quickly approaching future. Where will you line up?
The guys in the neighborhood get together for this weeks episode, the coolness of socialism is the theme of this weeks adventure, what happens to America if the left wins the elections and drags America kicking and screaming to the left. How does The Democratic revelation that taking the guns of innocent Americans play out across the country. The guys cover the potential problems with gun confiscation. Free Speech rounds out the episode and the fellas describe how they see the democrat presidential contenders.
The value of life, all life is devalued and diminished when we take God out of the equation. This leads to the downward spiral we are seeing every day. From Birth to natural death life is a gift we must cherish. The fake news media are part of the problem, hiding the truth of socialism and those who advocate for it, pushing biased stories to hurt their political enemies is another symptom we must address and fight back against if we are to save America as we know it. Our freedom is not guaranteed. It is each citizens responsibility to protect and defend it if it is to survive. Let’s raise our voice out loud style.
At a time when police officers are under assault verbally and physically in many places and they are thought of as brutes out to hurt people, I needed to respond to that by giving you some examples of great cops. The Big Blue Line is an episode dedicated to American Law Enforcement, police and corrections officers. We will cover the disgraced former FBI leader James Comey and the recent investigatory revelations about his behavior. And finally, we cover the tragedy of law enforcement suicide. Our police and Corrections Officers should be celebrated and respected for the work they do to keep us all safe.
Free speech is under attack ever day in modern America. If you have a thought, it had better be the right and politically correct thought or you will suffer the consequences. Lt. Joe Takes us on an adventure through the land of make believe or as we know it- America 2019 where we have to pretend what we see is not what we see, or what we hear is not what we hear and if we don’t see and hear what the left demands we see and hear, we will be labeled a racist or an hater or some other nonsense. We interview Michael Bluemling Jr. Congressional Candidate for the 21st congressional district in South Florida. Mike is patriot, a military veteran, and a man of compassion. And finally we talk to Yankee Doodle Keith from the neighborhood about an experience he had a work where he got “Liberaled” for having a conversation about American History without taking then politically correct point of view in his thoughts.
This week the neighborhood shines as we look at the chaotic events going on in America. We look for God place in this mess and we enjoy a visit from Yankee Doodle Keith from Massachusetts. Hot tub etiquette and Lindsay Graham look at the ugly and damning Russia hoax probe, the strength of Israel and Netanyahu and wisdom from Mark Twain. Don’t miss this episode.