Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

March 9, 2025

Chasing Justice

Sat | Sun 3 pm ET

Lt. Joe’s unique perspective on crime and punishment, criminal investigation and the causes of violence in society along with his ability to relate to all of us will make “Chasing Justice” your favorite go-to program on all things safety and security. On “Chasing Justice” we uncover the truth about these events, look at the investigations and the people that investigate them, and we will dig deep to see what can be done to make our lives and our families safer in this dangerous era.

Lt. Joe is a highly decorated retired Police Lieutenant, Criminal Investigator, Hostage/Crisis Negotiator and Master Trainer. He served his community for 27 years, retiring in 2013 to take on the role of Director of School Safety and Security. Crime, Corruption, Terrorism, Workplace Violence, School Shootings… together we’ll be Chasing Justice.

Chasing Justice
Chasing Justice

America Out Loud Network © – Crime, Corruption, Terrorism, Workplace Violence, School Shootings; together we’ll be Chasing Justice on the America Out Loud Network.

The drama of testimony and the search for truth in the Judge Kavanaugh and Dr Ford  hearings made several points of justice very clear. Is a mere accusation enough to assign guilt or do we need more. Will our system of justice survive if we destroy these principles? This is what we need to discuss openly on Chasing Justice.

Is there justice in our country when the political class corrupts and manipulates the events? Is there justice when an allegation of wrong doing is used as a weapon to advance an agenda? What about the victim, are they used as a tool and their chance to achieve justice is not the first consideration, but the last? Where do we go from here? Our nation is at stake.

The last minute accusation against Judge Kavanaugh is a new low for our friends on the left. Very reminiscent of the attack on Clarence Thomas so many years ago. The neighborhood is live at Clancys again with guest Capt Donna Hernandez. Also joining us is Special Guest, Michele Gay. She is the cofounder of Safe and Sound Schools, she’s the mother of one of the children killed in the Sandy Hook Elementary School Massacre. Her organization has multiple programs designed to help schools prepare themselves and increase their safety and security. Image: Erin Schaff For Further Insight: Website:

The start of the second American Civil War, the cold version without the shooting and dying has already begun. It started in 2009 with the election of Barack Obama and the birth of the resistance to all things traditionally American. The NY Times Op-ed revealing a traitor in the White House is proof of the civil war as a resistor and traitor is in the White House fighting the President and his agenda from within. The Neighborhood goes out to the people as the fellas visit “Clancys Tavern” in Neptune NJ to record live among the people. A conversation about Sept 11 brings the neighbothood together.

What has happened to our country, we can hardly recognize it. If the truth be told the fear we have of losing the country has already been realized. Violence in our cities goes unchallenged because of politics, the left sees opportunity in the death of innocence. The Neighborhood guys talk about the bias in coverage of Aretha Franklin’s funeral and the presence of Farrakhan and the debauchery of Bill Clinton on display. School security and what we can do as the doors open across the country.

America lost two prominent people this week and one Angel. The death of Icons John McCain and Aretha Franklin were the source of national sadness. But we also lost an Angel, Molly Tibbits, at the hands of an illegal immigrant killer. The loss of Molly is the most painful as she was an innocent who found herself in the crosshairs of this national debate, and she lost. The need to vote in November cannot be more important if we don’t want to lose our country to socialism and the next thing. And finally, some insight into crime scenes and what they can tell us. (Image Source: YouTube screenshot)

The ownership of government Security Clearances is becoming a topic of interest especially in the mainstream media, do people have a right to know our secrets? The neighborhood looks at the how President Trump has racked up a record of success, our guys play devils advocate and offer alternate reasons for the growth of the American economy.

The renewed action of kneeling during the playing of the National Anthem by NFL Players has come front and center again with the start of the NFL’s pre-season games. If we are to listen to the players and understand their grievances shouldn’t they understand the pain they are causing to other Americans, like our veterans? Is justice served by using private DNA data banks to solve crime? If so, what are the limits and how should we proceed? Stolen air planes, Omarosa and other events in the news are looked at from a different perspective.

Missing persons cases and cold cases have similar qualities, time is of the essence if we are to save a life. The need to act quickly to a missing persons report is discussed. In the neighborhood the guys cover all the topics of the day, including the return of the Korean War dead. And finally we revisit the “Disorder in the court” segment with more humorous examples of court cases gone wrong.

Have we sown the seeds of our own destruction by allowing chaos and anarchy to take over political and personal discussion? Has Trump Derangement Syndrome created a climate where we could potentially lose our hold on freedom and liberty? Have we finally reached a place in America where a true Socialist could be elected and we potentially vote away our democratic republic? It’s up to us to decide, but we are headed down a road we could not have foreseen only a few years ago…

The use of the powerful American intelligence agencies and its resources against a citizen, namely candidate and now President Trump has been revealed. If it is ignored we will lose our country as we know it, democracy will die and something new will emerge, something none of us is prepared for. The neighborhood voices have lots to say about this one…

The blatant display of government corruption we are seeing in the investigation of “Russian Collusion” reveals an even deeper problem. Our government is in crisis, democracy is weakening and the people we have elected to represent us are part of the problem. Also, the safety and security of our schools and businesses is starting to take a more front and center place in our minds, we will look at the state of security as the new school year approaches.

Life is an amazing gift. Is it all just by chance or it there a God at the controls? People believe in God because of the beauty we can see as his creation; some people also believe in aliens with no proof; both beliefs require a leap of faith. What is your leap of faith? A fun summer show, serious talk about ICE and Immigration then we had a segment on puppy adoption and the UFO phenomenon.

The crossroads of the future is at hand. The Supreme Court is at stake and the differences between in how Americans on the left and right see the future is taking shape right now. We will be talking red, white and blue in the neighborhood today on Chasing Justice.

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