Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

March 8, 2025

Chasing Justice

Sat | Sun 3 pm ET

Lt. Joe’s unique perspective on crime and punishment, criminal investigation and the causes of violence in society along with his ability to relate to all of us will make “Chasing Justice” your favorite go-to program on all things safety and security. On “Chasing Justice” we uncover the truth about these events, look at the investigations and the people that investigate them, and we will dig deep to see what can be done to make our lives and our families safer in this dangerous era.

Lt. Joe is a highly decorated retired Police Lieutenant, Criminal Investigator, Hostage/Crisis Negotiator and Master Trainer. He served his community for 27 years, retiring in 2013 to take on the role of Director of School Safety and Security. Crime, Corruption, Terrorism, Workplace Violence, School Shootings… together we’ll be Chasing Justice.

Chasing Justice
Chasing Justice

America Out Loud Network © – Crime, Corruption, Terrorism, Workplace Violence, School Shootings; together we’ll be Chasing Justice on the America Out Loud Network.

A look at the growing crisis at the border involving illegal immigrants and a closer look at the motivations of everyone involved, citizens and politicians. We also look at the hidden tragedy of homeless veterans and the treatment they are getting. image: (Jason Hoekema/The Brownsville Herald via AP)

The role of father is in an age of political correctness. The changing role of father’s, as well as how one becomes a father biologically or by choice is discussed to try and understand how to make sense in our modern world where political correctness seems to say value of men and fathers is diminished.

In a time of cultural change and role confusion, men and women are trying to adapt to this new paradigm and relate to each other. We’ll take that on in the neighborhood today on Chasing Justice.

Words have meaning, and what about our personal space? Comments we make can sometimes be offensive and might there be a difference in who makes the comment? The way people communicate is a big topic, and one we need to address here. The neighborhood is active today as the fellas talk about how they communicate to other people, and how they see the double standard between liberal and conservatives making offensive comments and how they are treated. Also a most interesting interview with actress “Marisa Joy”. We discuss her upcoming movie release “Wing Girl” about female fighter pilots called into action by their country. We also talk about the recent school shootings and how they affect young people and finally we touch on the theme of the show, Words and actions and the fear of sex assault.

For the purposes of this discussion, we will dub this talk “The Investigation”, as folks are pretty fed up with the name Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Sadly a household name at this point in time. So where are we at with “The Investigation”? Lt Joe and Jack Patterson discuss the importance of Memorial Day. The respect for the anthem at race tracks and the NFL rule changes–specifically the kneeling as the National Anthem is being disrespected.

Cold case crimes and the essence of evidence used to investigate these events. How are warrants obtained and by who. We’ll take up the hottest issues of the day with the guys in the neighborhood on Chasing Justice…

The loss of more innocent kids in a school shooting in Texas. Where do we go from here? Fairness in school sports programs by allowing “Everyone” to make the team and other instances of injustice. The Justice of the Investigation not Trump. We end with some light hearted look at the possibilities of aliens being among us.

A free society maintains stability and sustainability based on a trust in our institutions. When those institutions and systems we have put in place become corrupt or deviate from their intended purposes the entire framework of our lives and our freedom is put at risk.

The most powerful tool for freedom is the ability to speak your mind and resist any attempt to diminish individual rights. Free Speech can elevate and inspire a people to reach the greatest heights and at the same time words can also be used as weapons to control and injure. Where is the line then between positive and negative speech and how do we deal with each? The ‘Chasing Justice Neighborhood’ is all over this one!

The future is coming at us quickly, bringing with it changes we never imagined. Our conversations covered some of these changes in the on going Russia investigation, the effect on young people and how it will effect all of us moving forward. We also spoke to two young people who are living this new world of social media and the horrors of school shootings and finally we spoke to a high school freshman who is in the Boy Scouts of America pursuing his Eagle scout status, he gives us his opinion of girls joining the boy scouts.

The concept of justice is one near and dear to all Americans; it is the foundation of our relationship to one another and to our government. The rights of the individual are supported by a system that recognizes this fact and makes every decision based on it. When justice is denied we all suffer. Chasing Justice highlights this struggle and we fight back to expose those who would suppress freedom.

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