Dr. Paul Alexander Liberty Hour
Sat | Sun 4 pm ET
The Dr. Paul Alexander Liberty Hour was formed to provide evidence-based, sound information so people can become informed about issues scientific in nature and global concerns that can affect their freedoms and rights. Actions taken in the past few years in response to the COVID pandemic have crushed our liberties.
We the People, need to be able to think, speak and act without self-restraint. People globally should be free from repressive restrictions forced by authoritarian regimes on people’s behavior and lifestyle. I was working with the past Trump administration, and as a result of that and my advocacy for anti-Covid policies, I was canceled. I did not let this stop me from sharing the science with people. You may not agree or like what I have to say, but I will present you with information on this show, and you can decide how you use it. As an academic scientist, I have had the privilege of working with prescient giants in the field like Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Zev Zelenko, Dr. Joe Ladapo, and Dr. Harvey Risch.
Dr Paul Alexander has experience in epidemiology and in the teaching of clinical epidemiology, evidence-based medicine, and research methodology. Dr Alexander is a former Assistant Professor at McMaster University in evidence-based medicine and research methods; former COVID Pandemic evidence-synthesis consultant advisor to WHO-PAHO Washington, DC (2020) and former senior advisor to COVID Pandemic policy in Health and Human Services (HHS) Washington, DC (A Secretary) in the Trump administration,
Dr. Alexander was appointed in 2008 at WHO as a regional specialist/epidemiologist in Europe’s Regional office Denmark, worked for the government of Canada as an epidemiologist for 12 years, appointed as the Canadian in-field epidemiologist (2002-2004) as part of an international CIDA funded, Health Canada executed project on TB/HIV co-infection and MDR-TB control (involving India, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Afghanistan, posted to Kathmandu); employed from 2017 to 2019 at Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) Virginia USA as the evidence synthesis meta-analysis systematic review guideline development trainer; currently a COVID-19 consultant researcher in the US-C19 research group.

America Out Loud Network © – We the People, need to be able to think, speak and act without self-restraint. As an academic scientist, I'll provide evidence-based, sound information so people can become informed about issues that can affect their freedoms and rights.
Dr. Paul Alexander Liberty Hour – ‘UK Government Ignored The Lockdown Child Suicides’ (The Expose). So did the US government, Canadian Government, etc. In fact, Fauci, Birx, Francis Collins, Walensky et al. extended & hardened lockdowns. The lockdowns and school closures cost lives and killed people, killed our children, and we gave them data. We gave NIH, FDA, etc., information, but the CDC, NIH, and FDA officials were…
Dr. Paul Alexander Liberty Hour – The 10 Horsemen of the Apocalypse, these 10 doctors, scientists must be investigated & under oath separately for the deaths from mRNA vaccine technology: Bourla (Pfizer), UÄŸur Åžahin (BioNTech), Fauci (NIAID), Malone (mRNA technology), Bancel (Moderna), Baric (Chapel Hill U North Carolina), Karikó (mRNA technology), Francis Collins (NIH), Daszak (EcoHealth Alliance), Weissman…
Dr. Paul Alexander Liberty Hour – Does mRNA technology-based COVID gene injection strike again? Seems so! Where are the inventors of mRNA technology to explain sudden pilot incapacitations? 2006 Piper Meridian, pilot ‘medical emergency.’ A passenger takes control of the plane, which crashes in Massachusetts after the pilot has a medical problem; the pilot was flown by helicopter to a Boston hospital. He is in a serious…
Dr. Paul Alexander Liberty Hour – Do not forget how deadly the mRNA technology-based gene injection has been! Remember that “UK Government Data Showed 92% of 2022 COVID Deaths Were Among The Triple Vaccinated”. The United Kingdom’s government has released official data showing a hidden shocking truth: those who received three COVID “vaccines” accounted for 92% of deaths throughout the UK in 2022…
Dr. Paul Alexander Liberty Hour – Why did LANCET censor our study after publishing? Is the Lancet Journal now dead on arrival (DOA)? It was a review of 325 autopsies after Covid vaccine. The study found that 74% were due to the COVID vaccine. LANCET pulled it in 24 hours. Did the vaccine makers threaten LANCET? Why would LANCET pull this study?
Dr. Paul Alexander Liberty Hour – If you can bring a Trump 2.0, IMO Democrat or Republican for both are the same sleaze buckets as far as I am concerned, but one who: Loves the nation, Respects borders, Loves the flag, Respects the anthem and stands for it, Respects the Constitution, Loves language and culture, Loves law and order, Loves the police, Loves military, Will gut the HHS, CDC, NIH, and FDA the first chance…
Dr. Paul Alexander Liberty Hour – Jamie Foxx, Damar Hamlin, Shane Warne… three high level well know people devastated likely by the mRNA technology-based gene injection. One died fully, the other for 10 minutes, and one cheated death ‘so far’. In Basel, Switzerland, a presentation by Christian Eugen Mueller showed a major cardiovascular finding regarding the COVID mRNA technology-based gene vaccine…
Dr. Paul Alexander Liberty Hour – Genital reconstruction surgery in women attempting to create phalli and take on the appearance of a man should be abandoned. The surgical complications are far too frequent and very serious. Women wanting a penis has been disastrous. Catastrophic is the mild term! McCullough is 100% correct. I stand with him on this! This is barbarity. Patients reported 281 complications requiring…
Dr. Paul Alexander Liberty Hour – Mitochondrial damage: Is there evidence that COVID spike protein damages mitochondria? Yes, Clough et al. showed us this, and we can infer that the mRNA technology-based gene injection-induced spike protein will have the same deleterious effect! Is the COVID virus spike protein S1 sub-unit capable of inducing…
Dr. Paul Alexander Liberty Hour – Suicide surge due to devastating harms from mRNA technology basis COVID gene vaccines, e.g., Pfizer & Moderna? Yes,100%, we are seeing a disturbing escalation in catastrophic stories killing themselves. This is very sad, tragic, and gut-wrenching, e.g., Trinidad & Tobago young woman kills herself after adverse effects from a Pfizer shot, and an Italian…
Dr. Paul Alexander Liberty Hour – Yes, we did and do have a pandemic, but not COVID. It is a pandemic of mRNA technology. This mRNA technology is the most devastating aspect of the fraud pandemic. Those involved are criminals. They gave the sickest evil gift to humanity. mRNA technology in the COVID vaccine is the most catastrophic aspect of the vaccine…
Dr. Paul Alexander Liberty Hour – Fentanyl-rainbow fentanyl-xylazine (tranq) fuels the overdose crisis in America. ‘No child should be dying’: Fentanyl-related deaths among kids rising, Yale study says. Parents be warned about infants. ‘Fentanyl-related deaths among children increased more than 30-fold between 2013 and 2021, illustrating the opioid crisis’ unrelenting impact across the…
Dr. Paul Alexander Liberty Hour – The Telegraph’s Jeremy Warner substantiates this view that COVID lockdowns would have always failed, stating that “Only now are the appalling costs of the pandemic becoming clear; Lockdown’s lasting impact on the nation is plain to see now that the fog of war is gone.” This is something we always knew. In November 2021, I wrote a review in Brownstone…
Dr. Paul Alexander Liberty Hour – Scott Atlas has written, “America’s COVID Response Was Based on Lies.” I agree with him 100% and add to the list of lies that Scott, myself, Kulldorff, Bhattacharya, Gupta, Berenson, Ioannidis, Oskoui, McCullough, Risch, Smith, et al. were crying out, screaming in early 2020 to open up and not shut down, do not close schools, do not close…