Faith Is…
Every Sat/Sun 8 AM ET
We believe God wants us to understand the Bible. So we’ll approach the Bible with eager anticipation, confident that God will show us the truth. Then, he’ll show us how to live in these sometimes confusing and discouraging times. Join us as we make the complicated simple, cooperate with grace, and stretch toward God’s high calling.
Every week we’ll take a fresh look at the Bible and discover that Faith Is . . . absolute confidence in the trustworthiness of God.
Born a Buckeye in southwestern Ohio, Pastor Rick Stevens has served churches from Oklahoma to New Brunswick, Canada. He has been a pastor, youth pastor, and church music director. Since January of 1997, he has been the pastor of Diplomat Wesleyan Church in Cape Coral, FL. He is married to Jan and has two children and four grandchildren. His most unusual travel experience was visiting the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station in Ukraine; the site of the world’s worst nuclear power accident.

America Out Loud Network © – Every week we’ll take a fresh look at the Bible and discover that Faith Is . . . absolute confidence in the trustworthiness of God.
FAITH IS… with Pastor Rick Stevens – The church has long overlooked the Civic Mission Field, but that’s changing. As we step into new territory, we explore what true engagement means. At the heart of it all is the powerful Biblical concept of covenant—God’s faithful relationship with humanity and His call for our response. Discover how ancient promises shape modern mission and purpose.
FAITH IS… with Pastor Rick Stevens – Have you considered a call to the Civic Mission Field? Churches support many mission initiatives, but God may be calling you to serve in a unique way. Temptation is something we all face, yet Jesus showed us how to overcome it. How we view temptation and salvation can shape our lives and faith in powerful ways.
FAITH IS… with Pastor Rick Stevens – Freedom of conscience is our first freedom—without it, we are not truly free. We must stay vigilant in protecting religious liberty or risk legal consequences. This explores the battle beyond politics, one of good versus evil. Plus, how are you engaging in Lent? Discover ways to tap into God’s grace and deepen your faith journey.
FAITH IS… with Pastor Rick Stevens – Have you chosen a Lent project? This season is an opportunity to grow in grace and deepen your faith. Plus, a look at Christians and civic engagement—reasons to rejoice and sharpen discernment. And when thinking about the economy, it’s more than just money; it’s about human thriving. Let’s refocus on what truly matters.
FAITH IS… with Pastor Rick Stevens – Many Christians see Lent as a time to give up something, but what if it’s an opportunity for spiritual growth? This explores how biblical teachings shed light on immigration, a topic often debated with more heat than understanding. Discover what God expects from His people and how faith can guide our perspective on this issue.
FAITH IS… with Pastor Rick Stevens – Get your baloney detector ready! It’s time to apply wisdom in economics and civics to today’s events. Deception is everywhere, but with discernment, we see the truth. Even better, we proclaim the greatest news—the Gospel. What is it really? Buckle up, because it’s even better than most people imagine!
FAITH IS… with Pastor Rick Stevens – Who complains about income disparity while living in a $2 million home? Who champions immigrants yet worries more about losing millions? It’s no surprise. The real question is: what’s a pastor’s number one job? God challenges us to step up—just like Jeremiah, who resisted but couldn’t stop obeying. Take the next step and love boldly.
FAITH IS… with Pastor Rick Stevens – Christians must rise to this moment by deepening our understanding of civics, sharpening our economic awareness, and refining our discernment. We pursue our Kingdom Purpose by asking what kind of person pleases God—and becoming that person. Through God’s grace, we grow, develop, and strengthen the church, engaging in spiritual body-building without the aches and pains!
FAITH IS… with Pastor Rick Stevens – What should a prophet say to a king—or a preacher to a president? This thought-provoking reflection challenges readers to consider the words and courage needed to address leaders with God’s truth. Beyond that, it encourages everyone to embrace their unique Kingdom Purpose and stretch toward their calling, even in moments that might seem daunting.
FAITH IS… with Pastor Rick Stevens – Never shy away from new words; they’re opportunities to discover fresh ideas or deepen your understanding. Embrace God’s invitation to reimagine faithfulness, leaning into His covenant of love. Allow these challenges to stretch you toward generous love for Him and gracious love for others, enriching your journey of faith and personal growth.
FAITH IS… with Pastor Rick Stevens – Instant Sermon answers questions people are asking, such as: What about the end time? What are the greater gifts? What is an opportune time? What’s going on that the Bible is the most stolen book? Instant Sermon is one way to develop absolute confidence in the trustworthiness of God…
FAITH IS… with Pastor Rick Stevens – Christmas continues with the story of the wise men, tracing back to Daniel in Babylon. This story signifies an invitation for all people to enter a covenant with God, who is ever faithful. Reflect today on renewing or starting your covenant relationship and embrace the friendship God offers. Step into faith and hope this season!
FAITH IS… with Pastor Rick Stevens – Christmas begins on Christmas Eve and continues for twelve days, reminding us of the joy, hope, peace, and love that Jesus brings. His presence fills our hearts and neighborhoods, showing that Christmas continues and Easter never ends. Discover how Advent prepares us for this enduring celebration of faith and the fulfillment of all our hopes!
FAITH IS… with Pastor Rick Stevens – Don’t let anyone steal Christ from Christmas! Discover the true meaning of the season—hope, peace, joy, and love—through the story of Jesus’ birth. Explore Bethlehem, Shepherd’s Field, and the message of John the Baptist. Embrace repentance and welcome the Savior of the World. This Christmas, experience the deeper invitation God offers.