Faith Is…
Every Sat/Sun 8 AM ET
We believe God wants us to understand the Bible. So we’ll approach the Bible with eager anticipation, confident that God will show us the truth. Then, he’ll show us how to live in these sometimes confusing and discouraging times. Join us as we make the complicated simple, cooperate with grace, and stretch toward God’s high calling.
Every week we’ll take a fresh look at the Bible and discover that Faith Is . . . absolute confidence in the trustworthiness of God.
Born a Buckeye in southwestern Ohio, Pastor Rick Stevens has served churches from Oklahoma to New Brunswick, Canada. He has been a pastor, youth pastor, and church music director. Since January of 1997, he has been the pastor of Diplomat Wesleyan Church in Cape Coral, FL. He is married to Jan and has two children and four grandchildren. His most unusual travel experience was visiting the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station in Ukraine; the site of the world’s worst nuclear power accident.
A fishing trip provides the context and the opportunity for Jesus to make his third post-resurrection appearance to his disciples. Because of Jesus, they catch a lot of fish, and Jesus serves them breakfast on the beach. They are still processing all that is happening when Jesus and Peter take a walk…
How do you decide what is true? It makes all the difference in our lives how we come to a conclusion about the truth. It has enormous implications for all of us. If we make the right decision about truth, it leads us to peace we did not know was possible. If we make the wrong decision, confusion reigns supreme.
Death, our mortal enemy, no longer has power. Resurrection gives us life and hope, and peace. We no longer need to fear anything! Jesus paid the price for a world trapped by the evil one and opened the door to new life, now and forever. Trust Him!
The two big things God did for people. Those two goals are really the big picture focus of the entire Bible. In many ways, the entire story of God working in the lives of His people comes down to two big ideas. And they are big! Today we focus on why a death was necessary for salvation and specifically why Jesus. Hint: it wasn’t because…
I’ve made valiant attempts to discover the answer, but I still do not know how much is too much ice cream! A woman anointed Jesus with perfume “worth a year’s wages.” John 12:5, NIV. Was it too much? Too little? Can we ever be too extravagant toward God?
One son brought shame to the family. He embarrassed his father and then had the audacity to return home. The other son remained faithful and felt rejected when the father welcomed his rascal brother home. The father explained, “He was lost and is found.” If you’re lost, return home . . . now! If you’re home, open your heart. Your brother needs you! Pastor Rick Stevens can be heard Saturday and Sunday at 8 AM ET on the iHeart Radio Network. Find all the Faith is…with Pastor Rick Stevens episodes also available on the America Out Loud Podcast Network.
It’s not about how bad you are or have been, it’s what you do about it right now that matters. Jesus didn’t use that expression but he said it straight up: “Repent or die.” Then he told a story about a barren fig tree. It’s our story and a warning…
With great bravado, you might proclaim your fearlessness. Or you might hide your fear because God commands us, “Fear not!” And by hiding your fear, you hope to obey God’s command. The antidote to fear is the fear of God. When we fear God, we put our other fears in their place!
The antidote for our anxieties and our fears is to live in awe and reverence of God. When we put God in his rightful place, our fears fade, and our hearts are restored…
Today we explore current events through the eyes of faith and discover that more is going than we tend to realize. Yes, these are troubling times. But God has not and will not abandon us. We can and will trust him no matter what happens! Indeed he may start a spiritual renewal in unlikely places!
We must not let sorry rascals teach us how to live. The story of Joseph from Genesis teaches by example. Joseph even though sold into slavery by his brothers forgave them. He believed and reminded them that what they intended for evil God intended for good. That’s the way of wisdom. That’s the way to peace with God…
There’s an antidote for the fear of death. It’s the Easter story that never ends. Easter never ends. Resurrection never ends. Resurrection puts fear in its place. Resurrection gives hope for life now and life to come. Resurrection; the antidote for death. Believe in resurrection deeply. Proclaim resurrection widely…
If you only had a minute to speak with someone, what would you tell them is the most important thing God wants us to know? The Bible actually tells us what is most important. The Bible tells us that his most important message leads to what we need most. So since we all need it, let’s discover what the Bible tells us…
This week we consider fear. How can we avoid fear when we hear about so much terrible stuff? We also consider what Christians should be doing to fight the evil taking over our nation. I call this an instant sermon. What do I mean? Instant Sermon is not to add water to the pastor and shake! Instant Sermon is questions and answers. Maybe most importantly: what can we do when we feel like we are losing our faith. Pastor Rick Stevens can be heard Saturday and Sunday at 8 AM ET on the iHeart Radio Network. Find all the Faith is…with Pastor Rick Stevens episodes also available on the America Out Loud Podcast Network.