Faith Is…
Every Sat/Sun 8 AM ET
We believe God wants us to understand the Bible. So we’ll approach the Bible with eager anticipation, confident that God will show us the truth. Then, he’ll show us how to live in these sometimes confusing and discouraging times. Join us as we make the complicated simple, cooperate with grace, and stretch toward God’s high calling.
Every week we’ll take a fresh look at the Bible and discover that Faith Is . . . absolute confidence in the trustworthiness of God.
Born a Buckeye in southwestern Ohio, Pastor Rick Stevens has served churches from Oklahoma to New Brunswick, Canada. He has been a pastor, youth pastor, and church music director. Since January of 1997, he has been the pastor of Diplomat Wesleyan Church in Cape Coral, FL. He is married to Jan and has two children and four grandchildren. His most unusual travel experience was visiting the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station in Ukraine; the site of the world’s worst nuclear power accident.
In Daniel chapter 3, three men stood up to the king, who was determined to burn them to ash. They not only survived, but they also didn’t even smell like smoke. When you face the crushing pressures of life like a vaccine mandate, take heart and turn to the example of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. They didn’t escape the…
Daniel and his three friends faced enormous challenges in the royal court of Babylon. They were under tremendous pressure to conform. Failure to follow orders could and probably would result in their death. Through everything, they gave us an example to follow. They showed us the principles that mattered. Their example gives us the…
This week we talk about prayer and worry and faith and forgiveness. And it all comes together to help us develop absolute confidence in the trustworthiness of God. An Instant Sermon is not a pastor just talking and wondering what will come out. Instant Sermon is real questions from real people about the important things of life…
What about Moses before Pharaoh or Daniel praying or Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego facing the fiery furnace? Maybe Romans 13 tells us why Christians should break the law. Now that’s quite a thought! Well, whatever Romans 13 means, it can’t mean unquestioned submission to the dictates of government.
Too often, we assume serving means demeaning servitude, debasement, and diminishing ourselves. But that’s not it at all. Jesus calls us to higher aspiration. He invites us to follow his example. He invites us to serve for the well-being of our neighbors rather than for our own self-interest. It’s a high calling. It’s an enormous challenge…
We can’t hide from God. But why would we want to hide from God? God knows us fully and loves us deeply. He invites us to the throne of grace, where we receive mercy and discover grace. Grace: the gift of God that enables the people of God to fulfill the will of God. Listen to other episodes with Pastor Rick Stevens on Faith Is… available on podcast.
Is God fair? Does he act justly? The story of Job teaches us that God can be trusted even when life does not seem fair. Even in the middle of life’s painful episodes, we can trust God. When answers aren’t enough . . . there is Jesus.
In the 1930s, the Nazi regime tried to exterminate the Jewish people. It wasn’t the first attempt. Years before, Haman plotted their destruction in the Persian Kingdom. But God placed a young woman in just the right place at just the right time to deliver God’s people from evil. God has placed us here and now; “for such a time as this.” We will accept the responsibility and follow Ether’s example to deliver people from today’s evil.
What path are you following? Is it paved? Perhaps it’s well worn. In an anxious world, we discover the path of security before God. It’s the path of wisdom. It’s as simple as knowing and doing what God expects. The person who follows this path hears God’s instructions and puts them into practice. This path leads to absolute confidence in the trustworthiness of God.
In a “don’t worry be happy world” Jesus comes to show us the way to life. He invites us to stretch in his direction and follow him. He promises that losing our lives for him and the gospel is the way to real life. So in one sense, we agree with the be happy people…
Today we look at the story of a man who could not speak and a woman who could not keep silent! Both encountered Jesus. Both went away with healing and wholeness! We leave both stories amazed at Jesus and convinced that we can have absolute confidence in the trustworthiness of God! Let Jesus drive the impurities out of your life and give you ears to hear and a voice to proclaim that “He has done everything well.”
This is Instant Sermon week. We take questions and talk through them and outcomes an Instant Sermon. So let’s think about that positive after church feeling, wickedness in our world, the return of Jesus, prayer, and more. We’ll even consider the role of the church as it relates to government.
God is eager to give you a good gift! Are you eager to receive it? Today we trace God’s eagerness and connect it to our willingness. What might be keeping us from receiving the gift God is eager to give? Are you ready to ask for what God is eager to give?
Imagine if God offered to give you anything. How would you respond? God made that offer to King Solomon, “Ask. What should I give you?” God granted Solomon’s request and then some. God helped Solomon become an effective king; a political leader. So let’s also consider what we should expect from our political leaders. It’s exactly what God gave Solomon.