Faith Is…
Every Sat/Sun 8 AM ET
We believe God wants us to understand the Bible. So we’ll approach the Bible with eager anticipation, confident that God will show us the truth. Then, he’ll show us how to live in these sometimes confusing and discouraging times. Join us as we make the complicated simple, cooperate with grace, and stretch toward God’s high calling.
Every week we’ll take a fresh look at the Bible and discover that Faith Is . . . absolute confidence in the trustworthiness of God.
Born a Buckeye in southwestern Ohio, Pastor Rick Stevens has served churches from Oklahoma to New Brunswick, Canada. He has been a pastor, youth pastor, and church music director. Since January of 1997, he has been the pastor of Diplomat Wesleyan Church in Cape Coral, FL. He is married to Jan and has two children and four grandchildren. His most unusual travel experience was visiting the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station in Ukraine; the site of the world’s worst nuclear power accident.

America Out Loud Network © – Every week we’ll take a fresh look at the Bible and discover that Faith Is . . . absolute confidence in the trustworthiness of God.
We live in a world where people disagree! Have you heard a more obvious statement? Now people are starting to ask the important question. Can we ever be reconciled with each other? God says, “Yes!” Let’s explore His solution this week on FAITH IS…
What do we do when God acts out? How do we respond when God does something we can’t quite comprehend? How can we have confidence in God when he seems to overreact? Today we discover that God expects our reverence and wants his commands to become our convictions. Listen in to Pastor Rick Stevens on FAITH IS on America Out Loud…
Yes, a church played a key part in the skirmish at Lexington, MA. So let’s remember our history; our rights come from God. Let’s remember biblical history; civil and religious liberty are God’s ideas. Let’s defend liberty and expect our government to preserve our rights…
I love questions… so let’s think out loud and answer a few. Did Jesus tell one man to give everything away? Is that what he expects of us? When it comes to eternal life, one person wanted to know if being saved is enough? What about fear? Where does it come from, and what do we do about it?
Everyone loves an underdog. Well, until God asks us to be that underdog! Today we consider the story of David and Goliath. Today we discover that God wants you to step up and be his champion.
The Bible is full of great stories, and today we consider Samuel anointing David as king. That anointing changed David’s life. Interestingly most of us don’t think of ourselves as anointed. Even so, the New Testament is clear; God gives us gifts of grace and anointing to serve him. Discover the joy! Discover the gift! God has chosen, anointed you!
As American Christians, what should we be doing to fight the evil taking over our nation? What is the difference between the community sharing of the early church and today’s socialist ideals? Why are there so many different versions of the Bible?
What do you do when you stand in the presence of a holy God? How do you respond in the presence of God and realize you are ruined? Where do you turn for help? And then can you, will you, step up for God? Yes, let’s accept God’s challenge, “Here am I, send me.”
Confusion at Babel. Fire and smoke on Sinai. Dry bones living again. God has consistently amazed us, and it happened again at Pentecost. Why are we so distracted by languages or, as we sometimes say, tongues? Why not focus on the obvious and understandable? Where we might expect confusion, God brings understanding. Plus, God gave his people exactly what they needed to keep his command to announce the Good News. Maybe he’s eager to do the same for us!
Why are you downcast? Why are you in the dumps? Why are you crying the blues? Look up! The Ascension of Jesus reminds us to look up and keep looking up. He wants us to keep our eyes on Him and keep a smile on our faces. We can and have changed lives and forgiveness from sin!
How do we solve a moral problem? The turmoil of our times cries out for a solution. When we face a moral problem, we need a moral solution; a solution from God. God has given us a path from division to unity. Let’s follow it!
Perhaps relying on God’s love really is the key to the hate and division and anguish of our times. What if God is showing us how we can be the answer to the problems we all want to be solved. Well, He is showing us the answer, and we’ll talk about it this week on Faith Is . . . with Pastor Rick Stevens…
We hear so much about love that it’s no surprise that many people have turned “God Is Love” into “Love Is God”! Some idea of love is the imagined answer to every issue. The real question is, what idea of love will help us? What is love as the Bible defines? Can we really live up to God’s ideal of love? How do we live a life of love? All that and more this week on Faith Is . . . with Pastor Rick Stevens.
Today on Faith Is . . . we look at another story from the life of Jesus where he asked a similar question: why do doubts arise in your minds? To answer that question we’ll examine the story of Jesus’ post-resurrection appearance and provide insights on how we can overcome doubt and build strength into our lives…