Looking 4 Healing Radio
Weekdays 11 am ET
The power of natural healing starts right here on Looking 4 Healing Radio. Fake science ran the gamut throughout the Covid years, creating irreparable harm that will take decades of hard work to set straight again.
On Looking 4 Healing Radio, we don’t just discuss the issues; we provide real-world solutions that you can apply in your own life. From alternative approaches that impact your body to matters that affect our ecosystem, we shine a light on those with a transhumanistic nefarious agenda, empowering you to make positive changes.
At Looking 4 Healing Radio, we advocate for medicine and the environment as God intended – 100% natural and filled with love. Join us as we learn from the expertise of our hosts, Nikki Florio, Nichola Burnett, Dr. Benjamin Benulis, Elizabeth Joseph, and Justin Feldman.

America Out Loud Network © – Listen to, Laugh with, and Learn from experts in the practice of Natural Medicine. Combined the show hosts, Dr. Henry Ealy, Dr. Jana Schmidt, Nichola Burnett, and Dr. Bryan Ardis, possess more than 100 years of clinical experience as professional Healers.
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Nichola Burnett – If our bodies are not experiencing vitality there are a million ways it will let us know if we understand the way it communicates WITH us and TO us. The tongue being just one of those ways! Hence, the Body Talk series helps us to learn what our bodies might be telling us, giving us clues as to what we should be tuning into and be aware of, and helping us to overcome our fears of…
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Bryan Ardis – There is an article expressing the surgeon generals’ worry about the mental, emotional, and physical harm that social media apps and cell phone use present to young people in America. Florida Gov Ron DeSantis has signed a bill limiting the age range of teenagers and children who can download social media apps. I believe this particular topic is so important because…
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Bryan Ardis, Nichola Burnett, Dr. Jana Schmidt, and Dr. Henry Ealy – One of the things you will learn in this episode is the power of using natural therapeutics topically when an individual or a loved one has the inability to swallow pills or extracts. This is the first-ever looking for healing radio show where we consult a family live on air…
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Jana Schmidt – Modern wheat (and other grains) are refined, processed, and prepared to save time and money. This removes the more nutritional components of wheat, leaving just the starchy part. Ancient methods of preparing wheat included soaking, sprouting, and fermenting. These techniques result in more dense nutrition and neutralize the hard-to-digest parts of wheat…
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Henry Ealy – I believe that life conditions us to quiet this intuitive voice in favor of a rational mind that seeks to confuse our heart’s desires with ingrained habits for second thoughts and excessive analysis. After all, what is…is what is. Truth is in how we feel. How we feel, is how we feel no matter the second thoughts that attempt rationalization. So, what energetic purpose is served by…
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Nichola Burnett – The color, texture, shape, movement, coating, veins, and overall vitality of the tongue hold the key to unlocking so much information about our health. Why and how is that so? The tongue’s outermost layer regenerates in a very short amount of time, giving us the opportunity to know when something in our body has suddenly changed, which is why it is such a great medical marker of…
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Bryan Ardis – The source of genetic modification seeds with venom is to make the plant resistant to insects that die when they eat venom. Well, I would like to ask you if the venom in the leaves of the plant and the fruit of the plant are gonna kill the bugs and animals that eat those plants, what’s it gonna do to you? And if it was all beneficial, why don’t they tell you that there’s venom in those plants?
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Bryan Ardis, Nichola Burnett, Dr. Jana Schmidt, and Dr. Henry Ealy – Dr. ‘H’ asked the innocent question to the group, “So what has your attention been on recently that is supporting your heart and your growth and is nurturing you in the moment?” Is it possible that the devil is using technology to control and manipulate us? What are two of the Devil’s most powerful and most coveted weapons to do that…
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Jana Schmidt – There is an association between sleep duration and quality and our body’s ability to fight off infections. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Journal give solid grounding to the evidence that avoiding toxic relationships and situations, personally being upbeat and positive, and surrounding one’s self with people who emit positivity are valid ways to heal and avoid getting sick…
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Henry Ealy – Pharmaceutical ads fill the mainstream media, and medical doctors dispense or inject manufactured substances into the bodies of patients without a single thought of the harm they could cause. With all this information, it is no wonder that many people find themselves without health or hope, engaged in an unending medical merry-go-round. If you are asking, “What can I buy?” you are not asking the right question…
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Nichola Burnett – Our bodies are so rich with information about our health. And it’s not just our fingernails that are talking to us! Changes in skin and hair, lack of mobility in the joints, and challenges in our bowel elimination patterns are all part of the language, and these messages are NOT MESSAGES TELLING US WE ARE OLD! Stop accepting that nonsense and become proactive in…
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Bryan Ardis – How senior citizens are dying more than any other age demographic worldwide from global warming. The FDA is pressuring farmers in all 50 states to stop selling raw milk from cows. How in the world are coughing birds making porpoises in the ocean sick? I am going to help you navigate those deceptive waters and learn what is true and what is false!
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Bryan Ardis, Nichola Burnett, Dr. Jana Schmidt, and Dr. Henry Ealy – Well, it starts with making new agreements with yourself. New agreements that help you attract energy & experiences you can really like. You see, while opposites may attract when it comes to the physics of electricity, that’s not how it works when it comes to the physics of the spirit. The physics of the spirit are…
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Jana Schmidt – Surprisingly, toxic chemicals are in many daily-life products. Of the 80,000 chemicals on the market, only 11 are closely regulated. Therefore, we need to be proactive in reading labels and asking questions about the ingredients in products we use daily. Every day, we experience opportunities to improve or harm our health. Important lifestyle choices that directly impact health and…