Looking 4 Healing Radio
Weekdays 11 am ET
The power of natural healing starts right here on Looking 4 Healing Radio. Fake science ran the gamut throughout the Covid years, creating irreparable harm that will take decades of hard work to set straight again.
On Looking 4 Healing Radio, we don’t just discuss the issues; we provide real-world solutions that you can apply in your own life. From alternative approaches that impact your body to matters that affect our ecosystem, we shine a light on those with a transhumanistic nefarious agenda, empowering you to make positive changes.
At Looking 4 Healing Radio, we advocate for medicine and the environment as God intended – 100% natural and filled with love. Join us as we learn from the expertise of our hosts, Nikki Florio, Nichola Burnett, Dr. Benjamin Benulis, Elizabeth Joseph, and Justin Feldman.

America Out Loud Network © – Listen to, Laugh with, and Learn from experts in the practice of Natural Medicine. Combined the show hosts, Dr. Henry Ealy, Dr. Jana Schmidt, Nichola Burnett, and Dr. Bryan Ardis, possess more than 100 years of clinical experience as professional Healers.
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Bryan Ardis – Wendy Williams was just diagnosed with a medical mental condition of dementia and the inability to formulate and remember words. It’s a medical condition they call aphasia There are hundreds of thousands of millions of people in America struggling with this condition right now. I’m about to tell all of you what’s causing it. It is most likely the same thing that caused Bruce Willis to have to retire from Hollywood…
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Bryan Ardis, Nichola Burnett, Dr. Jana Schmidt, and Dr. Henry Ealy – Did you know that your foot has reflex points throughout it? Did you know that these points reflex to every organ of your body? Did you know that your reflex points in the arch of your foot (where people commonly experience Plantar Fasciitis) reflex back to your digestive organs? So perhaps your body is talking to you, and the real question is, ‘Are you listening?’
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Jana Schmidt – The iris of the eye is an extension of the brain, mirroring many nerve endings that connect to every organ and tissue in the body by way of the nervous system. Iridology maps those regions of the iris to the tissues and organs of the body. By looking at the different colors, nerve rings, and discoloration, one can analyze the body’s health and needs…
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Henry Ealy – What Dr. H hadn’t explored until recently was the role that Quantum Dots can play in both stealing and trapping electrons in what is called the Quantum Confinement Effect. This may or may not sound interesting until one realizes this fact… All cellular biochemical functions are dependent upon electrons. There is a potential solution that Dr. H and his research team are exploring…
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Nichola Burnett – All humans carry heavy loads of infection in the body. Infections are microbial growths of pathogenic organisms such as parasites, fungi, mold, bacteria, etc. Parasites are one type of those organisms, and they secrete neurotoxins in the body. Neurotoxins act as toxic agents to the nervous system and can create thought patterns that are not our own. When we detox, we can stir up, agitate, and kill high amounts of these parasite infections…
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Bryan Ardis, Nichola Burnett, Dr. Jana Schmidt, and Dr. Henry Ealy – Navigate the medical tyrannical waters that are so deceptive around the world. If you’re looking for healing and you’re looking for individuals who have experience in raising healthy children, disciplined children, then this is the show for you. If you are sick, especially if you’re vaccine-injured and you’ve never tried grounding. You have got to listen to this episode…
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Jana Schmidt – It sounds like a disease or a shameful badge to wear. And if you say to a child, or anyone for that matter, they ‘have’ a disease, issue, or sickness, they tend to own it and assimilate it into who they are without the hope of overcoming it. Instead, acknowledge that they may be challenged, distracted, or learn differently and offer helpful and hopeful ways to help them focus…
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Henry Ealy – Have you noticed how no cell phone power cord ever has a grounding extension? Perhaps a key to understanding how to safely use globalist technologies… Why do they blink? Can quantum dots embed themselves within our cells, and if they can… are quantum dots safe, or do they cause a whole lot of harm at the cell level? Should we shield ourselves from EMFs, or is there an approach that’s way better?
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Nichola Burnett – For us humans, our capacity with communication leads us into relating and relationships that have flow, grace, and intimacy or into stagnancy, frustration, and toxicity in both our bodies and our minds. And so yes, this topic of communication and communicating has everything to do with multiple aspects of our health including our mental, physical, and energetic body systems…
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Bryan Ardis – While taking a drug like statin drugs to lower your risk of heart attacks and strokes, I do not believe it is a good choice, knowing that the drug causes men and women throughout the world to develop type 2 diabetes. Did you also know that aspirin which is the second most prescribed drug to people with this condition? Do you know it’s published to cause hallucinations and vomiting of blood?
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Jana Schmidt, Nichola Burnett, and Dr. Henry Ealy – Which foods are the most alkalizing, and what is meant by net alkalizing foods/diet? What are the best herbs for getting rid of parasites? Are all red light therapies created equal? And if not, then what are the best red light therapies we should be looking for? How do we get rid of eye floaters that have recently started as an adult?
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Jana Schmidt – There are tried and true scientific ways to help the body heal. Each person is different, and each may respond differently to various treatments. As parents and grandparents, you know your children best- so trust your instincts. You know that sound they make when they are in distress. You know how warm their foreheads feel…
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Henry Ealy – Remember that your Cells Detox and your Body Cleanses. You’re remembering that Hunger Is Healing. But which one should you do first? And how do you know when your body is screaming at you too fast? In this episode of Looking 4 Healing Radio, Dr. H shares his 25 years of experience fasting, while he’s actually fasting…
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Bryan Ardis – Every single day around the world, 1,000,000,000 new sexually transmitted infections are contracted. In every single case of these diseases and infections, the mainstream medical media will tell you that there are only two treatments. Vaccines and prescription drugs were available to treat these diseases. There are lies, all said in unison by the mainstream media, about sexually transmitted infections…