Looking 4 Healing Radio
Weekdays 11 am ET
The power of natural healing starts right here on Looking 4 Healing Radio. Fake science ran the gamut throughout the Covid years, creating irreparable harm that will take decades of hard work to set straight again.
On Looking 4 Healing Radio, we don’t just discuss the issues; we provide real-world solutions that you can apply in your own life. From alternative approaches that impact your body to matters that affect our ecosystem, we shine a light on those with a transhumanistic nefarious agenda, empowering you to make positive changes.
At Looking 4 Healing Radio, we advocate for medicine and the environment as God intended – 100% natural and filled with love. Join us as we learn from the expertise of our hosts, Nikki Florio, Nichola Burnett, Dr. Benjamin Benulis, Elizabeth Joseph, and Justin Feldman.

America Out Loud Network © – Listen to, Laugh with, and Learn from experts in the practice of Natural Medicine. Combined the show hosts, Dr. Henry Ealy, Dr. Jana Schmidt, Nichola Burnett, and Dr. Bryan Ardis, possess more than 100 years of clinical experience as professional Healers.
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Bryan Ardis – Did you know there are ingredients inside the HPV vaccine that they’re telling you every American needs to get multiple doses of to prevent cancer? Did you know two ingredients inside the HPV vaccine are published to cause cancers of all kinds? Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Lou Gehrig’s disease, obesity, Crohn’s disease, colon cancer? Did you know that?
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Bryan Ardis, Nichola Burnett, Dr. Jana Schmidt, and Dr. Henry Ealy – This is a new year with new resolutions. We hope all of you have made at least a simple resolution to continue doing the things you’re doing that are keeping you healthy, or if you’re not doing things, I hope you have added in simple activities of 20 minutes of exercise a week, eating better foods, drinking less alcohol and sugars are some of…
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Jana Schmidt – We are bombarded with consumer advertising through media to eat unhealthy foods, enticing us to indulge in food that will slow and even harm our minds and bodies. This type of advertising, media, and packaging affects our children deeply and negatively. There are natural approaches and resources that genuinely guide children and adults in their lives to a better, more vibrant way of eating and living…
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Henry Ealy – Your body is 70-75% water when healthy… and water has memory capability much like our mind does, according to the incredible work of scientists Dr. Masaru Emoto and Nobel Laureate Luc Montagnier. Memory capability that can include the retention of trauma… Cleansing is all about cleaning your body’s water. Thus, water’s memory capability makes cleaning your body’s water of…
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Nichola Burnett – Before one even thinks about cleansing, the first order of business is to understand that one’s nutrition must be in order before beginning a cleanse. Why is that? Because the body is unable to run the more complicated detox cleansing pathways when there is nutrient deficiency present. To effectively detoxify the body and safely eliminate toxic compounds, all detoxification pathways need to be open and operating..
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Bryan Ardis – Millions of people in America alone are diagnosed with thyroid diseases of all kinds each year. 80% of all thyroid patients are prescribed one singular drug to treat their disease. Yet there are four different minerals found in our foods and mini supplements, which are proven to reverse all thyroid diseases, including thyroid cancers…
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Bryan Ardis, Nichola Burnett, Dr. Jana Schmidt, and Dr. Henry Ealy – Have you stopped being a patient who wants to be ‘fixed’ so you can go right back to doing what made you sick? Or are you following the advice of the Healing Homies and becoming a student… one who aspires to understand the ‘why’ of why you are in the state of low vibrational health that you’re in…
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Jana Schmidt – There are several potential reasons for picky eating, including experiencing a traumatic experience such as choking on food with a particular texture, extreme sensitivity to the smell or texture of food, and fear of the unknown. One likely reason is that infants have approximately 30,000 tastebuds spread throughout their mouths. By the time we are adults, only about 1/3 of these…
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Henry Ealy – Real cleansing is SO much more than what can be found in a capsule, but too often, the science of cleansing that spans the body, mind, and soul is reduced to just that… a capsule or a package or something else that you can purchase, when deep cleansing of the soul is actually free. Cleansing is about getting your body, mind, and soul into alignment…
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Bryan Ardis – People aren’t getting the COVID-19 boosters because they are not effective, they haven’t stopped transmission, and Covid still appears to be a thing, even though billions have been vaccinated for it. They published concerns that people aren’t going to buy into a ‘seasonal Covid’ as they have bought into a ‘seasonal flu.’
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Jana Schmidt and Nichola Burnett – Listen in as the Ladies of the Healing Homies share and simplify their decades of incredible experience and success in helping people heal and find peace, gratitude, and grounding. The ladies share their success working with all types of diseases by focusing on the healing power of nature as God intended…
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Jana Schmidt – There are numerous medical studies agree that practicing faith enhances an individual’s overall well-being by giving direction, security, and positivity in daily life. Different types of prayer have been shown to result in psychological and biological changes that are actually or potentially associated with improved health…
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Henry Ealy – Explain how you are better for not showing love. Explain how a refusal to pay this homage, and give Him reverence, after ALL, has been given to you… explain how your life is better for it. In this episode of Looking 4 Healing Radio, Dr. H invites you into a conversation of existence and consciousness… of freedom and duty… of living according to…
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Nichola Burnett – Pure Vibranz specializes in the creation of products that use a non-invasive, holistic approach that works to rejuvenate and restore the cells of the body back to their optimal state. Rick’s philosophy is to create products with clean ingredients that nourish the body but also stimulate the body’s natural cellular regeneration…