Looking 4 Healing Radio
Weekdays 11 am ET
The power of natural healing starts right here on Looking 4 Healing Radio. Fake science ran the gamut throughout the Covid years, creating irreparable harm that will take decades of hard work to set straight again.
On Looking 4 Healing Radio, we don’t just discuss the issues; we provide real-world solutions that you can apply in your own life. From alternative approaches that impact your body to matters that affect our ecosystem, we shine a light on those with a transhumanistic nefarious agenda, empowering you to make positive changes.
At Looking 4 Healing Radio, we advocate for medicine and the environment as God intended – 100% natural and filled with love. Join us as we learn from the expertise of our hosts, Nikki Florio, Nichola Burnett, Dr. Benjamin Benulis, Elizabeth Joseph, and Justin Feldman.

America Out Loud Network © – Listen to, Laugh with, and Learn from experts in the practice of Natural Medicine. Combined the show hosts, Dr. Henry Ealy, Dr. Jana Schmidt, Nichola Burnett, and Dr. Bryan Ardis, possess more than 100 years of clinical experience as professional Healers.
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Bryan Ardis – September is Prostate Health Awareness Month, and I’m here to guide you through the signs, symptoms, and natural remedies for prostate issues. Not just for men, but also for women who care about the men in their lives. Discover how I reversed my own prostate enlargement using natural ingredients and how you can do the same. Plus, uncover the vital mineral that’s pivotal for both…
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Bryan Ardis, Nichola Burnett, Dr. Jana Schmidt, and Dr. Henry Ealy – In the latest episode we unpack the EPA’s controversial stance on Berkey Water Filters and debunk myths surrounding Colloidal Silver. Delving deeper, we share our experiences with nature’s healing power and offer insights on osteoporosis. Plus, don’t miss our discussion on bioweapons and everyday health queries. Join the conversation!
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Jana Schmidt – Many with kidney disease remain unaware of how to halt their kidney function’s decline. Diabetes and high blood pressure are key risk factors, while gut and thyroid health also impact kidney wellness. Debunking diet myths, I emphasize a whole-food approach and introduce herbs like parsley and dandelion for support. It’s crucial to make consistent healthy choices, as kidney disease…
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Henry Ealy – I embark on an enlightening journey into the history of bioweapons, tracing their evolution to the present 3rd Generation. It’s alarming to see how certain bioweapons have subtly woven themselves into the fabric of our culture. From the intriguing insights at the Healing for the A.G.E.S. conference to the role of Nazi sympathizers, every revelation is a call to action. Equip yourself with…
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Nichola Burnett – We dive deeper into Diane Schwartz’s transformative journey from sickness to wellness. Ever wondered if holistic healing actually works? Diane reveals her firsthand experience with natural healing modalities and why they can be life-changing. Learn about innovative assessments like Nutrition Blood Microscopy and Medical Thermography that helped her find the answers she had…
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Bryan Ardis – I unpack the transformative discussions from the Healing for the AGES event held in Dallas, Texas. We explore my new creation, Foreign Protein Cleanse, designed to detoxify and remove venom components from the human body. I also introduce you to groundbreaking research from the University of Arizona about a venom enzyme linked to COVID-19 and a pioneering company…
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Henry Ealy – Joining us is Sasha Latypova, who is an expert in the safe and responsible practice of pharmaceutical manufacturing and the health freedom movement’s top researcher with respect to the Department of Defense’s involvement in the alleged construction of the criminal enterprise fraud known as COVID. Listen in as she describes how the DOD, in conjunction with the Obama Administration…
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Bryan Ardis, Nichola Burnett, Dr. Jana Schmidt, and Dr. Henry Ealy – In this episode of Looking 4 Healing Radio, natural medicine experts Nichola Burnett, Dr. Jana Schmidt & Dr. Henry Ealy take on more important questions regarding bioweapons, plasmid curing, and how to detoxify your Liver. Listen in as the Healing Homies share and simplify their decades of success working with all types of diseases by…
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Jana Schmidt – Discover the potent properties of cubeb pepper, a must-have herb for your health and wellness toolkit. From inhibiting respiratory viruses to treating bronchitis, this remarkable spice offers a plethora of medicinal benefits. Learn how its unique flavor and aroma make it versatile in food and cosmetics. With qualities like antiviral, antiseptic, and antioxidant, cubeb pepper is a…
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Henry Ealy – Detoxing, Cleansing, and Fasting often get used synonymously even though they aren’t and, in fact, are sequential when it comes to healing. Dr. H also discusses why he prefers 28 days of detoxing and cleansing before attempting a 3-day water-only fast and how frequently one should Detox, Cleanse, and Fast each year. When you’re ready to stop being a patient and start being a…
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Nichola Burnett – Today, we present the story of a client that everyone can relate to. A client that has experienced serious health issues that were limiting and caused suffering. Everyone out there who is living as a human vessel can connect to the experience of suffering in a body and desire to eradicate the suffering once and for all. If this is you and you can relate, then tune in to this episode of…
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Jana Schmidt – Like numerous other Native American tribes, the knowledge of Cherokee medicine was handed down from generation to generation to the chosen healers. Traditional Cherokee members consulted their medicine people for not only medical problems but also dilemmas in their lives and emotional problems. Like other Native American tribes, their most frequently used remedies…
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Nichola Burnett – Welcome to the continuation of the discussion around the healing properties of Essential Oils and why they are so commonly referred to as plant medicines! In this “Part 2” of the discussion of Essential Oils, Nichola takes a deep dive into describing why essential oils have healing capacities for humans and the details of how those healing properties are expressed as healing agents…
Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Bryan Ardis, Nichola Burnett, Dr. Jana Schmidt, and Dr. Henry Ealy – In this episode of Looking 4 Healing Radio, natural medicine experts Nichola Burnett, Dr. Jana Schmidt, Dr. Bryan Ardis & Dr. Henry Ealy take on more important questions regarding things that impact us all out there as we lead up to the Healing for the A.G.E.S. The topics are bioweapons… Plasmids, Venoms, CRISPR, and so…