Nurses Out Loud
Weekdays 10 am ET | Encore 11 pm
Nurses Out Loud is a unique talk show from a nurse’s perspective on life, politics, current events, and medical field happenings. Insight from nurses brave enough to go against the grain in their beloved field. Listen, as they unveil a nurse’s truth, with eyes wide open.
Our show aims to give a voice to the most trusted professionals in the world; Nurses. For far too long, we have been silent, which has led to the pillaging of our healthcare system. There are those of us who challenge the narrative and expose the truth behind the veil. Our goal is to protect people from a system that prioritizes profits over their promise to do no harm. The way we do that is by courageously speaking the truth out loud.
We are…
in a war for truth, in a war to fight against propaganda, in a war to defend and advocate for the patient.
America Out Loud Network © – We are in a war for truth, in a war to fight against propaganda, in a war to defend and advocate for the patient. Nurses Out Loud shine the light toward the darkness.
Nurses Out Loud with Beth Hnat, RN – Exploring the complexities of our relationship with the healthcare system, we delve into personal stories of pregnancy, labor, and delivery. From traditional medical interventions to empowering home births, it questions why we entrust our bodies to a system that often undermines our natural capabilities. Are we born into a broken healthcare system? Discover how choices in motherhood can lead…
Nurses Out Loud with April Snipes RNFA, BSN, CNOR – Suicide is a pressing public health concern that affects individuals, families, and communities across the United States. Despite the ongoing efforts to raise awareness and provide support, suicide rates have continued to rise in recent years. As of September 2021, suicide rates in the U.S. have been on the rise for several years. In 2019, the overall suicide rate was 14.5 per 100,000…
Nurses Out Loud with Jodi O’Malley MSN, RN – Amid the release of the latest FDA-approved COVID-19 injection and renewed debates on mask effectiveness, my outreach to the Native American community is more urgent than ever. I recently spoke at the Navajo Nation in Arizona, sharing insights on a Christian radio station and distributing crucial information through flyers and books. My aim is to expose underreported vaccine…
Nurses Out Loud with Nurse Michele, RN – Explore the untold stories of vaccine injuries, as we delve into the experience of Brit Galvin, a young mother affected by the COVID-19 vaccine. Once, the medical community aimed to solve the “one in a million” cases; today, that seems to be changing. Learn about how Brit became known as ‘The Magnetic Girl’ and the science behind this shocking phenomenon. Two years later, Brit still…
Nurses Out Loud with Kimberly Overton, BSN, RN – Tim was mandated by his employer, Airbus Helicopters, to receive this experimental jab. Despite being an otherwise extremely healthy individual, Tim suffered two cerebellar strokes – This is a rare stroke in the cerebellum that accounts for only 1-4% of all strokes. Despite this occurring within just three weeks of his Pfizer vaccine, Tim’s doctors refused to draw any correlation…
Nurses Out Loud with Beth Hnat, RN – What is it about our society that places famous or wealthy people on a permanent pedestal? This pedestal is one that seems to be unquestioned and unshakable, no matter the behaviors or associations of the people atop it. In recent weeks, a story about former President Obama has come to the surface. A story in which an independent citizen states that he participated in illicit drug use and…
Nurses Out Loud with April Snipes RNFA, BSN, CNOR – Nurse Jodi and I began a discussion with a courageous nurse willing to engage in healthy debate regarding the topics of masking, COVID hospital experiences, COVID-19 treatments, and more. Nurse Lashley initially shared her thoughts on Instagram, disagreeing with Nurse Jodi’s stance on masking. She was willing to have an open debate. So many healthcare providers have…
Nurses Out Loud with Jodi O’Malley MSN, RN – After enduring division for far too long, a breakthrough has occurred among nurses. One courageous nurse has accepted my invitation to engage in a live discussion, focusing primarily on our differences regarding the use of masks, the hospital protocols, and our experience as COVID nurses. Today, we embark on this enlightening conversation together. This is just the beginning, as it…
Nurses Out Loud with Nurse Michele, RN – Today’s guest on Nurses Out Loud is among the millions of Americans injured by the COVID-19 vaccine. But this particular American was fortunate enough to have someone in their life who knew about a very unique product that she attributes to rapidly healing her body. Retired Psychologist and Member of the Mental Health Disaster Team, Kathryn Lee Friedman, Founded and was…
Nurses Out Loud with Kimberly Overton, BSN, RN – Show me a medical professional who is still pushing childhood vaccines, and I’ll show you one who hasn’t done any independent research. The bottom line, unvaccinated children have better outcomes, are healthier, and have less chronic disease than their vaccinated peers. The evidence is compelling if you only take the time to look. Today, we are up to an autism rate…
Nurses Out Loud with Beth Hnat, RN – For some, the COVID-19 vaccine was viewed as what would get us “back to normal.” For others, it was the only thing standing between their next paycheck and the unemployment line. No matter the reason or rationale behind why so many people chose to take it, the lies about safety, efficacy, and potential long-term effects are beginning to unravel. The same people who were raising questions…
Nurses Out Loud with April Snipes RNFA, BSN, CNOR – I must admit I am one of those who suffers from ADHD. It is such a ubiquitous diagnosis that I assume anyone and everyone reading this already knows exactly what it is, so I won’t insult you by defining it in print. Not only do you probably already know exactly what it is, but you can probably spot a sufferer from a mile away. I’m not sure if it’s become one of those catch-all…
Nurses Out Loud with Jodi O’Malley MSN, RN – Join me for a thought-provoking interview with Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, an independent candidate running for POTUS. Dr. Ayyadurai will shed light on his unique perspective and delve into the inner workings of the Swarm, a concept he passionately explains in a captivating 15-minute video. In this interview, we explore how the elites operate and their efforts to divide us beyond the…
Nurses Out Loud with Nurse Michele, RN – Dr. Bryan Ardis takes us on a journey through history, showing us how the abandonment of natural solutions and food as a source of health and healing has been pushed by the wayside and out of the public eye. Americans have come to look at medications as their solutions, and it’s time for that to stop! It’s time for Americans to once again find their health and pursue the most abundant life…