Nurses Out Loud
Weekdays 10 am ET | Encore 11 pm
Nurses Out Loud is a unique talk show from a nurse’s perspective on life, politics, current events, and medical field happenings. Insight from nurses brave enough to go against the grain in their beloved field. Listen, as they unveil a nurse’s truth, with eyes wide open.
Our show aims to give a voice to the most trusted professionals in the world; Nurses. For far too long, we have been silent, which has led to the pillaging of our healthcare system. There are those of us who challenge the narrative and expose the truth behind the veil. Our goal is to protect people from a system that prioritizes profits over their promise to do no harm. The way we do that is by courageously speaking the truth out loud.
We are…
in a war for truth, in a war to fight against propaganda, in a war to defend and advocate for the patient.
America Out Loud Network © – We are in a war for truth, in a war to fight against propaganda, in a war to defend and advocate for the patient. Nurses Out Loud shine the light toward the darkness.
Nurses Out Loud with April Snipes RNFA, BSN, CNOR – The US Military is actively recruiting nurses through a mailing campaign that entices the reader to join in order to qualify for up to $250,000 in signing bonuses. Is this enough money to entice people to join the Navy, knowing there is a high likelihood that the US government is courting us into World War 3?
Nurses Out Loud with Jodi O’Malley MSN, RN – Today, widower Kurtis Bay, tells his story of his wife Tammy’s horrific 15-day hospital stay that ended in death in detail and how he became involved in If this story resembles yours with your loved one, please reach out to them…
Nurses Out Loud with Nurse Michele, RN – She lost her marriage to her doctor husband, who opposed her on these issues, and would later lose custody of her two children, because the court would side with her husband’s right to vaccinate the children. Nurse Svetlana grieves that her children have been harmed beyond measure by…
Nurses Out Loud with Kimberly Overton, BSN, RN – They are serious violations of international law, and those who commit them must be held accountable. They involve acts committed against individuals or groups on a large scale and with the intention to cause severe physical or mental harm. Such crimes include genocide…
Nurses Out Loud with Beth Hnat, RN – There is a good chance you saw and heard of the outrageous rules and regulations placed on those living in Australia. Having been raised in Australia and living there during the Pandemic, Joel Rafidi shares first-hand stories and experiences that we only witnessed via phone or computer screens…
Nurses Out Loud with April Snipes RNFA, BSN, CNOR – The social programming and heavy cultural influence make it very difficult for black people to leave the cult of the left and align their political views with their professed values. When you talk to most black people, you may be shocked to find that they actually hold far more conservative views than…
Nurses Out Loud with Jodi O’Malley MSN, RN – The story of what happened with James O’Keefe, founder and CEO of Project Veritas, is still unfolding. There are always three sides to a story, the two individual sides and the truth. The insiders, aka, whistleblowers, are a unique group, and we share a courageous heart to do what is right, no matter…
Nurses Out Loud with Nurse Michele, RN – Homeschooling – home education or home-based education – has grown from nearly extinct in the United States in the 1970s to over 2.5 million school-age students. NHERI focuses on homeschooling research, homeschool facts, homeschool fast facts, and in-depth scholarly articles…
Nurses Out Loud with Kimberly Overton, BSN, RN – Over these past three years, I had begun questioning everything. At first, I was very angry. I was angry that after all of my hard work, all of this now seemed to be a waste of my efforts and resources. I would now have to invest even more time, and more money to now unlearn what I had long believed to be true…
Nurses Out Loud with Beth Hnat, RN – There are some incredibly large and sinister agendas taking place around the world being spearheaded by the United Nations and the World Economic Forum. Agenda 2030 from the UN seems to be in full swing, with the global partners of the WEF cheering them on every step of the way and offering up their…
Nurses Out Loud with April Snipes RNFA, BSN, CNOR – Could the push for continued hypersexualization of our youth, and relaxation of our safety guidelines surrounding blood donors be a part of a greater plan to create a bigger resource pool for the medical, pharmaceutical, and food industries to profit off of?
Nurses Out Loud with Jodi O’Malley MSN, RN – Two weeks after a train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, toxic chemicals spilled out into the ground, fish are dying, chickens and pets are dying, and people are complaining their water tastes like metal, eyes burning, and rashes on their skin. With me today are two Industrial Hygienists, who are exposure scientists…
Nurses Out Loud with Nurse Michele, RN – Had our government and public health authorities focused on mitigating atmospheric pathogens in the hospitals, Covid units, nursing homes,s and even in the American people’s homes, just think of the improved outcomes that could’ve occurred. Whether it be flu, Covid, or RSV striking your family at…
Nurses Out Loud with Kimberly Overton, BSN, RN – We may have felt for a long time that there was a better way, but there had to be a better way than this “sick-care” system we have been trapped in for so long. As we begin to navigate this new territory, we realize very quickly that it isn’t unchartered. In fact, there have been many nurses, doctors, and…