Nurses Out Loud
Weekdays 10 am ET | Encore 11 pm
Nurses Out Loud is a unique talk show from a nurse’s perspective on life, politics, current events, and medical field happenings. Insight from nurses brave enough to go against the grain in their beloved field. Listen, as they unveil a nurse’s truth, with eyes wide open.
Our show aims to give a voice to the most trusted professionals in the world; Nurses. For far too long, we have been silent, which has led to the pillaging of our healthcare system. There are those of us who challenge the narrative and expose the truth behind the veil. Our goal is to protect people from a system that prioritizes profits over their promise to do no harm. The way we do that is by courageously speaking the truth out loud.
We are…
in a war for truth, in a war to fight against propaganda, in a war to defend and advocate for the patient.
Nurses Out Loud with Kimberly Overton, BSN, RN – No one is addressing the elephant in the room, despite the fact that many of these cases of sudden death have occurred within as few as 1 to 20 days following covid vaccination. Still, any attempt to make that correlation is met with extreme hostility and flat-out denial that it could be in any way related…
Nurses Out Loud with Beth Hnat, RN – The emotional warfare plaguing my home was an exact mirror to the outside world, and I had to ask myself how I could stand so firm against one, not the other. By God’s grace, I could end my engagement and start my healing journey…
Nurses Out Loud with April Snipes RNFA, BSN, CNOR – As the media, government, FDA, and pharmaceutical companies continue to parrot the talking points that these vaccines are “Safe and Effective,” those who’ve been injured are left standing on the sidelines being gaslit by half of our society and the vast majority of our medical profession…
Nurses Out Loud with Jodi O’Malley MSN, RN – What has transpired over the last three years is horrendous and unbelievable that, as a society, we could be played that easily! What hope does a child have these days if they have parents that were so easily manipulated and controlled? Many of them watched as their parents complied with what they were “told” to do and merely “followed orders.” What type of messaging does that send to the future of our nation?
Nurses Out Loud with Nurse Michele, RN – Our US military, like American citizens, were misled with misinformation from the public health authorities, mainstream media, and all other purveyors of propaganda that the federal government had the constitutional right to force upon its military an unapproved experimental mRNA technology that had…
Nurses Out Loud with Kimberly Overton, BSN, RN – As nurses, we are supposed to be critical thinkers; for this reason, we should constantly be evaluating, and constantly be asking questions. Over the past nearly three years, I feel like many in our profession have sadly abandoned their post. For myself, I have had far more questions than…
Nurses Out Loud with Beth Hnat, RN – Perhaps the fact that this particular injection was only tested on eight mice is where we should start. How many of us knew this? Did your doctor or pharmacist share this with you when they encouraged or bamboozled you to get this booster? Imagine a car seat company announcing the recognition of a “safety signal” after millions of…
Nurses Out Loud with April Snipes RNFA, BSN, CNOR – Let’s explore a variety of hot topics in a game-like atmosphere that will leave us all laughing and learning. Unusual topics, including the collapse of the US healthcare system, internet pornography, human sex trafficking, the end of vaccine mandates, technology, and more!
Nurses Out Loud with Jodi O’Malley MSN, RN – COVID vaccine hesitancy among nurses worldwide is still an issue. The refusal rate among nurses was 23.4 percent in 2020 and 18.3 percent in 2021. Nurses have one of the highest hesitancy rates for the vaccine. The major reasons for refusal are concerns about the vaccine’s safety, effectiveness, and side effects…
Nurses Out Loud with Nurse Michele, RN – Nurses Out Loud is helping fight this battle for truth, by encouraging other truth-tellers, and those fighting for the American people to have access to quality healthcare and patient education by sharing valuable resources to help you on your path toward health and wellness. Don’t miss this interview with Melissa Schreibfeder…
Nurses Out Loud with Kimberly Overton, BSN, RN – These are words we have been hearing with increasing frequency. Over the past several months, we have witnessed a strange new phenomenon that has seemingly left many in the medical community “baffled.” Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. We continue to see these deaths in otherwise young, healthy…
Nurses Out Loud with Kimberly Overton, BSN, RN – The PMA or private membership association is only one piece of a much larger puzzle as we move forward to create a parallel society that is so desperately needed; many of us wouldn’t even know where to begin. We are looking for a blueprint. If step one is recognizing the need to shift the paradigm, what, then, are the next steps?
Nurses Out Loud with Jodi O’Malley MSN, RN – What Michelle reveals is what appears to be a coordinated effort to block physicians from prescribing medications they deem suitable, whether that be the early treatment for a disease or treating with an antibiotic for a secondary infection. She also discusses in detail the current increase in hospitalization, worse than…
Nurses Out Loud with Nurse Michele, RN – Too many have buried their loved ones over the last two years. They’ve been grieving the loss of those they love, but now it’s time to take action, and as Florence Nightingale reminds us, ‘To take actions that bring results.’ The majority of the populace does not realize that something unjust very likely happened to their deceased family members…