The Constitution Study
Weekdays 4 PM ET
The American people, through ignorance and apathy, have lost their love for their rights and liberties. Our rights are trampled daily by governments, universities, the media, and businesses both large and small. Yet the vast majority of Americans not only bow to the pressure to relinquish their rights, they frequently ask for them to be taken. What are we to do?
Since 2014 Paul Engel has been helping everyday Americans read and study the Constitution of their country and teaching the rising generation to be free. In this program, Paul uses news and current events as a springboard to help explain the Constitution and encourage others to stand up for their rights, their children’s rights, and those of the nation.
The goal of this program is to help everyday people defend their rights by reading, studying, and understanding the supreme law of the land, the Constitution of the United States of America. Author and speaker, Paul Engel has spent more than 20 years studying and teaching about both the Bible and the U.S. Constitution. That experience helps Paul explain difficult concepts in a way most people can understand. As one manager described, “Paul can take the most complex idea and explain it in a way my grandmother can understand.”
Has medical science changed over the last couple of weeks, or is it the political science that has changed? Let’s take a look at some of the political science that is leading to this sudden change of heart and ask ourselves one little question. Will the American people be fooled by this apparent sudden change of heart?
We’ve seen Congress attempting to take control of the electoral process. Now, we see Senators proposing legislation to overturn the process of electing the President established by the Constitution. We’ve seen those in Washington, DC, and those in the media call those who protested the usurpation of the Constitution as insurrectionists…
There are reasons for our $30 trillion debt, but what are the American people doing to get it under control? So far, the suggestions coming out of Washington, D.C. seem to be more of the same profligate spending that is driving us into bankruptcy. Will the American people learn their lesson before we are reduced to the level of Venezuela?
Biden claims he can decrease cancer deaths by 25%, while his Secretary of Transportation is claiming he can reduce traffic deaths to zero. The CDC claims that a simple cloth masks can help stop the spread of COVID-19, while members of Congress claim the power to force businesses to follow illegal legislation. If you’ve heard about any of these claims…
Let’s face it, when Ms. Clinton said, “it takes a village to raise a child,” she means it takes government. But has anyone asked what happens when we allow government to raise our children? Today, we look at some recent news that shows the consequences of letting the government raise our children…
I believe there are two basic reasons. One is the belief that, if we got rid of all the guns, all of the violent crime would disappear. The other, more sinister reason, is the recognition that an armed populace can defend themselves against all enemies, foreign and domestic…
Frequently lost in the three-ring circus that such a nomination has become is the actual role both the President and the Senate have in appointing a new justice, not to mention the standards that the nominee should be held to. And don’t forget the juggling of hypocrisies that will take place during the confirmation hearings…
Government entities spying on the American people, illegal mandates, and judicial tyranny are just a few of the symptoms of an out-of-control government. And when individuals stand up to the tyranny, they pay the price. Will the American people stand up to the tyrants in government and say “No More!” Will we stand our ground, or will we fold?
As I look at the 2020 elections, and what has been done in response, I see the American people doing many of the same things that led to the revolt in 1946. Will we condemn some future generation to fight to regain their rights on the battlefield, because we were unwilling to fight for them at the ballot box? Will the American people learn their lesson from history?
If we wish to live free, we need to allow others the freedom to think for themselves. That does not mean you have to be the victim of misinformation. There are ways to weed out the wheat from the tares, but it will take some work. Today, we’ll look at some examples of misinformation…
While court fights and censorship have been in the news, many of these mandates are killing people. Will the American people sit meekly by while those in our government commit crimes against humanity? The Supreme Court recently “split the baby” when it comes to the OSHA and HHS “vaccine” mandates…
According to the CDC, approximately two-thirds of Americans have voluntarily submitted to participate in a medical experiment. Yes, voluntarily. You may have been coerced and threatened, but no one tackled you and stuck a needle in your arm; ultimately, you agreed to roll up your sleeve and take the shot…
If tens of thousands of people were willing to show up in cities around the world, then we cannot all have bought into the COVID madness. While there is good news, we need to remember there are still a number of people, many of them in positions of power, who wish to strip you of your rights, your liberty, and your very humanity…
Who decides the rules? Who decides what are laws will be? Who decides who has what power? The constitutions of most of our states say that all power is inherent in the people, but many in government act as if they have all of the power. I think it’s about time We the People learn to remind those in government that they…