The Constitution Study
Weekdays 4 PM ET
The American people, through ignorance and apathy, have lost their love for their rights and liberties. Our rights are trampled daily by governments, universities, the media, and businesses both large and small. Yet the vast majority of Americans not only bow to the pressure to relinquish their rights, they frequently ask for them to be taken. What are we to do?
Since 2014 Paul Engel has been helping everyday Americans read and study the Constitution of their country and teaching the rising generation to be free. In this program, Paul uses news and current events as a springboard to help explain the Constitution and encourage others to stand up for their rights, their children’s rights, and those of the nation.
The goal of this program is to help everyday people defend their rights by reading, studying, and understanding the supreme law of the land, the Constitution of the United States of America. Author and speaker, Paul Engel has spent more than 20 years studying and teaching about both the Bible and the U.S. Constitution. That experience helps Paul explain difficult concepts in a way most people can understand. As one manager described, “Paul can take the most complex idea and explain it in a way my grandmother can understand.”
We’re seeing medical experiments being performed on the population at large without informed consent. We’re even seeing our children’s education being used as a political football. Yet it appears only a few Americans are doing anything about it. What does it say about the state of liberty and rights in America when the people as a whole refuse to…
As an election year, 2022 is a job review for all members of the House of Representatives and a third of the Senate. How do you judge the work of your employees in Washington, D.C.? Will you fire those who have violated their oath to support the Constitution, or will you vote the same old way? Will you work to save the republic or sit back and watch freedom, liberty, and rights disappear?
If we are fighting for the soul of America, then we should be engaged at the ballot box. We must start by preparing that particular battlefield. We must work to make sure our elections are free, fair, and transparent. When asked what kind of government they had given us, Benjamin Franklin said, “A republic, if you can keep it.”
If you’ve encouraged any state or local official to accept federal money that is not authorized by the Constitution, then by proxy, you have accepted a bribe. And like anyone else who has taken a bribe, you have submitted yourself to the person who is handing out the money. He who pays the piper, calls the tune. But are the American people doomed…
This is not new in America. It happened in Mao’s cultural revolution, Pol Pot’s killing fields, Castro’s Cuba, and Hitler’s Germany. Will the American people sit back and watch while our country slides into tyranny, or will we stand up and snatch liberty from the brink of the abyss?
In the recent Supreme Court cases regarding stays against the OSHA and HHS vaccine mandates, it appears the court decided to split the difference. So today, if you work in the private sectors, your employer is not being forced to require you receive the COVID shots, that is unless you work in the healthcare sector. What does this mean for the future of rights in America?
From the Head Start vaccination mandate to Wokism being taught in the schools, government actors not only think they know better than you how to raise your kids, but they also claim the power to do so, even against your will. American parents do not have to stand for this abuse, but it will take some education, and a willingness to say…
Now, almost two years after the start of the COVID scaredemic, more and more evidence of the lies, exaggerations, and manipulations are exposed, what are the American people going to do? Will we sit back and watch while tyrants ignore the Constitution and chip away at our rights faster and faster, or will we stand our ground and regain the liberty that is our birthright as Americans?
From all sides generally ignoring the Constitution to the hyperbolic lies used to justify the mandates, this case shows the rot and corruption at the heart of our government. The question we should be asking is, can freedom and liberty in America survive when those in our government are so corrupted?
Have the American people become detached from reality and delusional? Let’s take a look at some recent evidence and news reporting to see if Dr. Robert Malone is correct. If he is, then we need to look at what we can do to save our sanity and our country…
How can a nation be considered free if the people are not in charge of their government? How can we call ourselves the land of the free when we are ruled by the dictates of others in direct contradiction to the constitutions and laws that created the offices they hold? If We the People wish to be free, we must regain control of the governments we…
Have you taken the time to consider what are the greatest domestic threats to our Constitutional Republic? Is it COVID-19, Critical Theory, Cancel Culture? Is it the Republicans or the Democrats? I contend that while all of these are threats, the greatest domestic threats to our liberty are…
Think of all of the issues we have today; how many of them either stand, or will stand, on the decision of a judge? Without ethics, America is just a very large, very powerful, banana republic. It’s not just the courts that require ethics. The Congress, the President, even the military, and our educations systems can only be effective if they are filled with ethical people. So what are we to do?
Those we elect to office are our employees, shouldn’t we know what they are doing? How can we judge the quality of an employee if we cannot see their work? Perhaps, since the year is new, this would be a good time to resolve to demand more transparency from our employees in government.