The Constitution Study
Weekdays 4 PM ET
The American people, through ignorance and apathy, have lost their love for their rights and liberties. Our rights are trampled daily by governments, universities, the media, and businesses both large and small. Yet the vast majority of Americans not only bow to the pressure to relinquish their rights, they frequently ask for them to be taken. What are we to do?
Since 2014 Paul Engel has been helping everyday Americans read and study the Constitution of their country and teaching the rising generation to be free. In this program, Paul uses news and current events as a springboard to help explain the Constitution and encourage others to stand up for their rights, their children’s rights, and those of the nation.
The goal of this program is to help everyday people defend their rights by reading, studying, and understanding the supreme law of the land, the Constitution of the United States of America. Author and speaker, Paul Engel has spent more than 20 years studying and teaching about both the Bible and the U.S. Constitution. That experience helps Paul explain difficult concepts in a way most people can understand. As one manager described, “Paul can take the most complex idea and explain it in a way my grandmother can understand.”
Governments at all levels are intimidating people into compliance with whatever they feel is best for them. And the American people not only stand for it, but they have also shown themselves more than willing to use government to impose their will upon others. How can we call ourselves the land of the free if we are not free to live without government coercion?
Making personal decisions is now demonized. And what history can teach us about what happens when people in a nation’s population are divided, vilified, and suppressed. You may find that what is happening today is not only with COVID, but race-baiting, socialism, and much more. Will the American people learn from this…?
They don’t even hide it anymore, simply burying corrections where no one will likely see them. Yet, it seems that even with all of this evidence of journalist malfeasance, the American people seem unwilling to look up from their screens and find the truth for themselves. Sadly, it seems we are paying the price for our lack of vision…
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn warned the Russian people back in the 1970s what would happen if they continued to live by lies. His warning should ring in the ear of every American today. We are lied to by politicians, by the media, by our schools, and by our justice system. I agree with Solzhenitsyn; the cost of not speaking the truth, for letting the lie go unchallenged, is your very soul…
Even what you’ve been told what the Constitution says has been manipulated to get you to comply with the agenda of the political elite. The good news is that you, too, can take the Red Pill. You can be free of servitude to the government, the media, and the political pundits who use fears, fictional models, and disinformation to…
If your children are in school, they are likely being trained to be racists with things like The 1619 Project and Critical Race Theory. Governments are training their agents to be racists in the name of racial justice. Even corporations are implementing racist policies to avoid the ire of political advocates. And if you want a sneak peek of America’s future, just look at…
In what can only be the last step to turn America from the land of the free to the home of the slave, we have cities buying off their people, making them financially dependent on the government. These new ministries of truth are being used to fundamentally change America into a 1984 style dystopia. The bravery of a few Americans, willing to stand up against these indoctrination schemes, is all that stands between freedom and slavery for us all.
What are the American people to do about it? We start by recognizing the true source of the problem. The root of the problem is not the people in government who are wasting the money. Rather, it is the American people who allow them to get away with it…
So what are the American people to do in the face of this modern tyranny on our soil? Can we avoid the need to fight on the battlefield as those in the Revolutionary War did? The answer is yes, but we will need to learn to fight both at the ballot box and in our county courthouses if we are to alter our governments before our children are forced to abolish it by force of arms…
Marxism, Collectivism, Communism, call it what you want, these ideas are the antithesis of freedom and liberty, and they are taking hold in what used to be the land of the free. From governments at all levels to everyday people on the streets, individualism, freedom, and liberty are being plowed under by lies. The good news is you don’t have to…
The evidence is clear, neither party is looking out for you. They both believe they know best how you should live your life, and they are more than willing to use the levers of government to force you to comply. So when it comes to the question of political party, I say, a pox on both their houses!
If we want governments to only exercise the just powers we consent to, and to return states to their rightful place as overseers of the federal government, then we need to return to federalism. It does not start in Washington, D.C., or in our state and county governments, but in the hearts and minds of the American people…
Dr. Fauci, the CDC, and the WHO are all political actors more than they are medical ones. More and more, evidence shows that at best, they were wrong, and at worst, they were lying. Evidence shows not only that lockdowns have made things worse, but the ongoing effects will be with us for years. The pushing of masks for toddlers, summer…
In a time when it seems impossible to stand against those who wield their power unequally, the good news is you don’t have to stand alone. But if we want more help in our fight for liberty, then we must share not only the problems in our society, but the remedies as well…