The Dean’s List
Weekdays 2 pm ET
On October 4, 1790, Samuel Adams sat down to write a letter to his cousin, John Adams, who was vice president of the United States. Samuel Adams stated: “Let patriots unite their endeavors to renovate the age, by . . . educating their sons and daughters in the fear of the Lord . . . love of their country and . . . the art of self-government.”
The word renovate means “To renew; to restore to the first state, or a good state, after decay, destruction or depravation.” It may seem surprising to us that Adams expressed the need to renovate the age, being as it was, such an early time in our nation’s existence. Is it possible he felt the teachings of the Fear of the Lord, Love of Country, and the Art of Self-Government were entering a state of decay?
Ronald Reagan stated, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.” Could it be that EVERY generation needs to Renovate the Age? The Dean’s List is a show resolved to Renovate the Age by shining the light of truth on the decaying American education system while also shining the light of hope for parents and grandparents who will endeavor to reclaim ownership of their children’s and grandchildren’s education.

America Out Loud Network © – The Dean’s List is a show resolved to Renovate the Age by shining the light of truth on the decaying American education system while also shining the light of hope for parents and grandparents.
The Dean’s List with Host Dean Bowen – As 2022 ends, the Temecula Valley Unified School District boldly challenges state mandates, banning Critical Race Theory and enforcing parental notification for gender identity discussions. Amid legal battles, a judge’s ruling affirms these policies, marking a significant victory for educational integrity and parental rights in California…
The Dean’s List with Host Dean Bowen – I explore the evolving tactics of Democrats from the era of Frederick Douglass to today, focusing on their influence over the American education system through teachers’ unions. I highlight the decline in academic standards and propose a return to classical Christian education. States like Florida and Texas are pioneering changes, empowering parents to reclaim control over their children’s education.
The Dean’s List with Host Dean Bowen – I delve into the importance of studying great books in elementary school rather than destructive literature such as My Shadow is Pink. Jeff Minick describes it this way: “An adolescent nourished by the biographies of American figures such as Sojourner Truth, Thomas Jefferson, and Boone will have a healthier worldview than the one fed a diet of rap music and pop culture.”
The Dean’s List with Host Dean Bowen – Exploring Plato’s vision of truth and education, I delve into the ongoing cultural wars and the challenge of defining reality in today’s society. From ancient sophists to modern debates over gender in sports, I examine how inclusivity and safety are balanced in educational settings and the role of truth in our current political and social landscape.
The Dean’s List with Host Dean Bowen – The teachers were asked to assist in a student’s social transition by accepting a child’s assertion that he or she was the opposite gender. I reveal how two teachers in California are fighting back to reclaim truth in the classroom. I also discuss how school boards in North Carolina want nothing to do with truth in the classroom. Which side of the fight will you support?
The Dean’s List with Host Dean Bowen – In 1744, George Washington hand-copied the Rules of Civility, shaping his character and leadership. These timeless principles, like showing respect and choosing good company, still hold relevance. As I explore Washington’s youth and values, I question the impact of such teachings in today’s education. His exemplary self-mastery and character…
The Dean’s List with Host Dean Bowen – “A growing number of high-profile cases suggest that diversity workshops and their supporting materials regularly promote questionable claims — particularly about the overarching, malicious character of the majority population. Similarly, hostility toward those who challenge DEI claims is part of the pattern,” Mr. Haskell wrote…
The Dean’s List with Host Dean Bowen – It’s no wonder we are in a teen mental health crisis. Teens want truth, and they know when they are not getting it. Our leaders and media tell us the border is secure even though we are witnessing an invasion as a daily occurrence. They tell us that the melting ice caps are proof of climate change even though the ice caps are not melting. They tell us our economy is booming even though our pocket books speak otherwise. Give me a break…
The Dean’s List with Host Dean Bowen – In 2010, Obama pushed for Common Core State Standards, shifting education towards federal oversight and increasing technology use in elementary classrooms. This move sparked a debate: Is keyboarding more vital than handwriting? Recent neuroscience studies highlight the unique brain benefits of handwriting, challenging this tech-centric approach and urging a reconsideration of…
The Dean’s List with Host Dean Bowen – I delve into the drastic changes in eighth-grade reading curricula since 1908, revealing a shift from classic literature to contemporary themes. This contrast raises questions about educational direction, emphasizing the need for a return to classical teaching methods to bolster proficiency in crucial subjects like Math, Reading, and American History.
The Dean’s List with Host Dean Bowen – While homeschool students continue to run circles around their public school counterparts, public school teacher Lynn Gray is “worried about many home-schooled kids’ academic preparation and lack of exposure to diverse points of view,” and that “home education should not be most families’ first choice.”
The Dean’s List with Host Dean Bowen – In a public school day of 6.5 hours, 4 hours are spent in academics, and researchers report students were only engaged in strategic learning behaviors for 67.5 minutes . . . thats only 16 minutes per hour of actively reading, writing, or talking about the subject matter. Not only are the homeschooled students more engaged, and, therefore, learning and retaining more material, they are doing so in less time…
The Dean’s List with Host Dean Bowen – “In the ongoing campaign to protect homeschool freedom, one of the most important fronts is state legislatures. But it is the energetic involvement of our members that plays the biggest part. When we urge them to contact their elected representatives, their response is often very powerful. Contact your state representatives to discover where they stand on homeschool issues….
The Dean’s List with Host Dean Bowen – In Maine, Democrats’ dominance faces a setback as a controversial bill on child gender transition is unanimously rejected due to public outcry. Meanwhile, in New York, a lawsuit against a school district highlights the clash over social transitioning without parental consent. These events underscore the growing tension in education and politics over gender identity and parental rights.