The Dean’s List
Weekdays 2 pm ET
On October 4, 1790, Samuel Adams sat down to write a letter to his cousin, John Adams, who was vice president of the United States. Samuel Adams stated: “Let patriots unite their endeavors to renovate the age, by . . . educating their sons and daughters in the fear of the Lord . . . love of their country and . . . the art of self-government.”
The word renovate means “To renew; to restore to the first state, or a good state, after decay, destruction or depravation.” It may seem surprising to us that Adams expressed the need to renovate the age, being as it was, such an early time in our nation’s existence. Is it possible he felt the teachings of the Fear of the Lord, Love of Country, and the Art of Self-Government were entering a state of decay?
Ronald Reagan stated, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.” Could it be that EVERY generation needs to Renovate the Age? The Dean’s List is a show resolved to Renovate the Age by shining the light of truth on the decaying American education system while also shining the light of hope for parents and grandparents who will endeavor to reclaim ownership of their children’s and grandchildren’s education.

America Out Loud Network © – The Dean’s List is a show resolved to Renovate the Age by shining the light of truth on the decaying American education system while also shining the light of hope for parents and grandparents.
The Dean’s List with Host Dean Bowen – In a recent seminar by the National Council of Teachers of English, a new educational approach was proposed, emphasizing disrupting classroom hierarchies and focusing on consumerism and economic injustice. This shift raises questions about its real-time effects, as seen in incidents involving students from Jewish and Muslim backgrounds, highlighting potential issues in current teaching…
The Dean’s List with Host Dean Bowen – This is the very group Webster warned us about, and they currently occupy the seat of our government. If they aren’t successful in putting the Constitution through the shredder, they’ll try their hand at raising a generation unable to read it while simultaneously complaining about capitalism. We must do what Webster suggested in 1852: “We must strengthen ourselves, and gird up our loins with new resolution…
The Dean’s List with Host Dean Bowen – Cuban and other proponents of DEI claim it will fix the systemic racism that lies at the root of this country. Pastor Brooks says, “What Cuban doesn’t realize from his post is that the systemic racism that my community faces is not white supremacy but post-60s liberalism.” This is precisely what American eyes are opening up to . . . the destruction of American society, no matter the color, via liberal policies…
The Dean’s List with Host Dean Bowen – Goff didn’t take the bait to swing at his former team. His comments sound a lot like G.K. Chesterton, who said, “The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves which is behind him.” The Detroit Lions hadn’t won a playoff game in 32 years, and I compare their recent playoff victory over the Los Angeles Rams to the current situation America finds herself in…
The Dean’s List with Host Dean Bowen – “When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir. This note was a promise that all men – yes, black men as well as white men – would be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” MLK wrote…
The Dean’s List with Host Dean Bowen – Congratulations, America, on our victories in Pennsylvania and Ohio! We’ve shown our strength in protecting our history and influencing political decisions. Our unified voice saved the William Penn statue and influenced the Ohio House’s decision to override Governor DeWine’s veto of House Bill 68. As we uncover hidden agendas and defend our values, let’s remain vigilant and committed to our…
The Dean’s List with Host Dean Bowen – I highlight Cincinnati Classical Academy’s success amidst progressive criticism. Ranked top in Ohio for early literacy, this K-6th charter school disproves baseless accusations by thriving. The Network for Public Education’s complaints contrast with our outstanding achievements. Emphasizing classical education, we demonstrate its superiority in the current educational landscape, defying…
The Dean’s List with Host Dean Bowen – Thomas Paine metaphorically described freedom as a fugitive fleeing the countries of the world. He then pleaded with Americans to embrace her and give her a home. I consider true education in the same metaphor. The progressive left has forced her out of our schools. We must receive this fugitive with open arms and prepare a place for her in our schools once again…
The Dean’s List with Host Dean Bowen – The National Parks Service is redesigning Philadelphia’s Welcome Park, removing William Penn’s statue and the Slate Roof House model. This move aims to create a more inclusive space, but it also erases important historical figures. The redesign will focus on Native American history, inviting public input. I argue for preserving Penn’s legacy alongside new representations, maintaining…
The Dean’s List with Host Dean Bowen – In this investigative report, I delve into how America’s education system increasingly pressures the implementation of Critical Race Theory, even in Kindergarten. I critically examine EmbraceRace, an organization with deep Marxist beliefs, and its impact on children’s racial learning. Through personal anecdotes and historical references, I highlight the significance of racial unity and the dangers of…
The Dean’s List with Host Dean Bowen – In today’s world, where the progressive, Marxist left often distorts reality, it’s crucial to see through the deception. As Woke Harvard’s former president fails to embody her claimed values, we must confront such inconsistencies. Join me in rejecting the liberal left’s fantasy, standing with Sage Steele’s courage, and embracing the truth over comfortable lies. Let’s stop living in this make-believe world.
The Dean’s List with Host Dean Bowen – As I explore the stark contrasts between Harvard and Hillsdale, I’m struck by their differing approaches to education, activism, and faith. While Harvard grapples with declining enrollment and unchecked activism, Hillsdale stands firm in its mission, emphasizing civility and a commitment to learning. Join me in uncovering what sets these institutions apart in today’s educational landscape.
The Dean’s List with Host Dean Bowen – A federal judge in Iowa has overridden the will of the people via their state legislature in blocking a law that would protect children in elementary school from sexually explicit material. The Ohio Governor has vetoed a bill that would have made it illegal for doctors to prescribe puberty blockers. A California school district promotes documentaries encouraging transgenderism…
The Dean’s List with Host Dean Bowen – America would look differently by the end of 2024 if more of us defended the truth of American history, the truth of human biology, or any other truth that’s under attack. If we lose foundational truths, we will have lost our country. Jefferson said he and his contemporaries held certain truths to be self-evident. These are foundational truths. Such as that all men were created equal…