The National Security Hour
Weekdays 8 pm ET
The National Security Hour is the tip of the spear in the epic battle to defend the United States of America, a Republic founded in 1776 by the brave Founders, from the dark forces of communism and a one-world government.
We take you on a journey exploring exclusive, in-depth national security investigations that connect the past to the present and expose America’s enemies, both foreign and domestic.
The National Security Hour features intelligence analysts and military experts presenting the tough conversations and hard-nosed reality checks that the American people need to hear in order to fully understand the true picture of the evolving status of U.S. national security.
The National Security Hour with Mary Fanning, LTG Thomas McInerney, Dr. Michael Scheuer, Colonel Mike & Alan Jones – Rep. James Comer’s investigation has zeroed in on the financial relationship between the Biden family and CEFC China Energy, a now-defunct Chinese energy conglomerate connected to the Chinese Communist Party…
The National Security Hour with LTG Thomas McInerney, Mary Fanning, and Edward Haugland – The abuse of civil and constitutional rights, the state of our economy, the continued invasion of our borders, and China. In this episode, we discuss the tax and spend budget being put forth that will further bankrupt America, the flagrant hiding…
The National Security Hour with Mary Fanning – SVB established a joint-venture bank in China with the Shanghai Pudong Development Bank in 2012. Zhu Yuchen was appointed VP, CEO, and Deputy Communist Party Secretary of the Shanghai Pudong Bank in 2012. SVB was one of the first financial institutions to start serving China’s startups as China moved into the venture capital business in the 1990s…
The National Security Hour with Edward Haugland – This domestic war of terror is the true existential threat to our Republic, freedoms, opportunity, and independence. We expose the wolves in sheep’s clothing conducting this war and discuss how they – the progressive extremists – use fear and intimidation to create a sense of chaos…
The National Security Hour with Dr. Michael Scheuer & Colonel Mike – The Chinese appear to be plotting the takeover of Palau in a manner similar to the one they executed over the past several years in the Solomon Islands. Paneulo told his colleagues that he had been personally threatened several times by Chinese officials…
The National Security Hour with Dr. Michael Scheuer & Colonel Mike – Investigative journalist Shawn Witzemann was jailed for thought crimes after asking questions about the events of January 6th. He has been forced to sell his home and move his family and badly damaged plumbing/mechanical company to a new state…
The National Security Hour with MG Paul E Vallely, LTG Thomas McInerney, and Edward Haugland – The status of the 6 Jan prisoners and their lack of basic civil or constitutional rights, the continued border crises, the FBI and why now it admits China is the source of the bio-warfare unleashed on America and the world…
The National Security Hour with Mary Fanning – The videos have finally exposed precisely what happened on January 6 after Carlson broadcast snippets from the videos in a devastating two-part television exposé that debuted on March 6 and 7, 2023. The many lies that the so-called January 6 Committee, composed of…
The National Security Hour with Edward Haugland – What are the long-term impacts on the people and region by the East Palestine chemical disaster in Ohio? With the illegal invasion and fentanyl crises at the border, are we also seeing Communist China undermine the integrity of our health, education, justice, and social welfare systems?
The National Security Hour with Dr. Michael Scheuer & Colonel Mike – During this episode, we also focused on the outcome of the recent CPAC conference; California Governor Newsom’s plan to hire new police officers from Asian countries and the state’s mass of illegal aliens; and the lack of public knowledge about what those…
The National Security Hour with MG Paul E Vallely, LTG Thomas McInerney, and Edward Haugland – They seek to pack the Supreme Court to forever alter the balance of power in their favor. We will discuss a grassroots effort to stop them, and what our strategy is to move the power back to the states and the people to Restore America…
The National Security Hour with Mary Fanning – As more evidence emerges that the Covid-19 virus was intentionally unleashed by Chinese government scientists against the US, as Chinese virologist Dr. Li Meng-Yan asserts, will U.S. leaders bring forward sufficient evidence to declare that this pandemic was not only an act of biological terrorism but…
The National Security Hour with Edward Haugland – Keep the Nine is a proposed Constitutional Amendment to ensure the balance of power between our Legislative, Judicial, and Executive Branches, as defined in the Constitution, is sustained and blocks any and all attempts to pack the Supreme Court of the United States of America…
The National Security Hour with Dr. Michael Scheuer & Colonel Mike – The indisputable facts that resistance to tyranny – such as death by a vaccine, the J-6 prisoners, national government silence, and inaction over the rising volume of calls for the killing of whites, etc. – is not only a duty of each American but also a duty assigned by the doctrines of…