The News Magazine

America Out Loud Network © – Expect more from your NEWS. The News Magazine delivers straightforward talk from seasoned analysts who get it.
Something happened to America this past year. It was the year when being white became a crime. It was the year of the pandemic. It was the year the election turned upside down. It was the year that America lost its mind. One of America’s most insidious social developments in recent years is what they call the “Cancel Culture.” If people don’t like you or what you say, they simply cancel you. They cancel your speech, your book, your name, your voice. And they get you fired. Today’s latest actors in this arena are Black Lives Matter members and the people with whom they demonstrate who want to “cancel” the police. And anyone who disagrees with them risks getting ‘canceled,’ too. You don’t like my flag? Cancel it. You don’t like my face? Cancel it. You don’t like my opinion? Well, just cancel me! And it isn’t just that they cancel you. Using social media, they lobby all their friends and followers to cancel you, too. If they don’t like you, what you say or do, or what you stand for, they simply want you gone. You no longer exist. And all their friends and followers agree. These are the snowflakes who simply can’t stand that someone […]
The Democrat vendetta against Donald Trump just doesn’t go away, but at least the impeachment farce is over. The attack on the Capitol was never the fault of President Trump, and everyone knew it. Cuomo and Newsom are getting hammered by their own Democrats. History distorted. And a tribute to Rush Limbaugh.
Ilana picks up the gauntlet thrown down by the left, exposing their lies in the open air of free speech, and challenging their blatant dishonesty and hypocrisy.
Freedom of speech vs. the Snowflakes at De Paul University left vs. right, liberals vs. conservatives, big tech vs. We the People: overcoming these conflicts and bringing sanity back to our country will be America’s greatest challenge.
America is at a dangerous crossroad. The Democrats are choosing to continue to punish – and destroy if possible – the one person who has given so much to America. They are trying to turn this country into their own little fiefdom and destroy the constraints of the Constitution that made it great. We have a lot of work to do.
The inauguration of Joe Biden on January 20 took place in a war zone that we used to call Washington DC., 25, 000 troops, fences, and razor wire. Our present is frightening and our future is uncertain. What is happening to America and what can we expect in the days and months to come? Ilana’s Guest: Rob Schilling is the Associated Press award-winning host of The Schilling Show on WINA, and the Schilling Show Unleashed Podcast. For more information, visit his website at
The attack on the Capitol Election on January 6th changed the narrative of our national discourse. And we are closer than ever to having our America become the world of George Orwell where lies are truth, history is rewritten, and justice disappears. America is poised at the brink and our future is unclear.
“That’s it. It’s over.” Congress accepted the Electoral Votes, and Joe Biden will be the 46th President of the United States. How did we get here, and where do we go from here? What are the options?
These are the people who lie and cheat and steal in order to get what they think they are entitled to, at the expense of people who play by the rules. These are what politics are made of today, but it seems that it has never been worse than it is right now.
Election fraud, deep corruption, and a broken system of justice. America is poised at the brink and our future is unclear. What are the options?
Election fraud, lies, corruption, and power politics have created new challenges for Republicans as they refuse to give in to the power of the Democrat machine and work tirelessly to reclaim the 2020 Election for President Trump.
Election fraud, lies and accusations, power politics at its worst, and the relentless persecution of a good man. Meet the Democrats. And he isn’t having any of it. When the Democrats cheat and steal in order to win a critical election, then concession is the wrong answer. Let’s get this right!
Hypocritical governors, rebellious bar owners, and mayors without an ounce of sense, massive election fraud that is invisible to the left, and the new threat from an insane Iran.
This has been one hell of a year! The fraudulent elections, the deadly virus, the huge New York rats, and so much more. Here are some of the stories you’ll want to hear.