The News Magazine

America Out Loud Network © – Expect more from your NEWS. The News Magazine delivers straightforward talk from seasoned analysts who get it.
The hypocrisy of the Democrats knows no bounds. Even as they cry ‘democracy’ they subvert our electoral system and destroy the foundation of our nation. And now we face off against a fraudulent electoral process that may destroy the country we love.
Are we in the middle of a Constitutional crisis? Federal elections are supposed to reflect the voice of “we the people” – but the corruption in this election cycle is perhaps the biggest scandal in our nation’s history. Can we find our way back? Our guest is Ken Abramowitz. Ken is a threat analyst who formerly served as Managing Director of the Carlyle Group. His passion now is to share his analytical skills with the world on the grave threats that face us today. His new book, “The MultiFront War” deals with many of these threats, and how we must deal with them in order to save our nation. That’s what we are going to talk about today.
A pandemic, riots, politics, broken friendships, and one of the most contentious elections in U.S. history. How in the world did we get here?
As we slide down to the final hours before Election Day, here’s a quick look at the issues facing America. The Chinavirus that won’t go away, the Biden Scandal that keeps getting worse, the future of the Supreme Court with its new Justice, and one final look at America as we want it to be. Host Ilana Freedman reviews the top stories of the week…
Biden, Inc. is in more trouble than ever, and it’s getting worse. And an interview with a young man who quit his job and took his family to Israel for a year in the middle of the coronavirus. Image: AP
The confirmation hearings of Judge Amy Coney Barrett is the big story of the week! But not the only one. Joe Biden is slipping badly, and the election is less than three weeks away. What are the Democrats up to now?
The President’s bout with COVID-19 was a shock to the nation, and its implications reverberated with both those who love him and those who hate him. Corruption in Washington is about to be uncovered with the release of documents. What are the consequences of his illness, the cities that bow to riots, the release of documents, and the upcoming elections?
As we prepare for the upcoming elections, we take a look at the chaos in our cities, the anger on our streets, and the contenders for the Presidency who are vying for the right to solve the problems at the heart of our nation. Special: An analysis of the first Presidential debate. Michael Johns joins Ilana with an analysis on the election, debates and the need for law and order in America’s cities. Image: Reuters
The death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg has created a whirlwind in a hurricane and the country is reeling as the 2020 elections get closer. Threats of a firestorm if Biden is not elected. Barrels of dark money flowing into Democrat coffers. How will Trump be able to fight this and win?
Our cities are dysfunctional, our politics get more nasty every day, the weather is crazy with high winds, fires, and floods, and yet, there is an island of hope that found its way to the White House on September 15th.
American cities are in flames, the country is facing a pivotal election, and the anarchists and socialists are threatening civil war. What would that look like? How will America survive? This is a must listen for a no nonsense look at what may happen next. Image: Insurrection
What do the Democrat and Republican Conventions, the China Virus, the riots on the streets, and the flight from the city all have in common? They are all challenges that Americans have to face today. And what’s next?
In this episode of The Freedman Report, Ilana is joined by Michael Johns, a former White House speechwriter, Heritage Foundation foreign policy analyst, and national Tea Party movement co-founder. Michael is also co-host of Viewpoint Presents with Malcolm and Michael Johns, which airs on America Out Loud every Sunday at 11am Eastern Time. Ilana and Michael discuss what seems to be a world on fire: costly far left violence and arson in the streets of some of America’s largest cities, the peaking and threat to China’s massive Three Gorges Dam on China’s Yangtze River that now endangers tens of millions of Chinese, the health and whereabouts of North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un, and the vast and ongoing global persecution of Christians.
The Virtual Democrat National Convention shed some light on the Democrat’s game plan in the coming weeks – full of lies and innuendos. The riots are getting worse, but the Democrats ignored them. And the Israel-UAE agreement to normalize relations.