The News Magazine
“It was the best of times; it was the worst of times.” The virus has brought the world to a screeching halt. And as we approach Passover and Easter, the realities of this nightmare are balanced by the hope that our scientists and doctors will use today’s technology to find a test, a cure, and a vaccine to prevent this from happening again.
We are in the middle of a great plague. Life is almost surreal, COVID-19 still has not yet reached its moment of greatest fury – and Americans are still sitting on the cusp. Plagues have been with us since the beginning of recorded history. It’s how we cope with this one that will be the measure of who we are. Image: AP
Americans are taking the new coronavirus seriously – finally – because the facts are – frankly – scary. This broadcast is all about how Americans are dealing with COVID-19 and what it means for our future.
Political Intrigue from China, Iran, and Washington – Panic buying in the midst of a growing pandemic. The news is alarming but it doesn’t justify the panic, at least not here in the U.S.; But in Italy, the situation was different and the entire country was locked down completely. In the U.S., the number of cases has passed the thousand mark, and new recommendations are coming from the CDC to keep us safe.
COVID-19 is likely to be the worst public health crisis since the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918 which killed somewhere between 50-100 million people worldwide. This is largely because there is so much we don’t know about it. But we’re learning, and there are things we can do. This week we’ll talk about what we know and what we can do to keep ourselves and our families, our communities and our country safe and secure.
The Wuhan Coronavirus is on a rampage and we aren’t close to understanding it. The Democratic debate was raucous and the fighting was getting really mean. And what they call suicide, I call MURDER.
Democrat Presidential Candidate Mike Bloomberg insults the entire farming industry with his comments on describing how easy it is to plant, water and ooh-la – crops on demand. We need to take a look back when Radio Icon Paul Harvey elevated farmers and their importance to not only our dinner tables, but the bigger economy. As China continues the losing battle with the virus it created, China’s secrecy has kept critical information from the rest of the world and has put the entire world at risk. And it sounds to me like Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) was carrying out his own foreign policy discussion with a foreign leader – without authorization.
It wasn’t a particularly good week for the Democrats. First there was the impeachment acquittal, and then the fallout from the absolute chaos of the Iowa caucus. The New Hampshire primaries with a Socialist winning the prize. And Virginia’s new gun law. Wow! What a week! Also, we cannot forget the scary coronavirus, which has experts worried, and that cruise ship from hell.
There were three big stories this week – the debacle of the Iowa Caucus, the President’s State of the Union speech, and the ongoing story of the Coronavirus. And a sad story about one of our favorite people.
Two big stories this week: The coronavirus called 2019-n-CoV that’s raging in China. It’s a killer! And President Trump’s Middle East Peace Plan – the “Deal of the Century”. And, oh yes, the impeachment that goes on and on. But the Republican defense was awesome!
The Riot That Didn’t Happen and Other Stories – The big story this week was the story about 16,000 Virginia gun owners who converged on the capital in Richmond and didn’t start a riot. But Oh! How the governor and his fellow politicians panicked! Also, the other big stories were the beginning of the Senate’s impeachment trial, and the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. Did you know he was a Republican? Image: AP
The big story this past week was the dangerous confrontation with Iran after our drones killed their most senior terrorist. It could have led to war – but didn’t. Instead the people of Iran are in the streets throughout the country, fighting for their freedom. And meanwhile the dysfunction in Washington continues to get worse, Hong Kong is strangely silent, Jeopardy! hit a snag, and Austin Texas is in real trouble.
The unfolding story of the Iranian threat, from the assassination of Qasem Soleimani and some of the secret details that didn’t make the headlines. What happened, what was the response, and where do we go from here? IMAGE: Mourners gather to pay homage to top Iranian military commander Qasem Soleimani, after he was killed in a US strike in Baghdad, in the capital Tehran on January 6, 2020. (Photo by Atta KENARE / AFP)
The stories of 2019 that haven’t ended and the stories of 2020 that have yet to begin. And how they all link together. The impeachment, the election campaigns, the assault on the U.S. Embassy in Iraq, and the assault on Jews in America. These stories are far from over.