The Other Side of The Story
Sat | Sun 7 pm ET
Journalists used to consider it their solemn obligation to report on the issues they covered from a variety of perspectives. This is no longer the case. More than a decade ago, reporters abandoned the responsibility to be open to alternative viewpoints as the media organizations they worked for became wholly-owned subsidiaries of liberal, so-called progressive corporations. Then, as we got more and more of our ‘news’ via the Internet from Google, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media, Orwellian censorship became the norm.
Tom Harris and Todd Royal break through this iron curtain of political correctness, giving listeners THE OTHER SIDE OF THE STORY on issues in science, technology, politics, health, and even entertainment. Whether you agree with their perspectives or not, THE OTHER SIDE OF THE STORY is your must-listen antidote to the propaganda of the Fourth Estate.
Tom Harris is Executive Director of the Ottawa, Canada-based International Climate Science Coalition and a policy advisor to The Heartland Institute. He has 42 years of experience as a mechanical/aerospace engineer, science and technology communications professional, and S&T advisor to a former Opposition Senior Environment Critic in Canada’s Parliament.
Todd Royal is a McKinney, Texas-based energy policy expert and author. A graduate of Pepperdine University’s School of Public Policy, Todd’s expertise has informed the United States Department of Energy, the U.S. Department of Commerce, the U.S. Congress, and the States of Kentucky, California, and Texas. His subject matter expertise covers hydraulic fracking, green hydrogen, battery storage technologies and nuclear reactors. A member of The Screen Actors Guild, Todd is also a trained actor with experience on stage, on television, in film and as a voice actor.
Such a disastrous outcome would never have happened during the two terms of President Ronald Reagan. To help understand what has befallen America and how to undo the harm Biden and other woke Democrats are doing to this country, we invited former Congressman Robert (Bob) Kasten, a leader who actually worked with President Reagan…
We are being told that we must make a sudden mass conversion to expensive and impractical wind and solar power to “stop climate change.” The fact that reputable science does not back the scare is immaterial. Virtually no government scientists, let alone politicians and bureaucrats, dare stand up to the climate change juggernaut…
Certified Personal Trainer Greg Jasnikowski says anyone can optimize their health and increase the enjoyment of life through physical fitness. Greg is one of America’s most knowledgeable and effective personal trainers who has assembled online video fitness courses that people can access anytime, anywhere at a reasonable price…
Dr. Cuttler discovered evidence of the low leukemia rates of Hiroshima atomic bomb survivors who were located 2 to 3 km from ground zero. He and his colleagues also discovered that Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease patients might be treated successfully with brain CT scans. Since 1995, Dr. Cuttler has collaborated with renowned…
The Scientific Method is now at risk of being completely derailed by postmodern thinkers who reject the fundamentals of the Enlightenment. Instead of comparing their theories of how the world works with real observational evidence, and then changing their theories to match the data, they change the data to match their theories…
Few city dwellers seem to understand the vast risks farmers take and how vulnerable they are to draconian regulations such as the Waters of the United States rule that President Biden is bringing back into force. Agriculture broadcaster, journalist, and rancher Trent Loos explains that while many bureaucrats working in…
Today’s farmers are feeding a growing world population and providing us the best food in history while at the same time returning land to nature. Steve Goreham explains that climate fear mongers are akin to many other “isms,” much like socialism and communism, all intent on taking down the nation our forefathers began…
Joe Bastardi puts it all into context for those who still believe the sky is falling. Climate Change or Global Warming, whatever you prefer to call it, is nothing more than a war on weather! With 45 years of experience putting his knowledge on the line, Bastardi has no qualms about contesting political correctness on climate change…
COP26, is helping pave the way to Chinese world dominance, which will leave us all poor, hungry, and freezing in the dark, having lost many of the freedoms we used to hold dear. Frank Lasee explains why China’s energy policies represent such a serious threat to the western world and what we must do to fight back…
The climate of the planet is a variable and has never been a constant geologically it has ranged from 54 degrees F to 72 degrees F with the average being 63 degrees F. The current estimated global temperature is around 59 degrees F which is 4 degrees F under the global average. We are actually still warming after the last ice age 12,000 years ago…
From skyrocketing crime to rampant homelessness and poverty, from frequent power blackouts to uncontrolled forest fires, the once Golden State is fast becoming the nation’s basket case with more Californians fleeing the region than ever before. This week, Dr. Jay Lehr and Tom Harris are joined by Andy Caldwell, Executive Director of Coalition of Labor, Agriculture and Business (COLAB) Santa Barbara County in California. COLAB acts as both a government watchdog and promoter of these sectors in Santa Barbara. Mr. Caldwell discusses the growing problems of California, his once-wealthy and beautiful state. The Andy Caldwell Show airs from 3 – 5 pm Pacific Time on AM 1240 KSMA in Santa Maria, on AM1290 in Santa Barbara, and FM 98.5 in San Luis Obispo. It is the only local talk show to cover the entire California Central Coast. As a strong conservative in a very liberal county, Andy ran as a Republican for the district’s Seat (District 24) in the U.S. House of Representatives in the 2020 election. He pulled in a respectable 43.1% of the vote before eventually losing to the Democrat incumbent. Join Dr. Jay Lehr, Tom Harris, and guest Andy Caldwell in this week’s episode of The Other Side […]
Many young people are fed up with the political correctness that has been forced down their throats by woke educators and have welcomed the arrival of a new kind of rap musician on to the public stage. It is the fact that literally millions of people, even very young people, are listening to and watching the freedom-loving, think-for-yourself videos of Canadian rap star Tom MacDonald…
When one attempts to share the Epoch Times article about this important work, “Study Finds Sun—Not CO2—May Be Behind Global Warming,” the first screen below appears on your Facebook page. Clicking on “See Why,” gives you the second screen, shown below. Clicking on “Science Feedback” in the above screen takes readers to the “Climate Feedback” webpage which attacks the article in the Epoch Times
Obesity touches any number of vital systems. It clearly affects our heart and our arteries. It causes hypertension. It puts more strain on the heart so it increases the likelihood of developing congestive heart failure. Obesity also stresses our metabolic system and you see a lot more people with Type 2 diabetes because of their…